Catholic-Hierarchy DC


Bishops By Age

BirthdateAgeNameCurrent Title
4 Dec 1941 Archbishop Giovanni TonucciPrelate Emeritus of Loreto, Italy
7 May 1946 Bishop William (Leonard) Kenney, C.P.Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Birmingham, England, Great Britain
11 Aug 1946 Archbishop Henryk Józef NowackiApostolic Nuncio
3 Feb 1947 Emil Paul Cardinal TscherrigApostolic Nuncio
24 Sep 1949 Anders Cardinal Arborelius, O.C.D.Bishop of Stockholm
30 May 1950 Archbishop James Patrick GreenApostolic Nuncio
18 Aug 1961 Archbishop Julio MuratApostolic Nuncio to Sweden


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Code: web_d, v3.4.8, 30 Jun 2024; Data: 25 Aug 2024