Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1883

Diocese Events

See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1882) | Next Year (1884)

unknownVicariate Apostolic of Nyanza, Uganda Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Victoria-Nyanza, Uganda Name Changed
unknownVicariate Apostolic of Tanganyika, Tanzania (to Vicariate Apostolic) Elevated
unknownClerical Public Association of La Hermandad de Sacerdotes Operarios Diocesanos del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Founded
5 MarVicariate Apostolic of Idaho and Montana, USA
Vicariate Apostolic of Nebraska, USA
Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Montana, USA Erected
5 MarVicariate Apostolic of Idaho and Montana, USA Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Idaho, USA Name Changed
11 MarArchdiocese of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Montana, USA (Current part of the state of Montana East of the Rockies) Territory Added
7 AprDiocese of Bulgarian United Church (Constantinople) (Bulgarian) Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Tracia (Hadrianopolis) (Bulgarian), Turkey Erected
20 AprDiocese of Colombo, Sri Lanka Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Kandy, Sri Lanka Erected
27 AprApostolic Administration of Nicopolis, Romania ElevatedArchdiocese of Bucarest {Bucureşti}, Romania Elevated
24 MayDiocese of Sonora, México Territory LostDiocese of Sinaloa, México Erected
1 JunVicariate Apostolic of Eastern Tonking {Tonkino Orientale}, Viet Nam Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Northern Tonking {Tonkino Settentrionale}, Viet Nam Erected
5 JunDiocese of Galway, Ireland
Diocese of Kilmacduagh, Ireland
Diocese of Kilfenora, Ireland
UnitedDiocese of Galway and Kilmacduagh, Ireland United
12 JunDiocese of Bulgarian United Church (Constantinople) (Bulgarian) Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Macedonia (Thessalonika) (Bulgarian) Erected
26 JunVicariate Apostolic of Costa di Benin, Nigeria Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Dahomey, Benin Erected
10 JulDiocese of Musc (Armenian), Armenia Erected
16 NovPrefecture Apostolic of Southern Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, and Islas Malvinas, Chile Erected
23 NovPrefecture Apostolic of Zanguebar, Kenya ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Zanguebar, Kenya Elevated
3 DecVicariate Apostolic of Fo-Kien, China Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Amoy, China Erected
21 DecVicariate Apostolic of Mongolia, China Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Southwestern Mongolia {Mongolia Occiduo-Meridionale}, China
Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Mongolia {Mongolia Orientale}, China
21 DecVicariate Apostolic of Mongolia, China Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Central Mongolia {Mongolia Centrale}, China Name Changed


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