Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
1 Nov | 63.6 | Ordained Bishop | John Burke † | Bishop of Simla, India | Bishop Emeritus of Simla and Chandigarh, India |
46.2 | Ordained Bishop | Angelo Innocent Fernandes † | Titular Archbishop of Novae Patrae | Archbishop Emeritus of Delhi, India | |
45.2 | Ordained Bishop | Gastone Mojaisky-Perrelli † | Titular Archbishop of Amida | Bishop Emeritus of Nusco, Italy | |
2 Nov | 43.6 | Appointed | Rubén Isaza Restrepo † | Bishop of Ibagué, Colombia | Archbishop Emeritus of Cartagena, Colombia |
86.0 | Died | Federico Tedeschini † | Cardinal, Datary of the Apostolic Datary | ||
3 Nov | 65.37 | Born | Tadeusz Bronakowski | Auxiliary Bishop of Łomża, Poland | |
41.4 | Incardinated | Peter Poreku Dery † | Priest of Wa, Ghana | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Tamale, Ghana | |
65.37 | Born | Matthias König | Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn, Germany | ||
4 Nov | 63.0 | Installed | John Baptist Franz † | Bishop of Peoria, Illinois, USA | Bishop Emeritus |
65.36 | Born | Rafael Valdéz Torres | Bishop of Ensenada, Baja California Norte, México | ||
5 Nov | 83.7 | Died | Louis-Joseph-Marie Auneau, S.M.M. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Shiré, Malawi | |
82.1 | Died | Vincent (George) Taylor, O.S.B. † | Abbot Emeritus of Belmont-Mary Help of Christians, North Carolina, USA | ||
7 Nov | 65.36 | Born | Ignatius Kanmurum Anipu, M. Afr. | Bishop-Elect of Maradi, Niger | |
69.0 | Appointed | Alfredo Ottaviani † | Secretary of the Congregation of the Holy Office | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | |
8 Nov | 44.9 | Ordained Bishop | Bogdan Stefanov Dobranov † | Titular Bishop of Giufi | Bishop of Sofia e Plovdiv, Bulgaria |
49.7 | Appointed | Pierre-Marie-Henri-Baptiste Rougé † | Coadjutor Bishop of Nîmes (-Uzès e Alès), France | Bishop | |
49.7 | Appointed | Pierre-Marie-Henri-Baptiste Rougé † | Titular Bishop of Gisipa | Bishop of Nîmes (-Uzès e Alès), France | |
76.4 | Died | Alfonso Maria de Sanctis † | Bishop of Todi, Italy | ||
9 Nov | 85.5 | Died | Giovanni Francesco Filippucci (Filippoussis) † | Archbishop of Naxos, Andros, Tinos e Mykonos, Greece | |
65.35 | Born | Martin Su Yao-wen | Bishop of Taichung, Taiwan | ||
65.35 | Born | Volodymyr Viytyshyn | Archbishop of Ivano-Frankivsk [Stanislaviv] (Ukrainian), Ukraine | ||
10 Nov | 54.8 | Appointed | Aloys Bigirumwami † | Bishop of Nyundo, Rwanda | Bishop Emeritus |
57.7 | Appointed | Gustave Joseph Bouve, C.S.Sp. † | Bishop of Kongolo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
59.0 | Appointed | Richard Cleire, M. Afr. † | Bishop of Kasongo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
49.0 | Appointed | José Floriberto Cornelis, O.S.B. † | Archbishop of Elisabethville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus of Alagoinhas, Bahia, Brazil | |
52.6 | Appointed | André Creemers, O.S.C. † | Bishop of Bondo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
61.7 | Appointed | Léon Théobald Delaere, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Molegbe, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
51.7 | Appointed | François-Odon De Wilde, O.P. † | Bishop of Niangara, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop of Isiro-Niangara, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
49.3 | Appointed | Jean Fryns, C.S.Sp. † | Bishop of Kindu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | ||
60.7 | Appointed | Antoine-Hubert Grauls, M. Afr. † | Archbishop of Gitega, Burundi | Archbishop Emeritus | |
65.5 | Appointed | Joseph Augustin Hagendorens, C.P. † | Bishop of Tshumbe, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
51.1 | Appointed | André Jacques, C.I.C.M. † | Bishop of Boma, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
62.4 | Appointed | Georges Kettel, C.I.C.M. † | Bishop of Kabinda, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
56.9 | Appointed | Victor Petrus Keuppens, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Kamina, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus of Kolwezi, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
55.0 | Appointed | Nicolas Kinsch, S.C.I. † | Archbishop of Stanley-ville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Archbishop Emeritus of Kisangani, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
57.7 | Appointed | André Lefèbvre, S.J. † | Bishop of Kikwit, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
51.8 | Appointed | Pierre François Lehaen, S.D.B. † | Bishop of Sakania, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
