Catholic-Hierarchy DC

Archdiocese of Lyon

Archidioecesis Lugdunensis

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Suffragan Dioceses

General Information

  • Type of Jurisdiction: Archdiocese
  • Name Changed: 15 December 2006
  • Metropolitan See
  • Rite: Latin (or Roman)
  • Country: France
  • Square Kilometers: 5,087 (1,964 Square Miles)
  • Conference Region: Centre-Est
  • Official Web Site:
  • Mailing Address: Maison Saint-Jean Baptiste, 6 avenue Adolphe Max, 69321 Lyon CEDEX 05, France
  • Telephone:

Historical Details

Past and Present Ordinaries

Historical Summary

Diocese of Lyon
2nd CenturyErectedDiocese of Lyon (erected)
Archdiocese of Lyon
3rd CenturyElevatedDiocese of Lyon Archdiocese of Lyon
1515Territory LostArchdiocese of Lyon Diocese of Bourg-en-Bresse (erected)
1534Territory AddedDiocese of Bourg-en-Bresse (suppressed) Archdiocese of Lyon
22 January 1742Territory LostArchdiocese of Besançon
Archdiocese of Lyon
Diocese of Saint-Claude (erected)
29 November 1801Territory AddedDiocese of Belley (suppressed) Archdiocese of Lyon
29 November 1801Territory AddedDiocese of Mâcon (suppressed) Diocese of Autun
Archdiocese of Lyon
6 October 1822Territory LostArchdiocese of Lyon Diocese of Belley
Archdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne)
6 October 1822Name ChangedArchdiocese of Lyon Archdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne)
26 November 1954Territory AddedDiocese of Grenoble (Villeurbanne: La Nativité, Les Charpennes, Le St. Curé d'Ars, La Sainte Famille de Croix-Luizet, Saint Julien de Çusset, Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant-Jésus, Saint Fons, Vaulx-en Velin, Vénissieux, Sainte Jeanne d'Arc de Parilly à Vénissieux, Bron, ...) Archdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne)
6 June 1957Territory LostArchdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne) (20 Parishes) Diocese of Solsona
26 December 1970Territory LostArchdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne) (Saint Etienne and Montbison) Diocese of Saint-Etienne (erected)
26 December 1970Territory AddedDiocese of Belley (Rhône region)
Diocese of Grenoble (Rhône province)
Archdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne)
14 May 1971Territory AddedDiocese of Grenoble (Colombier-Saugnieu) Archdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne)
Archdiocese of Lyon
15 December 2006Name ChangedArchdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne) Archdiocese of Lyon


YearCatholicsTotal PopulationPercent CatholicDiocesan PriestsReligious PriestsTotal PriestsCatholics Per PriestPermanent DeaconsMale ReligiousFemale ReligiousParishesSource
Archdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne)
Archdiocese of Lyon

Note: Any changes in boundaries over time are not indicated in the above table.

Affiliated Bishops, Living

Affiliated Bishops, Deceased


  • Diocese of Lyon
    • Series Episcoporum Ecclesiae Catholicae, Volume 1, Page 569, to Page 572
  • Archdiocese of Lyon
    • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 1, Page 316
    • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 2, Page 182
    • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 3, Page 230
    • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 4, Page 226
    • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 5, Page 249
    • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 6, Page 268
  • Archdiocese of Lyon (-Vienne)
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 47, Page 411, to Page 412
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 63, Page 385, and Page 386
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 63, Page 724, and Page 726


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