Catholic-Hierarchy DC

Archdiocese of Uberaba

Archidioecesis Uberabensis

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  • Paulo Mendes Peixoto, Archbishop

Suffragan Dioceses

General Information

  • Type of Jurisdiction: Archdiocese
  • Elevated: 14 April 1962
  • Metropolitan See
  • Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops
  • Rite: Latin (or Roman)
  • State: Minas Gerais
  • Country: Brazil
  • Square Kilometers: 26,560 (10,258 Square Miles)
  • Conference Region: Leste 2
  • Mailing Address: Curia Metropolitana, Praca Dom Eduardo 56, 38060-280 Uberaba, MG, Brazil
  • Telephone: (034)3312-9565

Historical Details

Past and Present Ordinaries

Historical Summary

Diocese of Uberaba
29 September 1907ErectedDiocese of Goiás Diocese of Uberaba (erected)
2 April 1914Territory LostDiocese of Uberaba (Part of Paracatu) Diocese of Montes Claros
18 July 1918Territory LostArchdiocese of Mariana (Formiga, Porto Real, Dores de Judaya, and Abaede and areas to the West)
Diocese of Uberaba (S. Jerónimo and S. Francisco)
Diocese of Aterrado (erected) (Aterrado, Arcos, Abaede, Dores do ludaya, Formiga, Piumehy, Pimenta, Perobas, S. lodo da Gloria, S. Roqué, Bambuhy, S. Gothardo, Tiros, Morada nova, Porto Real , Arcado, S. Jerónimo, and S. Francisco)
1 February 1924Metropolitan ChangedDiocese of Uberaba (from Mariana)
1 March 1929Territory LostDiocese of Montes Claros
Diocese of Uberaba
Territorial Prelature of Paracatu (erected) (Paracatu, João Pinheiro, and Sâo Româo (except Afonso Arinos))
5 April 1955Territory LostDiocese of Uberaba (S. Antonio de Patos, N.S. do Rosario de Patos, Araxá, Coromandel, Ibiá, Pratinha, Lagoa Formosa, Sant'Ana de Patos, Presidente Olegario, Patrocinio, Serra do Salitre, Abadia dos Dourados, Monte Carmelo, Perdizes, Carmo do Paranaiba, Desemboque, and ...) Diocese of Patos de Minas (erected)
22 July 1961Territory LostDiocese of Uberaba (Cities of Uberlândia, Araguarí, Canápolis, Capinópolis, Cascalho Rico, Centralina, Estrêla do Sul, Indianópolis, Ituiutaba, Monte Alegre de Minas, Santa Vitoria, and Tupaciguara) Diocese of Uberlândia (erected)
Archdiocese of Uberaba
14 April 1962ElevatedDiocese of Uberaba Archdiocese of Uberaba
16 October 1982Territory LostArchdiocese of Uberaba (Cities of Campina Verde, Itapagipe, Iturama, and Sao Francisco de Sales)
Diocese of Uberlândia (Cities of Ituiutaba, Cachoeira Bourada, Canapolis, Centralina, Curinhata, Ipiaçu, and Santa Vitoria)
Diocese of Ituiutaba (erected)
10 November 1982Territory AddedDiocese of Luz (Desemboque, Sacramento) Archdiocese of Uberaba
9 November 2002Territory AddedDiocese of Patos de Minas (Araxá) Archdiocese of Uberaba
10 January 2004Territory AddedDiocese of Luz (São Sebastião in Tapira) Archdiocese of Uberaba


YearCatholicsTotal PopulationPercent CatholicDiocesan PriestsReligious PriestsTotal PriestsCatholics Per PriestPermanent DeaconsMale ReligiousFemale ReligiousParishesSource
Diocese of Uberaba
Archdiocese of Uberaba

Note: Any changes in boundaries over time are not indicated in the above table.

Affiliated Bishops, Living

Affiliated Bishops, Deceased


  • Diocese of Uberaba
    • Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 9, Page 382
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 16, Page 264, and Page 265
  • Archdiocese of Uberaba
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 55, Page 379, to Page 381
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 75, Page 80, and Page 81
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 95, Page 278
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 96, Page 239, and Page 240


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