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The Year of Our Lord 1960

Bishop Events


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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown49.2AppointedRémy Jérôme Augustin, S.M.M. †Apostolic Administrator of Port-au-Prince, HaïtiBishop Emeritus of Port-de-Paix, Haïti
27.8Ordained DeaconRaymond Rodly Caesar, S.V.D. †Deacon of Society of the Divine WordBishop of Goroka, Papua New Guinea
64.4CeasedAntonio Ignacio CamargoApostolic Administrator of San Fernando de Apure, VenezuelaBishop of Trujillo, Venezuela
46.0AppointedLeonard Carrieri, SS.CC. †Superior General of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and MarySuperior General Emeritus
76.7ResignedLouis (Luigi) CentozApostolic Delegate to Puerto RicoVice-Chamberlain of the Apostolic Chamber
BornJohn Chen CangbaoAuxiliary Bishop of Yixian [Yihsien], China
25.2ProfessedAlberto Giraldo Jaramillo, P.S.S. †Priest of Society of Priests of Saint SulpiceArchbishop Emeritus of Medellín, Colombia
16.3ProfessedJuan Godayol Colom, S.D.B.Member of Salesians of Saint John BoscoPrelate Emeritus of Ayaviri, Peru
26.6IncardinatedÉmilius Goulet, P.S.S.Priest of Society of Priests of Saint SulpiceArchbishop Emeritus of Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada
51.9AppointedGilbert Hess, O.S.B. †President of Order of Saint BenedictPresident Emeritus
21.3EnteredJoseph Hoàng Văn Tiệm, S.D.B. †Member of Salesians of Saint John BoscoBishop of Bùi Chu, Viet Nam
24.4Ordained DeaconGioacchino IllianoDeacon of Salerno (-Acerno), ItalyBishop Emeritus of Nocera Inferiore-Sarno, Italy
50.3AppointedJosé Lecuona Labandibar, I.E.M.E. †Superior General of Instituto Español de San Francisco Javier para Misiones ExtranjerasVicar Apostolic Emeritus of San Jorge, Colombia
30.3EnteredBartholomé Nguyễn Sơn Lâm, P.S.S. †Priest of Society of Priests of Saint SulpiceBishop of Thanh Hoá, Viet Nam
66.5AppointedBasilius (Franz Daniel) Niederberger, O.S.B. †President of Order of Saint BenedictPresident Emeritus
15.9EnteredLino Panizza Richero, O.F.M. Cap.Member of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinBishop Emeritus of Carabayllo, Peru
19.9ProfessedPhilipp Pöllitzer, O.M.I.Member of Oblates of Mary ImmaculateBishop Emeritus of Keetmanshoop, Namibia
25.1Ordained DeaconJan PurwinskiDeacon of Riga, LatviaBishop Emeritus of Kyiv-Zhytomyr, Ukraine
44.8AppointedDomingo Roa PérezApostolic Administrator of San Fernando de Apure, VenezuelaArchbishop Emeritus of Maracaibo, Venezuela
46.5ResignedJoseph Trương Cao Ðại, O.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Hai Phòng, Viet NamVicar Apostolic Emeritus
48.5ResignedPasquale VeneziaAuxiliary Bishop of Benevento, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Avellino, Italy
23.6ProfessedJulian (Yuriy) Voronovsky, M.S.U. †Member of Ukrainian Studite Monks (Ukrainian)Bishop Emeritus of Sambir-Drohobych (Ukrainian), Ukraine
49.0Appointed Zhou QingyunBishop of Daming [Taming], China
49.0Ordained Bishop Zhou QingyunBishop of Daming [Taming], China
Jan44.3IncardinatedVasile Louis PuscasPriest of Rockford, Illinois, USABishop Emeritus of Saint George’s in Canton (Romanian), USA
1 Jan BornAntoni DziemiankoBishop of Pinsk, Belarus
BornEmmanuel Ngona Ngotsi, M. Afr.Bishop of Wamba, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
22.7Ordained PriestGastone SimoniPriest of Fiesole, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Prato, Italy
46.0Ordained BishopJoseph Elias TawilTitular Archbishop of Myra dei Greco-MelkitiEparch Emeritus of Newton (Our Lady of the Annunciation in Boston) (Melkite Greek), USA
