Catholic-Hierarchy DC


Seniority by Bishop Ordination

YearsNameCurrent Title
6 Jan 1995 Archbishop Bruno MusaṛApostolic Nuncio
22 Aug 1998 Archbishop Augustine KasujjaApostolic Nuncio
18 Mar 2010 Archbishop Eugene Martin NugentApostolic Nuncio to Kuwait
19 Jun 2010 Bishop Charles Mahuza Yava, S.D.S.Vicar Apostolic of Archipelago of the Comores
30 May 2015 Archbishop Paolo Rocco GualtieriApostolic Nuncio to Peru
1 Nov 2022 Archbishop Tomasz GrysaApostolic Nuncio to Madagascar


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Code: web_d, v3.4.7, 20 Apr 2024; Data: 17 Jun 2024