Catholic-Hierarchy DC

Great Britain

Active Bishops Near the Age Limit

BirthdateAgeNameCurrent Title
8 Mar 1940 [SSPX Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson], S.S.P.X.Bishop
8 Nov 1945 Vincent Gerard Cardinal NicholsArchbishop of Westminster, England
2 Sep 1947 Archbishop Antonio MenniniOfficial of the Secretariat of State, Roman Curia
20 Nov 1948 Bishop John (Gordon) MacWilliam, M. Afr.Bishop of Laghouat, Algeria
14 Jun 1949 Archbishop Malcolm Patrick McMahon, O.P.Archbishop of Liverpool, England
1 Aug 1949 Bishop Terence Patrick DraineyBishop of Middlesbrough, England
6 Mar 1950 Arthur Cardinal RochePrefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Roman Curia
15 Mar 1951 Bishop Alan Stephen Williams, S.M.Bishop of Brentwood, England
15 Jul 1951 Bishop Paul McAleenanAuxiliary Bishop of Westminster, England


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Code: web_d, v3.4.8, 30 Jun 2024; Data: 5 Sep 2024