Catholic-Hierarchy DC

Diocese of Münster

Dioecesis Monasteriensis

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  • Felix Genn, Bishop
  • Christoph Hegge, Auxiliary Bishop
  • Rolf Lohmann, Auxiliary Bishop
  • Wilfried Theising, Auxiliary Bishop
  • Stefan Zekorn, Auxiliary Bishop
  • Dieter Geerlings, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus

General Information

  • Type of Jurisdiction: Diocese
  • Erected: 800
  • Metropolitan: Archdiocese of Köln {Cologne}
  • Rite: Latin (or Roman)
  • Country: Germany
  • Square Kilometers: 15,268 (5,897 Square Miles)
  • Official Web Site:
  • Mailing Address: Bischofliches Generalvikariat, Domplatz 27, D-48143 Munster, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  • Telephone: (0251)495.16.002

Past and Present Ordinaries

Historical Summary

800ErectedDiocese of Münster (erected)
12 May 1559Territory LostDiocese of Münster
Diocese of Utrecht
Diocese of Groningen (erected)
12 May 1559Territory LostDiocese of Münster
Diocese of Utrecht
Diocese of Deventer (erected)
3 February 1921Territory LostDiocese of Münster (Wenceslaus Havelt Estates) Archdiocese of Paderborn
4 July 1922Territory LostDiocese of Münster (Part of Rennekoven) Archdiocese of Köln {Cologne}
20 June 1923Territory AddedDiocese of Münster (Oldenburg along with Kniphausen and Varel)
28 November 1937Territory AddedArchdiocese of Köln {Cologne} (Boundaries adjusted)
Diocese of Münster (Boundaries adjusted)
23 February 1957Territory LostArchdiocese of Köln {Cologne}
Diocese of Münster
Archdiocese of Paderborn
Diocese of Essen (erected) (Bochum, Bottrop, Duisburg, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Gladbeck, Lüdenscheid, and Mülhein (in Ruhr), Oberhausen, Wattenscheid; rural districts of Altena and Ennepe-Ruhrkreis (except Her decke and Wetter))
19 April 2002Territory LostDiocese of Münster (St. Paul in the part of Hengelage in Quakenbrück) Diocese of Osnabrück


YearCatholicsTotal PopulationPercent CatholicDiocesan PriestsReligious PriestsTotal PriestsCatholics Per PriestPermanent DeaconsMale ReligiousFemale ReligiousParishesSource

Note: Any changes in boundaries over time are not indicated in the above table.

Affiliated Bishops, Living

Affiliated Bishops, Deceased


  • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 1, Page 345, and Page 346
  • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 2, Page 194
  • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 3, Page 247
  • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 4, Page 246
  • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 5, Page 272
  • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 6, Page 293
  • Series Episcoporum Ecclesiae Catholicae, Volume 1, Page 294, to Page 296
  • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 15, Page 449, and Page 450
  • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 30, Page 64, and Page 65


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