Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
1 Jul | 24.6 | Ordained Priest | Gilles de Böck (Boeck), C.I.C.M. † | Priest of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | Vicar Apostolic of Lisala, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
2 Jul | 36.5 | Appointed | Paul-Raphaël Abi Mourad † | Titular Bishop of Damiata dei Greco-Melkiti | Patriarchal Vicar Emeritus of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme} (Melkite Greek), Palestine |
45.6 | Died | Laurent Guillon, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Manchuria {Manciuria Meridionale}, China | ||
3 Jul | 34.7 | Appointed | Clément Michel Bakhache † | Archbishop of Damas (Syrian), Syria | Archbishop Emeritus |
50.2 | Appointed | Peter Joseph O’Reilly † | Auxiliary Bishop of Peoria, Illinois, USA | ||
50.2 | Appointed | Peter Joseph O’Reilly † | Titular Bishop of Lebedus | Auxiliary Bishop of Peoria, Illinois, USA | |
4 Jul | 65.1 | Died | Michael Naughten † | Bishop of Roseau, Dominica, Antilles | |
Born | Adolph Alexander Noser, S.V.D. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Madang, Papua New Guinea | |||
5 Jul | Born | Bernardus Johannes Alfrink † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Utrecht, Netherlands | ||
7 Jul | 57.7 | Died | St. Antonino Fantosati, O.F.M. Ref. † | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Hunan {Hu-Nan Meridionale}, China | |
8 Jul | 25.8 | Ordained Priest | Gabriel Brunhes † | Priest of Saint-Flour, France | Bishop of Montpellier (-Lodève-Béziers-Agde-Saint-Pons-de-Thomières), France |
23.0 | Ordained Priest | Guilherme Müller † | Priest | Bishop of Barra do Piraí, Brazil | |
9 Jul | 60.7 | Died | St. Francesco Antonio Domenico Fogolla, O.F.M. † | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shansi {Scian-Si Settentrionale}, China | |
66.5 | Died | St. Grégoire Grassi, O.F.M. Obs. † | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shansi {Scian-Si Settentrionale}, China | ||
47.9 | Selected | Yousef VI Emmanuel II Thomas † | Patriarch of Babylon {Babilonia} (Chaldean), Iraq | ||
11 Jul | 18.9 | Professed | Severin Jacob Gertken, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Abbot of Saint Peter-Muenster, Saskatchewan, Canada |
13 Jul | 44.1 | Appointed | Elie-Joseph Khayatt † | Archbishop of Kerkūk (Chaldean), Iraq | |
14 Jul | Born | Jan Fondalinski † | Auxiliary Bishop of Łódź, Poland | ||
15 Jul | 24.4 | Ordained Priest | Louis-Joseph-Marie Auneau, S.M.M. † | Priest of Missionaries of the Company of Mary | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Shiré, Malawi |
23.5 | Ordained Priest | Enrique Pla y Deniel † | Priest of Barcelona, Spain | Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain | |
26.8 | Ordained Priest | Odoric Simon Tcheng Hede (Cheng Hede), O.F.M. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor | Prefect of Puchi [Puqi], China | |
22.9 | Ordained Priest | Ferdinand Terrien, S.M.A. † | Priest of Society of African Missions | Vicar Apostolic of Costa di Benin, Nigeria | |
17 Jul | 36.4 | Appointed | Alberic Ludwig Benziger, O.C.D. † | Coadjutor Bishop of Quilon, India | Bishop Emeritus |
36.4 | Appointed | Alberic Ludwig Benziger, O.C.D. † | Titular Bishop of Tabae | Bishop Emeritus of Quilon, India | |
19 Jul | Born | Amand Louis Marie Antoine Hubert, S.M.A. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Eliopoli di Egitto, Egypt | ||
21 Jul | Born | Benigno Chiriboga, S.J. † | Bishop Emeritus of Latacunga, Ecuador | ||
40.0 | Appointed | Joannes Frederik (Leo) Dérikx, O. Praem. † | Prefect of Uélé / Wellé, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Prefect Emeritus of Western Uélé {Uélé Occidental}, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
22 Jul | 24.5 | Ordained Priest | Christian Josef Caminada † | Priest of Chur, Switzerland | Bishop |
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Gaetano Malchiodi † | Priest of Piacenza, Italy | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Loreto, Italy | |
23 Jul | 54.6 | Died | Charles-Félix Pelvat, M.S.F.S. † | Bishop of Nagpur, India | |
42.8 | Appointed | Sebastião José Pereira † | Bishop of Damão, India | ||
24 Jul | 60.8 | Appointed | John Joseph Keane † | Archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa, USA | Archbishop Emeritus |
49.8 | Died | Jean Louis Mando † | Bishop of Angoulême, France | ||
25 Jul | 59.9 | Died | Ferdinand Hubertus Hamer, C.I.C.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Mongolia {Mongolia Occiduo-Meridionale}, China | |
