Catholic-Hierarchy DC

11th day of July

Diocese Events

St. Benedict, abbot (Memorial)

See Also: Bishop Events

1317Diocese of Toulouse, France ElevatedArchdiocese of Toulouse, France Elevated
1317Archdiocese of Narbonne, France Territory LostDiocese of Alet, France Erected
1317Diocese of Albi, France Territory LostDiocese of Castres, France Erected
1317Diocese of Agen, France Territory LostDiocese of Condom, France Erected
1317Diocese of Toulouse, France Territory LostDiocese of Lavaur, France
Diocese of Saint-Papoul, France
1317Diocese of Poitiers, France Territory LostDiocese of Maillezais, France Erected
1317Diocese of Mirepoix, France
Diocese of Pamiers, France
1317Diocese of Cahors, France
Diocese of Toulouse, France
Territory LostDiocese of Montauban, France Erected
1317Diocese of Pamiers, France Territory LostDiocese of Rieux, France Erected
1317Archdiocese of Narbonne, France Territory LostDiocese of Saint-Pons-de-Thomières, France Erected
1317Diocese of Périgueux (Vesuna), France Territory LostDiocese of Sarlat, France Erected
1317Diocese of Limoges, France Territory LostDiocese of Tulle, France Erected
1317Diocese of Rodez, France Territory LostDiocese of Vabres, France Erected
1820Archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland, USA Territory LostDiocese of Charleston, South Carolina, USA (North and South Carolina and Georgia)
Diocese of Richmond, Virginia, USA (Entire state of Virginia)
1835Society of the Catholic Apostolate Decretum Laudis
1882Diocese of Kingston, Ontario, Canada (Peterborough, Northumberland, Durham, and Victoria Counties)
Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Canada (Muskoka and Parry Sound Districts)
Name ChangedDiocese of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada Name Changed
1882Diocese of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada
Diocese of Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada
Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Pontiac, Ontario, Canada Erected
1887Diocese of Vizagapatnam, India Territory LostDiocese of Nagpur, India Erected
1936Diocese of Los Angeles-San Diego, California, USA (Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties) Territory LostDiocese of San Diego, California, USA Erected
1936Diocese of Los Angeles-San Diego, California, USA ElevatedArchdiocese of Los Angeles, California, USA Elevated
1936Diocese of Monterey-Fresno, California, USA (from San Francisco) Metropolitan Changed
1936Diocese of Tucson, Arizona, USA (from Santa Fe to Los Angeles) Metropolitan Changed
1939Vicariate Apostolic of Upper Congo {Congo Superiore}, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Baudouinville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Name Changed
1939Prefecture Apostolic of Mount Currie, South Africa ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Kokstad, South Africa Elevated
1939Prefecture Apostolic of Lang Són et Cao Bang, Viet Nam ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Lang Són et Cao Bang, Viet Nam Elevated
1939Prefecture Apostolic of Peng-yang, Korea (North) ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Heijo, Korea (North) Elevated
1939Prefecture Apostolic of Yangku [Yanggu], China ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Yangku [Yanggu], China Elevated
1939Vicariate Apostolic of Foumban, Cameroon (Bafia) Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Yaoundé, Cameroon Territory Added
1939Diocese of Osaka, Japan (Nara and Mie) Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Kyoto, Japan Territory Added
1946Diocese of Allahabad, India (Goraldipur, Azamgarli, Ballia, Jaunpur, Ghezipur, Behares, and Mirza) Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Gorakhpur, India Erected
1950Archdiocese of Siracusa e Ragusa, Italy (Giarralana) Territory LostDiocese of Noto, Italy Territory Added
1950Diocese of Noto, Italy (Buccheri, Ferla, Gassaro, Buscemi, and Palatolo Acreide) Territory LostArchdiocese of Siracusa e Ragusa, Italy Territory Added
1950Vicariate Apostolic of Ipamu, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Boundaries adjusted)
Vicariate Apostolic of Koango o Kwango, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Boundaries adjusted)
Territory Added
1958Diocese of Aterrado, Brazil (Araujos and Perdigâo)
Archdiocese of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil (Divinópolis, Carmo de Caiurú, Claudio, Itapecerica, Itauna, Mateus Lerne, Nova Serrana, Para de Minas, Pitangui, São Gonçalo de Para, and Onça of Pequi)
Territory LostDiocese of Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil Erected
1966Archdiocese of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA Name ChangedArchdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Name Changed
1966Territorial Prelature of Davao, Philippines ElevatedDiocese of Davao, Philippines Elevated
1975Congregation for Divine Worship, Roman Curia
Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments, Roman Curia
UnitedCongregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship, Roman Curia United
1978Diocese of San Martín, Argentina (Partido of General Sarmiento) Territory LostDiocese of San Miguel, Argentina Erected
1985Diocese of Cairns, Australia (Islands of Kawa, Mata Kawa, and Kussa) Territory LostDiocese of Daru, Papua New Guinea Territory Added
1992Diocese of Tacna, Peru Name ChangedDiocese of Tacna y Moquegua, Peru Name Changed
2000Diocese of Santa Cruz del Quiché, Guatemala Name ChangedDiocese of Quiché, Guatemala Name Changed
2006Nunciature to Monaco Established
2013Diocese of Sulaimaniya (Chaldean), Iraq SuppressedArchdiocese of Kerkūk (Chaldean), Iraq Territory Added
2014Prefecture Apostolic of Makokou, Gabon ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Makokou, Gabon Elevated
2019Apostolic Exarchate of Italy, Faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church (Ukrainian) Erected


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