56.5 | Appointed | Joseph Germain Martin, M. Afr. † | Bishop of Ngozi, Burundi | Bishop Emeritus of Bururi, Burundi | |
68.9 | Appointed | Alphonse Joseph Matthysen (Matthijsen), M. Afr. † | Bishop of Bunia, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | ||
65.1 | Appointed | Petras Maželis † | Apostolic Administrator of Telšiai, Lithuania | Bishop | |
50.9 | Appointed | Bernard Mels, C.I.C.M. † | Archbishop of Luluabourg, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus of Luiza, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
65.7 | Appointed | Urbanus Stephanus Mauritius Cornelius (Urbain Étienne) Morlion, M. Afr. † | Bishop of Baudouinville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
43.3 | Appointed | Joseph Ngogi Nkongolo † | Bishop of Luebo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus of Mbujimayi, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
46.9 | Appointed | Michel Ntuyahaga † | Bishop of Usumbura, Burundi | Bishop Emeritus of Bujumbura, Burundi | |
45.0 | Appointed | André Perraudin, M. Afr. † | Archbishop of Kabgayi, Rwanda | Bishop Emeritus of Kabgayi, Rwanda | |
66.3 | Appointed | Henri Joseph Marius Piérard, A.A. † | Bishop of Beni nel Congo | Bishop Emeritus of Beni, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
60.8 | Appointed | Georges Désiré Raeymaeckers, O. Praem. † | Bishop of Buta, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | ||
54.9 | Appointed | Félix Scalais, C.I.C.M. † | Archbishop of Léopoldville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Archbishop Emeritus | |
39.6 | Appointed | René Toussaint, O.M.I. † | Bishop of Ipamu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus of Idiofa, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
53.1 | Appointed | Camille Jean-Baptiste Vandekerckhove, C.M. † | Bishop of Bikoro, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | ||
45.5 | Appointed | Jan van Cauwelaert, C.I.C.M. † | Bishop of Inongo, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
52.5 | Appointed | François Van den Berghe, C.I.C.M. † | Bishop of Lisala, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus of Budjala, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | |
65.2 | Appointed | Alphonse Marie Van den Bosch, C.Ss.R. † | Bishop of Matadi, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
70.5 | Appointed | Hilaire Marie Vermeiren, M.S.C. † | Archbishop of Coquilhatville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Archbishop Emeritus | |
74.4 | Appointed | Alphonse Verwimp, S.J. † | Bishop of Kisantu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
53.7 | Appointed | Willem van Kester, M.H.M. † | Bishop of Basankusu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Bishop Emeritus | |
45.9 | Appointed | Louis Van Steene, M. Afr. † | Archbishop of Bukavu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Archbishop Emeritus | |
47.5 | Appointed | Joseph-Pierre-Albert Wittebols, S.C.I. † | Bishop of Wamba, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | ||
11 Nov | 75.6 | Retired | Eugène-Gabriel-Gervais-Laurent Tisserant † | Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches | Cardinal, Dean of the College of Cardinals |
12 Nov | 65.34 | Born | Alejandro Pablo Benna | Bishop of Alto Valle del Río Negro, Argentina | |
39.3 | Ordained Bishop | Luis Munive Escobar † | Bishop of Tlaxcala, México | Bishop Emeritus | |
14 Nov | 77.9 | Retired | Gaetano Cicognani † | Pro-Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites |
76.7 | Appointed | Amleto Giovanni Cicognani † | Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches | Cardinal, Secretary Emeritus of the Secretariat of State | |
57.7 | Appointed | Evelio Díaz y Cía † | Coadjutor Archbishop of San Cristobal de la Habana, Cuba | Archbishop Emeritus | |
57.7 | Appointed | Evelio Díaz y Cía † | Titular Archbishop of Petra in Palaestina | Archbishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de la Habana, Cuba | |
79.8 | Appointed | Paolo Giobbe † | Datary of the Apostolic Datary | Cardinal, Datary Emeritus | |
70.3 | Appointed | Francesco Roberti † | Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus | |
72.6 | Appointed | Giuseppe Rossi † | Regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary | Titular Bishop of Palmyra | |
35.0 | Appointed | Samuel Ruiz García † | Bishop of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), México | Bishop Emeritus of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México | |
