Catholic-Hierarchy DC


Seniority by Bishop Ordination

YearsNameCurrent Title
Most Senior
25 Jul 1969 Bishop René Marie Albert Dupont, M.E.P.Bishop Emeritus of Andong, Korea (South)
5 Oct 1975 Bishop Jacques Marie Sébastien de Saint-BlanquatBishop Emeritus of Montauban
9 Oct 1976 Archbishop Georges Edmond Robert GilsonArchbishop Emeritus of Sens (-Auxerre)
13 May 1977 Archbishop Émile Marcus, P.S.S.Archbishop Emeritus of Toulouse (-Saint Bertrand de Comminges-Rieux)
6 Apr 1979 Paul Joseph Jean Cardinal PoupardPresident Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Roman Curia
4 Nov 1979 Archbishop Michel-Marie-Bernard Calvet, S.M.Archbishop of Nouméa, New Caledonia, Pacific (Oceania)
13 Dec 1980 Archbishop Hubert Marie Pierre Dominique BarbierArchbishop Emeritus of Bourges
6 Jan 1982 Archbishop Charles Louis Joseph Vandame, S.J.Archbishop Emeritus of N’Djaména, Chad
10 Oct 1982 Bishop Jacques Joseph Marie Despierre, Ist. del PradoBishop Emeritus of Carcassonne
9 Dec 1984 Bishop Paul-Marie Joseph André GuillaumeBishop Emeritus of Saint-Dié
15 Aug 1985 Bishop Guy André Dominique Marie Chevalier, SS.CC.Bishop Emeritus of Taiohae o Tefenuaenata, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania)
2 Mar 1986 Bishop Pierre Jean Marie Marcel MolèresBishop Emeritus of Bayonne (-Lescar e Oloron)
Most Junior
28 Sep 2024 Father Philippe CurbeliéUnder Secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Roman Curia
1 Sep 2024 Bishop Alexandre de BucyBishop of Agen
2 Jun 2024 Bishop Grégoire François Bruno DrouotBishop of Nevers
10 Mar 2024 Bishop François Hervé Marie DurandBishop of Valence (-Die-Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux)
9 Mar 2024 Bishop Matthieu Henri Fabien DupontBishop of Laval
26 Nov 2023 Bishop Benoît Gschwind, A.A.Bishop of Pamiers (-Couserans-Mirepoix)
17 Nov 2023 Bishop Emmanuel Michel François ToisAuxiliary Bishop of Paris
15 Oct 2023 Bishop Grégoire Marie CadorBishop of Coutances (-Avranches)
9 Sep 2023 Bishop Étienne Emmanuel Vetö, I.C.N.Auxiliary Bishop of Reims
9 Sep 2023 Bishop Olivier Michel Marie de CagnyBishop of Évreux
9 Jul 2023 Bishop Philippe GuiougouBishop of Basse-Terre (et Pointe-à-Pitre), Guadeloupe, Antilles
30 Apr 2023 Bishop Loïc Philippe LagadecAuxiliary Bishop of Lyon


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Code: web_d, v3.4.8, 30 Jun 2024; Data: 5 Sep 2024