Catholic-Hierarchy DC


Seniority by Priestly Ordination

YearsNameCurrent Title
2 May 1954 Archbishop Blasco Francisco CollaçoApostolic Nuncio
31 Mar 1968 Archbishop Adriano BernardiniApostolic Nuncio
17 Aug 1969 Bishop Denis Wiehe, C.S.Sp.Bishop Emeritus of Port Victoria o Seychelles
19 Sep 1971 Archbishop Bruno MusaròApostolic Nuncio
6 Jan 1973 Archbishop Augustine KasujjaApostolic Nuncio
3 Sep 1978 Bishop Alain HarelBishop of Port Victoria o Seychelles
9 Jul 1983 Archbishop Eugene Martin NugentApostolic Nuncio to Kuwait
24 Sep 1988 Archbishop Paolo Rocco GualtieriApostolic Nuncio to Peru
25 May 1995 Archbishop Tomasz GrysaApostolic Nuncio to Madagascar


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Code: web_d, v3.4.7, 20 Apr 2024; Data: 17 Jun 2024