58.9 | Died | Giulio Matteoli † | Bishop of Livorno, Italy | ||
43.6 | Ordained Bishop | Richard Preston † | Titular Bishop of Phocaea | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain | |
26 Jul | Born | Augustin-Joseph Antoine Sépinski, O.F.M. † | Apostolic Nuncio | ||
29 Jul | 24.9 | Ordained Priest | Pierre-Marie-David Le Cadre, SS.CC. † | Priest of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary | Vicar Apostolic of Marquesas Islands {Isole Marchesi}, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania) |
25.1 | Ordained Priest | Maurice Francis McAuliffe † | Priest of Hartford, Connecticut, USA | Bishop of Hartford, Connecticut, USA | |
73.6 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe Paderi † | Bishop of Ogliastra, Italy | ||
2 Aug | Born | Louis Abel Caillouet † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA | ||
Born | Bernard Denis Stewart † | Bishop Emeritus of Sandhurst, Australia | |||
3 Aug | 22.9 | Professed | Réginald (Zénon) Duprat, O.P. † | Member of Order of Friars Preachers | Bishop Emeritus of Prince-Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada |
19.2 | Solemn Vows | Bl. Anselmo Polanco y Fontecha, O.S.A. † | Member of Order of St. Augustine | Bishop of Teruel (-Albarracín), Spain | |
5 Aug | 70.3 | Died | James Augustine Healy † | Bishop of Portland, Maine, USA | |
58.8 | Ordained Bishop | Wenceslao Sangüesa y Guía † | Bishop of Cuenca, Spain | Bishop Emeritus | |
6 Aug | Born | Jean Marie Étrillard, S.M.A. † | Bishop Emeritus of Gagnoa, Côte d’Ivoire | ||
17.0 | Entered | Joseph-Wilfrid Guy, O.M.I. † | Member of Oblates of Mary Immaculate | Bishop Emeritus of Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan, Canada | |
9 Aug | Born | Alberto Scola † | Bishop Emeritus of Norcia, Italy | ||
10 Aug | Born | Enrico Lorenzo Cabrera Urdangarin † | Bishop of Mercedes, Uruguay | ||
11 Aug | 77.9 | Died | Paul-François-Marie de Forges † | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Rennes (-Dol-Saint-Malo), France | |
46.7 | Appointed | Augustin Marre, O.C.S.O. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Reims, France | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus | |
46.7 | Appointed | Augustin Marre, O.C.S.O. † | Titular Bishop of Constantia in Arabia | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Reims, France | |
61.2 | Died | Fűlöp (Philipp) Steiner † | Bishop of Székesfehérvár (Albareale), Hungary | ||
15 Aug | Born | Basile Khoury, B.S. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Saïdā (Sidone) (Melkite Greek), Lebanon | ||
51.6 | Ordained Bishop | Fidel Olivas Escudero † | Bishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga (Guamanga), Peru | ||
52.9 | Ordained Bishop | Wilhelm Schneider † | Bishop of Paderborn, Germany | ||
16 Aug | Born | Emilio Guano † | Bishop of Livorno, Italy | ||
18 Aug | Born | Ernesto Camagni † | Official of the Secretariat of State | ||
19 Aug | 76.6 | Ordained Bishop | Aquilino Ferreyra y Álvarez † | Titular Bishop of Amisus | Auxiliary Bishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina |
23.8 | Ordained Priest | Franciszek Lisowski † | Priest | Bishop of Tarnów, Poland | |
46.7 | Ordained Bishop | Augustin Marre, O.C.S.O. † | Titular Bishop of Constantia in Arabia | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Reims, France | |
20 Aug | 63.7 | Died | Carlo Maria Borgognoni † | Archbishop of Modena (e Nonantola), Italy | |
Born | Armand Clabaut, O.M.I. † | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Baie d’Hudson {Hudson Bay}, Manitoba, Canada | |||
55.0 | Died | Avedis Marcus Turkian † | Archbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Armenian), Syria | ||
22 Aug | Born | Hubert James Cartwright † | Coadjutor Bishop of Wilmington, Delaware, USA | ||
40.6 | Appointed | Antonios Delenda † | Apostolic Delegate to Greece | Archbishop of Athēnai {Athens}, Greece | |
24 Aug | 57.6 | Ordained Bishop | Filemón Cabanillas † | Titular Bishop of Circesium | Auxiliary Bishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina |
48.2 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph-Marie Lavest, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Sophene | Prefect of Kuamsi (Kwangsi, Guangxi), China | |
23.4 | Ordained Priest | Thomas Leighton Williams † | Priest of Birmingham, England, Great Britain | Archbishop of Birmingham, England, Great Britain | |
25 Aug | Born | Laurence Alexander Glenn † | Bishop Emeritus of Crookston, Minnesota, USA | ||
