Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1604


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1603) | Next Year (1605)

unknownStanislaw BosoviusAuxiliary Bishop of Płock, Poland
unknown36.0Giovanni Desideri (Conte)Bishop of Rieti, Italy
unknownDiego della QuadraBishop of Lavello, Italy
unknownAntonio GuidiBishop of Trogir (Traù), Croatia
unknownJoseph-Elie Archbishop of Diarbekir (Amida) (Chaldean), Turkey
unknownBenedetto Leoni, O.S.C. †Bishop of Arkadi, Greece
unknownAlvise MolinoBishop of Treviso, Italy
unknownBenedetto Sceptius, O.P. †Bishop of Syros (e Milos), Greece
unknownMiklós Zelniczey NapradyBishop of Zagreb (Agram), Croatia
10 Jan39.6Johann Adam von BickenArchbishop-Elect of Mainz, Germany
11 Jan49.0Johann Georg von HallwylBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
24 JanJuan Pedrosa, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy
6 FebGiovanni Domenico RebibaBishop of Catania, Italy
7 Feb57.0Tommaso ContariniArchbishop of Candia {Crete}, Greece
16 Feb80.1Bartolomé de Ledesma, O.P. †Bishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, México
29 Feb82.3Lucio SassiCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Ripatransone, Italy
7 Mar53.1Minuccio MinucciArchbishop of Zadar (Zara), Croatia
13 Mar66.6Arnaud d’OssatCardinal, Bishop of Bayeux, France
21 MarPhilipp von RothensteinBishop of Worms, Germany
12 AprJean-Godefroi GinodBishop of Belley, France
6 MayPedro García GalarzaBishop of Coria, Spain
16 MayAlessandro RiccardiBishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy
20 May54.0Simeone Tagliavia d’AragoniaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
24 MayAndreas HofmannAuxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany
4 JunRoberto PierbenedettiBishop of Nocera Umbra, Italy
JulBernardino Quirino, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Ardjisch (Argeș; Argesch), Romania
2 Jul57.5Benedetto Mandina, C.R. †Bishop of Caserta, Italy
6 Jul66.5Giovanni Anselmo CarminatiBishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy
8 JulFrancisco Velarde de la CuencaArchbishop of Messina, Italy
24 Jul60.5Antonio AtzoriBishop of Bosa, Italy
26 Jul42.5Agustín Dávila y Padilla, O.P. †Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
29 Aug58.8Bl. Giovanni Giovenale Ancina, C.O. †Bishop of Saluzzo, Italy
SepEugenio SavinoBishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy
4 SepGirolamo Bevilacqua, O.F.M. †Titular Archbishop of Nazareth
10 SepFrancisco de Ribera, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Leighlin, Ireland
11 SepAlonso Martínez de la Torre, O.S. †Bishop of Oviedo, Spain
30 SepJohann Baptist PichlmairAuxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany
15 NovJean RaymondBishop of Saint-Papoul, France
16 NovJuan FonsecaBishop of Guadix, Spain
24 Nov74.8Hildebrand RiedmattenBishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland
13 Dec79.9Martín de SalvatierraBishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain
17 DecHippolytus Manari, O.S.M. †Bishop of Montepeloso, Italy


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