Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1811


See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1810) | Next Year (1812)

unknown75.0Giuseppe GraziosiAuxiliary Bishop of Palestrina, Italy
unknownPierre Le LabousseCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Cochin {Cocincina}, Viet Nam
unknown63.6Gioacchino Maria Mancusi (Mancuso)Archbishop of Conza, Italy
unknown71.0Louis-Hector-Honoré-Maxime de SabranBishop of Laon, France
11 Jan57.2Giovanni Battista Canaveri, C.O. †Bishop of Vercelli, Italy
23 Jan80.2Leonardo AntonelliCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
27 Jan89.9Donato de’ LiguoriBishop of Venafro, Italy
13 Feb83.9Francesco Maria LocatelliCardinal, Bishop of Spoleto, Italy
18 Feb75.0Marie-Charles-Isidore de MercyArchbishop of Bourges, France
1 Mar78.4Pedro Nolasco Mora Mora, O. de M. †Bishop of Solsona, Spain
4 Mar66.1Arnaud-Antoine Garnault, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Siam, Thailand
19 Mar82.3Antoine-Eléonore-Léon Le Clerc de JuignéArchbishop Emeritus of Paris, France
20 Mar72.1Charles Erskine of KellieCardinal, Deacon of Roma {Rome}, Italy
21 Mar73.1Ippolito Antonio Vincenti MareriCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
Apr79.0Filippo d’AprileBishop of Melfi e Rapolla, Italy
1 Apr74.2James Louis O’Donel, O.F.M. Obs. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Newfoundland, Canada
8 Apr79.2José Antonio Martínez de AldunateBishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga (Guamanga), Peru
15 Apr67.1Francisco José de Souza LimaAuxiliary Bishop of Braga, Portugal
May73.2Antonio RossiBishop of Veroli, Italy
1 May82.9Filippo López y Rojo, C.R. †Archbishop Emeritus of Palermo, Italy
11 Jun74.9[André Constant], O.P. †Bishop Emeritus of [Lot-et-Garonne (Constitutional), France]
22 Jun72.1Ferenc MiklósyBishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania
2 Jul73.1Miklós Milassin, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary
9 Jul65.6Felipe Peláez CaunedoBishop of Lugo, Spain
15 Jul62.1Florijan KorsakAuxiliary Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine
15 Jul75.9Seignelay (Charles) Colbert (Cuthbert) de Castle HillBishop of Rodez, France
23 Jul78.8Giuseppe Corrado PanziniBishop of Ugento, Italy
24 Jul88.5Juan Manuel Moscoso y PeraltaArchbishop of Granada, Spain
28 Jul61.8Cyprian Odyniec, S.J. †Auxiliary Bishop of Mohilev, Belarus
20 Aug63.4Bernardo Maria (Hercules Antonio Vincent) Carenzoni, O.S.B. †Bishop of Feltre, Italy
27 Aug44.6Antoine Casimir Libère de StockemAuxiliary Bishop of Liège, Belgium
1 Sep89.6Lorenzo PotenzaBishop of Sarno, Italy
12 Sep82.2Antonín Theodor Colloredo von Wallsee und MelsCardinal, Archbishop of Olomouc, Czechia
9 Oct78.5Filippo CasoniCardinal, Secretary Emeritus of the Secretariat of State
15 Oct82.1George HayVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Lowland District, Scotland, Great Britain
17 NovKapriel Garulian (Ghadroul-Avkadian)Bishop of Alep (Armenian), Syria
22 Nov62.2Pedro Luis BlancoBishop of León, Spain
Dec78.2Bartolomé Antonio Fernández Sobrado, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Ceuta, Spain
21 Dec69.7Orazio della TorreBishop of Mazara del Vallo, Italy


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