2 Jan49.3AppointedMarion Francis ForstBishop of Dodge City, Kansas, USAAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Kansas City in Kansas, USA
39.8AppointedJames William MaloneAuxiliary Bishop of Youngstown, Ohio, USABishop Emeritus
39.8AppointedJames William MaloneTitular Bishop of AlabandaBishop Emeritus of Youngstown, Ohio, USA
56.7AppointedThomas Francis MaloneyAuxiliary Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island, USA
56.7AppointedThomas Francis MaloneyTitular Bishop of AndropolisAuxiliary Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island, USA
50.8AppointedRaffaele PellecchiaAuxiliary Bishop of Alife, ItalyArchbishop of Sorrento, Italy
50.8AppointedRaffaele PellecchiaTitular Bishop of AmisusArchbishop of Sorrento, Italy
3 Jan BornMatthew Man-oso NdagosoArchbishop of Kaduna, Nigeria
4 Jan BornJosé Luis Mendoza CorzoAuxiliary Bishop of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México
5 Jan97.1RetiredAlfonso CarinciSecretary of the Congregation of (Sacred) RitesSecretary Emeritus
75.5AppointedEnrico DanteCardinal, Secretary of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites
50.7AppointedDomenico EnriciApostolic Internuncio to JapanOfficial Emeritus of the Secretariat of State
37.6AppointedBernardin GantinArchbishop of Cotonou, BeninCardinal, Dean Emeritus of the College of Cardinals
74.4AppointedLouis Parisot, S.M.A. †Titular Archbishop of Chersonesus in ZechiaArchbishop Emeritus of Cotonou, Benin
74.4RetiredLouis Parisot, S.M.A. †Archbishop of Cotonou, BeninArchbishop Emeritus
6 Jan24.7Ordained PriestMedardo Luis Luzardo RomeroPriestArchbishop Emeritus of Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela
BornJoaquim Giovani Mol GuimarãesAuxiliary Bishop of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
24.2Ordained PriestCarlos José Ruiseco VieiraPriest of Barranquilla, ColombiaArchbishop Emeritus of Cartagena, Colombia
9 Jan60.9AppointedErnesto de PaulaTitular Bishop of HierocaesareaBishop Emeritus of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
60.9ResignedErnesto de PaulaBishop of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop Emeritus
BornMichael James SisBishop of San Angelo, Texas, USA
10 Jan49.3Ordained BishopStéphane Bello, O.A.O.C. †Bishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Chaldean), Syria
21.5Perpetual VowsJosé Luis Castro Medellín, M. S. F. †Member of Missionaries of the Holy FamilyBishop Emeritus of Tacámbaro, Michoacán, México
BornMarcellin Yao KouadioBishop of Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
12 Jan43.7AppointedJoseph Kilasara, C.S.Sp. †Bishop of Moshi, TanzaniaBishop Emeritus
43.0AppointedGilbert Ramanantoanina, S.J. †Auxiliary Bishop of Fianarantsoa, MadagascarArchbishop
43.0AppointedGilbert Ramanantoanina, S.J. †Titular Bishop of AcmoniaArchbishop of Fianarantsoa, Madagascar
57.3AppointedVictor Alphonse Marie Sartre, S.J. †Titular Archbishop of BeroëArchbishop Emeritus of Tananarive, Madagascar
57.3ResignedVictor Alphonse Marie Sartre, S.J. †Archbishop of Tananarive, MadagascarArchbishop Emeritus
54.5AppointedEmile-Joseph Socquet, M. Afr. †Titular Archbishop of SelymbriaArchbishop Emeritus of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
54.5ResignedEmile-Joseph Socquet, M. Afr. †Archbishop of Ouagadougou, Burkina FasoArchbishop Emeritus
14 Jan BornJoseph John CaddyBishop of Cairns, Australia
15 Jan57.1AppointedJoannes de Reeper, M.H.M. †Prefect of Ngong, KenyaBishop Emeritus of Kisumu, Kenya