71.7 | Appointed | Domenico Tardini † | Archpriest of the Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano {Saint Peter Basilica} | Cardinal, Secretary of State | |
71.7 | Appointed | Domenico Tardini † | Prefect of the Congregation of the Basilica of St. Peter | Cardinal, Secretary of State | |
45.3 | Confirmed | Raymund (Franz Julius) Tschudi (Tschudy), O.S.B. † | Abbot of Maria Einsiedeln, Switzerland | Abbot Emeritus | |
45.3 | Installed | Raymund (Franz Julius) Tschudi (Tschudy), O.S.B. † | Abbot of Maria Einsiedeln, Switzerland | Abbot Emeritus | |
15 Nov | Ordained Bishop | [John Li Wei-guang] † | Bishop of Nanjing [Nanking], China | ||
45.8 | Ordained Bishop | Thomas Qian Yurong (Quan Yirong) † | Bishop of Xuzhou [Süchow], China | ||
Ordained Bishop | [ Shen Chu-ming] † | Bishop of Suzhou [Soochow], China | |||
42.2 | Ordained Bishop | [Matthew Yu Cheng-cai] † | Bishop of Haimen [Haimen], China | ||
16 Nov | 66.3 | Appointed | Carlo Confalonieri † | Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore {Saint Mary Major Basilica} | Cardinal, Dean of the College of Cardinals |
65.33 | Born | Bruno Ann-Marie Feillet | Bishop of Sées {Séez}, France | ||
76.6 | Died | Gregor Rožman † | Bishop of Ljubljana, Slovenia | ||
17 Nov | 58.3 | Appointed | Peter Gratian Grimm, O.F.M. Cap. † | Apostolic Administrator of Sibolga, Indonesia | Bishop of Tianshui [Tsinchow], China |
65.33 | Born | Alexis Touably Youlo | Bishop of Agboville, Côte d’Ivoire | ||
18 Nov | 74.8 | Died | Henri-Marius Bernard † | Bishop of Perpignan-Elne, France | |
19 Nov | 65.32 | Born | Robert Emmet Barron | Bishop of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota, USA | |
67.3 | Died | Joseph Charbonneau † | Archbishop Emeritus of Montréal, Québec, Canada | ||
20 Nov | 38.2 | Appointed | Juan de Dios Campuzano, O.F.M. † | Prefect of Galápagos, Ecuador | Prefect Emeritus |
51.4 | Appointed | Segundo Garcia de Sierra y Méndez † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Oviedo, Spain | Archbishop Emeritus of Burgos, Spain | |
51.4 | Appointed | Segundo Garcia de Sierra y Méndez † | Titular Archbishop of Parium | Archbishop Emeritus of Burgos, Spain | |
65.32 | Born | Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst | Official of the Dicastery for Evangelization | ||
21 Nov | 55.0 | Appointed | Maximilien de Fürstenberg † | Apostolic Delegate to Australia, New Zealand and Oceania | Cardinal, Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem |
65.32 | Born | Wiesław Szlachetka | Auxiliary Bishop of Gdańsk, Poland | ||
22 Nov | 85.2 | Died | Joaquim Rafael Maria d’Assunçâo Pitinho, O.F.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Santiago de Cabo Verde | |
25.9 | Ordained Priest | Ercole Lupinacci † | Priest of Lungro degli Italo-Albanesi (Italo-Albanese), Italy | Bishop Emeritus | |
24 Nov | 65.31 | Born | Efraín Mendoza Cruz | Bishop of Cuautitlán, México, México | |
25 Nov | 43.7 | Selected | Walter (Arthur) Coggin, O.S.B. † | Abbot of Belmont-Mary Help of Christians, North Carolina, USA | Abbot Emeritus |
65.31 | Born | Ivan Tilak Jayasundera | Priest of Kandy, Sri Lanka | ||
26 Nov | 70.9 | Died | Alfredo Lanfranconi, P.I.M.E. † | Bishop of Toungoo, Myanmar | |
59.5 | Appointed | Anton Vovk † | Bishop of Ljubljana, Slovenia | Archbishop of Ljubljana, Slovenia | |
27 Nov | 47.2 | Appointed | Vincent Joseph Hines † | Bishop of Norwich, Connecticut, USA | Bishop Emeritus |
48.1 | Appointed | James John Hogan † | Auxiliary Bishop of Trenton, New Jersey, USA | Bishop Emeritus of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA | |
48.1 | Appointed | James John Hogan † | Titular Bishop of Philomelium | Bishop Emeritus of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA | |
64.5 | Died | Cândido Bento Maria Penso, O.P. † | Bishop of Goiás, Brazil | ||
50.1 | Appointed | Ernest John Primeau † | Bishop of Manchester, New Hampshire, USA | Bishop Emeritus | |
28 Nov | 41.6 | Appointed | José de la Soledad Torres y Castañeda † | Bishop of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, México | |
29 Nov | 71.9 | Died | Carlos Francisco Hanlon, C.P. † | Bishop of Catamarca, Argentina | |
23.4 | Ordained Priest | Thomas McMahon | Priest of Brentwood, England, Great Britain | Bishop Emeritus | |
52.1 | Ordained Bishop | Raúl Silva Henríquez, S.D.B. † | Bishop of Valparaíso, Chile | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago de Chile | |
30 Nov | 65.29 | Born | András Veres | Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary |
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