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Archdiocese of Lusaka

Archidioecesis Lusakensis

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  • Alick Banda, Archbishop
  • Telesphore George Mpundu, Archbishop Emeritus

Suffragan Dioceses

General Information

  • Type of Jurisdiction: Archdiocese
  • Erected: 25 April 1959
  • Metropolitan See
  • Rite: Latin (or Roman)
  • Country: Zambia
  • Square Kilometers: 35,000 (13,518 Square Miles)
  • Mailing Address: Archdiocese, P.O. Box 32754, 10101 Lusaka, Zambia
  • Telephone: (211)255.973/4
  • Fax: 255.975/6

Historical Details

Past and Present Ordinaries

Historical Summary

Prefecture Apostolic of Broken Hill
14 July 1927ErectedPrefecture Apostolic of Zambese (Northern Rhodesia) Prefecture Apostolic of Broken Hill (erected)
25 May 1936Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Broken Hill (Barotseland (Balovale, Lealui, Senanga, Maneoya, Kalabo and Sesheke, along with Livingstone)) Prefecture Apostolic of Victoria Falls (erected)
1 July 1937Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Bangueolo (Abercorn (except Mission of Rosa)
Prefecture Apostolic of Broken Hill (Serenje)
Mission "Sui Iuris" of Loangwa
Vicariate Apostolic of Lwangwa
8 January 1938Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Broken Hill (Kasempa, Solwezi, and Mwinilunga) Prefecture Apostolic of Ndola (erected)
Prefecture Apostolic of Lusaka
13 June 1946Name ChangedPrefecture Apostolic of Broken Hill Prefecture Apostolic of Lusaka
Vicariate Apostolic of Lusaka
14 July 1950ElevatedPrefecture Apostolic of Lusaka Vicariate Apostolic of Lusaka
Archdiocese of Lusaka
25 April 1959ErectedVicariate Apostolic of Lusaka Archdiocese of Lusaka (erected)
10 March 1962Territory LostArchdiocese of Lusaka (Namwala, Mazabuka, Chôma, Gwembe, and portions of Kalomo) Diocese of Monze (erected)
29 October 2011Territory LostArchdiocese of Lusaka (Kabwe, Kapiri-Mposhi, Mkushi, and Chibombo)
Diocese of Mpika (Serenje)
Diocese of Kabwe (erected)


YearCatholicsTotal PopulationPercent CatholicDiocesan PriestsReligious PriestsTotal PriestsCatholics Per PriestPermanent DeaconsMale ReligiousFemale ReligiousParishesSource
Vicariate Apostolic of Lusaka
Archdiocese of Lusaka

Note: Any changes in boundaries over time are not indicated in the above table.

Affiliated Bishops, Living

Affiliated Bishops, Deceased


  • Prefecture Apostolic of Broken Hill
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 19, Page 376, and Page 377
  • Prefecture Apostolic of Lusaka
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 39, Page 66
  • Vicariate Apostolic of Lusaka
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 43, Page 100, and Page 101
  • Archdiocese of Lusaka
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 51, Page 793, to Page 796


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