50.7 | Ordained Bishop | Henry K. Moeller † | Bishop of Columbus, Ohio, USA | Archbishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | |
26 Aug | 20.6 | Ordained Priest | Raymond Carnonckel, O.F.M. Cap. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | Prefect of Ubanghi Belga {Belgian Ubanghi}, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
33.3 | Ordained Priest | Etienne Fourcadier, S.J. † | Priest of Society of Jesus | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Tananarive, Madagascar | |
27 Aug | 50.7 | Installed | Henry K. Moeller † | Bishop of Columbus, Ohio, USA | Archbishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA |
30 Aug | 55.3 | Appointed | Herman Joseph Alerding † | Bishop of Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA | |
58.9 | Appointed | John Baptist Cahill † | Bishop of Portsmouth, England, Great Britain | ||
58.8 | Appointed | James Augustine Smith † | Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain | ||
32.2 | Appointed | Martín Tritschler y Córdoba † | Bishop of Yucatán (Mérida), México | Archbishop of Yucatán, México | |
31 Aug | 42.5 | Appointed | Rómulo Betancourt y Torres † | Bishop of Campeche, México | |
56.1 | Appointed | Mariano Antonio Espinosa † | Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina | ||
52.0 | Appointed | Atenógenes Silva y Álvarez Tostado † | Archbishop of Michoacán, México | ||
2 Sep | 36.6 | Ordained Bishop | Paul-Raphaël Abi Mourad † | Titular Bishop of Damiata dei Greco-Melkiti | Patriarchal Vicar Emeritus of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme} (Melkite Greek), Palestine |
8 Sep | 20.5 | Professed | Arnoldus Johannes Hubertus Aerts, M.S.C. † | Member of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | Vicar Apostolic of Nuova Guinea Olandese, Indonesia |
Born | Grégoire Ephrem Jarjour † | Auxiliary Bishop of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon | |||
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Pio Paschini † | Priest of Udine, Italy | President of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences | |
9 Sep | 81.0 | Died | François Xavier Gouthe-Soulard † | Archbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France | |
25.4 | Ordained Priest | Jean Kurio † | Priest | Bishop of Amadiyah (Chaldean), Iraq | |
50.0 | Died | Theophilus Mayer, M.H.M. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Madras, India | ||
11 Sep | Born | John Angel Romaniello, M.M. † | Prefect Emeritus of Guilin [Kweilin], China | ||
13 Sep | Born | Edmund Nowicki † | Bishop of Gdańsk, Poland | ||
55.1 | Died | José Ramón Quesada y Gascón † | Bishop of Segovia, Spain | ||
15 Sep | Born | Michael Alphonsus Harrington † | Bishop of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada | ||
16 Sep | 42.4 | Ordained Bishop | André-Marie-Elie Jarosseau, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Sauatra | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Harar, Ethiopia |
18 Sep | Born | Placido Maria Cambiaghi, B. † | Bishop Emeritus of Novara, Italy | ||
73.6 | Died | Paolo Giuseppe Maria Serci Serra † | Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy | ||
21 Sep | 50.4 | Ordained Bishop | Peter Joseph O’Reilly † | Titular Bishop of Lebedus | Auxiliary Bishop of Peoria, Illinois, USA |
22 Sep | 22.8 | Ordained Priest | Guilherme Augusto Inácio da Cunha Guimarães † | Priest | Bishop of Angra, Portugal |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Louis-Joseph Kerkhofs † | Priest of Liège, Belgium | Bishop Emeritus of Liège (Luik, Lüttich), Belgium | |
23 Sep | 40.8 | Ordained Priest | José Gregorio Castro Miranda, O.F.M. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor | Bishop Emeritus of Cuzco, Peru |
24 Sep | 34.9 | Ordained Bishop | Clément Michel Bakhache † | Archbishop of Damas (Syrian), Syria | Archbishop Emeritus |
25 Sep | 54.5 | Confirmed | Paul Basbous † | Bishop of Saïdā (Sidone) (Maronite), Lebanon | |
Appointed | José Maria Villalba † | Bishop of Antioquía, Colombia | Bishop-Elect | ||
26 Sep | 80.7 | Died | François-Narcisse Baptifolier † | Bishop of Mende, France | |
Born | Léon-Adolphe Messmer, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop Emeritus of Ambanja, Madagascar | |||
Born | Bernhard Schräder † | Auxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück, Germany | |||
29 Sep | 66.5 | Died | Giacinto Nicolai † | Bishop Emeritus of Ripatransone, Italy |
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