Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1717


See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1716) | Next Year (1718)

unknown50.8Valentinus Matthias ArcemberskiBishop of Kyiv and Chernihiv (Kijów and Czernihow), Ukraine
unknown54.3Lukasz Jacek CzermińskiAuxiliary Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland
unknown67.0Bernard DonogherVicar Apostolic of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland
Jan70.6Giovanni Uva, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Lanciano, Italy
1 Jan62.0Esteban Bellido GuevaraBishop of Palencia, Spain
2 Jan65.6Edme Bélot, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Western Tonking {Tonkino Occidentale}, Viet Nam
11 Jan74.2Silvius de CavalieriTitular Archbishop of Athenae
12 Jan75.9Taddeo Luigi dal VermeCardinal, Bishop of Ferrara, Italy
5 Feb82.0Francesco Antonio LeopardiBishop of Tricarico, Italy
17 Feb41.3Dondazio Alessio Malvicini FontanaBishop of Foligno, Italy
25 Feb59.8Filippo della TorreBishop of Adria, Italy
10 Mar58.3Joseph de Maurel du ChaffautBishop of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, France
20 Mar83.2Onofrio CostantiniTitular Archbishop of Derbe
7 Apr58.8Lamberto Manuel LópezBishop of Teruel, Spain
May71.3Francesco Masones y NinArchbishop of Oristano, Italy
May64.3Biagio TerziBishop of Isernia, Italy
8 May72.3Mateo Foncillas MozárabeBishop of Jaca, Spain
2 Jun65.0Franz Theodor von GuttenbergAuxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany
7 Jun73.4Pedro GranellBishop of Barbastro, Spain
15 Jun74.2Fabrizio SpadaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
18 Jul36.6Adamus Benedictus Ratkaj (Ratkay)Bishop of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia
31 Jul63.8Pietro Paolo Calorio (Calore), C.R.S. †Bishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia
19 Aug74.6Manuel de Santo Tomás y Mendoza, O.P. †Bishop of Málaga, Spain
20 Aug73.2François-Joseph de GrammontArchbishop of Besançon, France
27 Aug40.8Franz Karl von Kaunitz-RietbergBishop of Ljubljana (Laybach; Laibach), Slovenia
Sep61.8Matteo GaglianiBishop of Sora, Italy
Sep66.6Ambrose MacDermott, O.P. †Bishop of Elphin, Ireland
Sep81.8Domenico PacificoBishop of Teano, Italy
6 Sep65.6Gilles-Jean-François de Beauvau du RivauBishop of Nantes, France
19 Sep71.4Marco Battista BattagliniBishop of Cesena, Italy
28 Sep84.6Francesco MartelliCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Eusebio
13 Oct64.7François-Louis de PolastronBishop of Lectoure, France
25 Oct71.8Nicola GrimaldiCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Matteo in Merulana
16 Nov79.0Manuel Arias y Porres, O.S.Io.Hieros. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
20 Nov80.1Louis-Marie Pidou de Saint-Olon, C.R. †Bishop of Baghdad, Iraq
21 Nov67.8Carlo Ottaviano GuascoBishop of Cremona, Italy
25 Nov53.8Antonio María Casiani, O.S.Bas. †Bishop of Cartagena, Colombia
1 Dec72.2Ferdinando NuzziCardinal, Bishop of Orvieto, Italy
15 Dec61.9Juan Miguélez MendañaBishop of Tortosa, Spain
15 Dec57.7Andreas RiggioBishop of Catania, Italy
23 Dec72.3António Vasconcelos e SousaBishop of Coimbra, Portugal
30 Dec47.9Adam DaemenVicar Apostolic of Batavia (Holland Mission), Netherlands


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