Catholic-Hierarchy DC

Cape Verde

Seniority by Bishop Ordination

YearsNameCurrent Title
6 Oct 1985 Antonio Maria Cardinal VegliňPresident Emeritus of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Roman Curia
6 Jan 1994 Archbishop Jean-Paul Aimé GobelApostolic Nuncio
6 Jan 2002 Archbishop Giuseppe PintoApostolic Nuncio
22 Feb 2004 Arlindo Cardinal Gomes FurtadoBishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde
6 Aug 2008 Archbishop Luis Mariano MontemayorApostolic Nuncio to Ireland
3 Apr 2011 Bishop Ildo Augusto dos Santos Lopes FortesBishop of Mindelo
27 Apr 2013 Archbishop Michael Wallace BanachApostolic Nuncio to Hungary
19 Mar 2018 Archbishop Waldemar Stanisław SommertagApostolic Nuncio to Sénégal


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Code: web_d, v3.4.7, 20 Apr 2024; Data: 17 Jun 2024