Catholic-Hierarchy DC

São Tomé and Príncipe

Seniority by Bishop Ordination

YearsNameCurrent Title
24 Feb 1985 Bishop Abílio Rodas de Sousa Ribas, C.S.Sp.Bishop Emeritus of São Tomé e Príncipe
26 Aug 1996 Archbishop Aldo CavalliApostolic Visitor (Visitator)
1 Dec 2001 Giovanni Angelo Cardinal BecciuPrefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Roman Curia
17 Feb 2007 Bishop Manuel António Mendes dos Santos, C.M.F.Bishop Emeritus of São Tomé e Príncipe
23 Jan 2010 Archbishop Petar Antun RajičApostolic Nuncio to Italy
18 Mar 2010 Archbishop Novatus RugambwaApostolic Nuncio
17 Oct 2020 Archbishop Giovanni GaspariApostolic Nuncio to Korea
23 Jan 2022 Bishop António Lungieki Pedro BenguiAuxiliary Bishop of Luanda, Angola
17 Mar 2024 Bishop João de Ceita NazaréBishop of São Tomé e Príncipe
24 Aug 2024 Archbishop Kryspin Witold DubielApostolic Nuncio to Angola


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Code: web_d, v3.4.8, 30 Jun 2024; Data: 24 Aug 2024