Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1589

Bishop Events

July to December

See Also: January to June | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1588) | Next Year (1590)

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
3 JulAppointedGaspare Pasquali, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), ItalyBishop of Rieti, Italy
6 JulDiedChristoph SchlattlBishop of Chiemsee, Germany
7 JulBornLouis du ChaineBishop of Senez, France
9 JulBornFrancisco Gabaldá Guasch, O.S.H. †Bishop of Segorbe, Spain
16 JulOrdained BishopGaspare Pasquali, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), ItalyBishop of Rieti, Italy
17 JulAppointedThomas Cammerota (Malatesta), O.P. †Bishop of Vieste, Italy
AppointedScipione FloccaroArchbishop of Rossano, Italy
38.9ResignedSilvio SavelliArchbishop of Rossano, ItalyCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Via
26 JulOrdained BishopThomas Cammerota (Malatesta), O.P. †Bishop of Vieste, Italy
27 JulBornCharles de NoaillesBishop of Rodez, France
49.5AppointedMychajlo RohozaArchbishopArchbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
28 Jul42.8Ordained DeaconDietrich von FürstenbergDeaconBishop of Paderborn, Germany
29 Jul42.8Ordained PriestDietrich von FürstenbergPriestBishop of Paderborn, Germany
30 Jul42.8Ordained BishopDietrich von FürstenbergBishop of Paderborn, Germany
31 Jul31.1AppointedAndreas von Austria (Österreich)Cardinal, Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
55.9ResignedMark Sittich von Hohenems (Altemps)Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, GermanyCardinal, Bishop Emeritus
Aug44.5AppointedKyrylo (Cyryl) Terletskyi (Terlecki)Administrator of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), UkraineBishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine
1 Aug49.5Ordained BishopMychajlo RohozaArchbishopArchbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
6 Aug44.5Ordained BishopKyrylo (Cyryl) Terletskyi (Terlecki)Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine
11 Aug26.5Ordained PriestJohann Christoph von WesterstettenPriest of Augsburg, GermanyBishop of Eichstätt, Germany
14 AugAppointedDiego HaëdoArchbishop of Palermo, Italy
59.9AppointedBartolomé de la PlazaBishop of Tuy, SpainBishop of Valladolid, Spain
16 Aug44.6AppointedSebastian Cattaneo, O.P. †Bishop of Chiemsee, Germany
30 AugAppointedFrancisco CanoBishop of Faro {Algarve}, Portugal
46.6AppointedMarcantonio GonzagaBishop of Casale Monferrato, Italy
SepDiedThomas Cammerota (Malatesta), O.P. †Bishop of Vieste, Italy
2 SepInstalledJuan de ZuazolaBishop of Astorga, Spain
3 Sep44.6Ordained BishopSebastian Cattaneo, O.P. †Bishop of Chiemsee, Germany
11 Sep52.6AppointedGiovanni FontanaCoadjutor Bishop of Ferrara, ItalyBishop
52.6AppointedGiovanni FontanaTitular Bishop of Nicopolis in PalaestinaBishop of Ferrara, Italy
52.6Ordained BishopGiovanni FontanaTitular Bishop of Nicopolis in PalaestinaBishop of Ferrara, Italy
15 SepDiedLouis de BrezéBishop of Meaux, FranceBishop Emeritus
20 SepDiedGiulio CarraraBishop of Rethymo (Calamona), Greece
25 Sep51.7AppointedAlphonse d’ElbčneBishop of Albi, France
40.7AppointedGiovanni (Giulio) della TorreBishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia
29 Sep69.7DiedDonald McGonagle (MacGongail)Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland
1 Oct46.7Ordained BishopMarcantonio GonzagaBishop of Casale Monferrato, Italy
2 Oct75.0DiedProspero Publicola SantacroceCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano
8 OctBornPedro de Villagómez VivancoArchbishop of Lima, Peru
9 Oct42.7AppointedChristoph WeilhamerAuxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
42.7AppointedChristoph WeilhamerTitular Bishop of Symbalia (Cembalo, Balaclawa)Auxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
14 OctBornMarco GradenigoPatriarch of Aquileia, Italy
15 OctAppointedAlexandre de La MarcheBishop of Meaux, France
25 Oct36.8AppointedMaschio FerracutiBishop of Vieste, Italy
NovDiedAlbert de ThillBishop of Deventer, Netherlands
5 Nov51.8Ordained BishopAlphonse d’ElbčneBishop of Albi, France
8 Nov49.8AppointedGirolamo Bernerio, O.P. †Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria sopra MinervaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
47.9AppointedMichele (Bosco) Bonelli, O.P. †Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in LucinaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano
67.0AppointedGabriele PaleottiCardinal-Bishop of AlbanoCardinal, Archbishop of Bologna, Italy
24 Nov82.8DiedAgustín Gormaz (Coruńa) Velasco, O.S.A. †Bishop of Popayán, Colombia
4 Dec69.9DiedBernardino Gómez MiedesBishop of Albarracin, Spain
6 Dec55.5AppointedPedro Castro QuińonesArchbishop of Granada, SpainArchbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
70.9DiedMichael DornvogelAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Augsburg, Germany
49.4AppointedGaspar Punter i BarredaBishop of Tortosa, Spain
16 DecDiedAlberto Aguayo, O.P. †Bishop-Elect of Astorga, Spain
20 Dec22.4Elevated to CardinalCharles de Lorraine-Vaudémont (III)Cardinal, Bishop of Metz, France
29.6Elevated to CardinalGuido PepoliCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Montorio
53.8Elevated to CardinalGregorio Petrocchini, O.S.A. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
51.9Elevated to CardinalMariano PierbenedettiCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
30 Dec78.9DiedJuan Bautista CardonaBishop of Tortosa, Spain


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