BornPaul Anthony MullasseryBishop of Quilon, India
16 Jan23.6IncardinatedLuiz Gonzaga BergonziniPriest of São João da Boa Vista, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop Emeritus of Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
59.5AppointedCostantino CaminadaTitular Bishop of ThespiaeBishop of Ferentino, Italy
59.5AppointedCostantino CaminadaAuxiliary Bishop of Siracusa, ItalyBishop of Ferentino, Italy
48.6AppointedManuel Pedro (Antonio) Rodríguez RozasBishop of Pinar del Rio, CubaBishop Emeritus
23.5Ordained PriestLawrence John SaldanhaPriest of Lahore, PakistanArchbishop Emeritus of Lahore, Pakistan
17 Jan78.6InstalledAugustin Bea, S.J. †Cardinal-Deacon of San SabaCardinal, President of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity
18 Jan BornEdgardo Cedeño Muñoz, S.V.D.Bishop of Penonomé, Panama
27.1Ordained PriestJohn JosephPriest of Lyallpur, PakistanBishop of Faisalabad, Pakistan
19 Jan58.7AppointedFrancis Joseph SchenkBishop of Duluth, Minnesota, USABishop Emeritus
BornJosé Guadalupe Torres CamposBishop of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México
75.7InstalledJesús Villareal y FierroBishop of San Andrés Tuxtla, Veracruz, México
20 Jan43.8AppointedVito Nicola CavannaBishop of Rieti (-S. Salvatore Maggiore), ItalyBishop of Asti, Italy
21 Jan BornVasyl IvasyukBishop of Kolomyia (Ukrainian), Ukraine
22 Jan BornVictor Barnuevo BendicoArchbishop of Capiz, Philippines
BornJean-Vincent Ondo EyeneBishop of Oyem, Gabon
45.3AppointedBernard Schilling, S.V.D. †Apostolic Administrator of Lae, Papua New GuineaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Goroka, Papua New Guinea
24 Jan BornFridolin Ambongo Besungu, O.F.M. Cap.Cardinal, Archbishop of Kinshasa, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
48.2AppointedCelestine Joseph DamianoArchbishop (Personal Title) of Camden, New Jersey, USABishop
25 Jan35.2Ordained BishopSamuel Ruiz GarcíaBishop of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), MéxicoBishop Emeritus of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México
26 Jan BornEmidio CipolloneArchbishop of Lanciano-Ortona, Italy
82.0AppointedGaetano MalchiodiTitular Archbishop of AmaseaVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Loreto, Italy
82.0RetiredGaetano MalchiodiVicar Apostolic of Loreto, ItalyVicar Apostolic Emeritus
27 Jan50.2AppointedVictorio Manuel Bonamín, S.D.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Argentina, MilitaryAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
50.2AppointedVictorio Manuel Bonamín, S.D.B. †Titular Bishop of BitaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Argentina, Military
50.2AppointedVictorio Manuel Bonamín, S.D.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Argentina, Military
59.4AppointedLaurence Alexander GlennBishop of Crookston, Minnesota, USABishop Emeritus
28 Jan BornElie Bechara Haddad, B.S.Archbishop of Saïdā (Sidone) (Melkite Greek), Lebanon
BornEugène Cyrille HoundékonBishop of Abomey, Benin
50.3AppointedPablo Ramírez Taboada, SS.CC. †Bishop of Huacho, Peru
41.4AppointedNemesio Rivera MezaBishop of Cajamarca, PeruBishop Emeritus
30 Jan BornJosé Armando Álvarez CanoCoadjutor Archbishop of Morelia, Michoacán, México
BornGiuseppe Natale VegezziAuxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
31 Jan26.4Ordained PriestJohannes Henricus J. Te Maarssen, S.V.D.Priest of Society of the Divine WordBishop Emeritus of Kundiawa, Papua New Guinea
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