Catholic-Hierarchy DC


Seniority by Priestly Ordination

YearsNameCurrent Title
29 Jun 1969 Archbishop Jean-Paul Aimé GobelApostolic Nuncio
29 May 1982 Claudio Cardinal GugerottiPrefect of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, Roman Curia
28 May 1987 Archbishop Marek SolczyńskiApostolic Nuncio to Turkey
28 Jun 1992 Archbishop Ante JozićApostolic Nuncio to Georgia
29 May 1993 Archbishop José Avelino BettencourtApostolic Nuncio to Cameroun


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[ Comments/Corrections ] Copyright David M. Cheney, 1996-2024
Code: web_d, v3.4.7, 20 Apr 2024; Data: 28 Jun 2024