Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1607


See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1606) | Next Year (1608)

unknown60.0Martín Aspi SierraBishop of Palencia, Spain
unknownBernardo de BenedictisBishop of Castellaneta, Italy
unknownJakub BrezwiczkiAuxiliary Bishop of Poznań, Poland
unknown74.0Romolo CesiBishop Emeritus of Narni, Italy
unknownAgostino Gisolfi, O.P. †Bishop of Syros (e Milos), Greece
unknownGiovanni Battista GuanzatoBishop of Polignano (Polinianum), Italy
unknown47.0Vittorio GuariniBishop of Anagni, Italy
unknownGiulio Cesare GuarnieriBishop of Satriano e Campagna, Italy
unknownPompeo de NobiliBishop of Ripatransone, Italy
unknown62.0Paolo RegioBishop of Vico Equense, Italy
unknownGiovanni SannaBishop of Ampurias e Civita, Italy
unknownToma Ursini, O.F.M. Obs. †Archbishop of Bar (Antivari), Montenegro
Jan67.0Pietro CartolariBishop of Montefeltro, Italy
2 JanJean-François BerlietArchbishop of Tarentaise (Moûtiers-en-Tarentaise), France
7 Jan44.0Azarias Friton, O.P. †Archbishop of Nachitschewan (Naxivan, Nakhtchevan, Nakhchivan), Armenia
11 JanCamillo Olario (Aulari, Ozario)Bishop of Bobbio, Italy
23 Jan72.0Alessandro MusottiBishop of Imola, Italy
23 JanMassimiliano Palumbara (Palombella)Archbishop of Benevento, Italy
28 JanPompée de Periglio, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Apt, France
FebMatteo SanminiatoArchbishop of Chieti, Italy
3 Feb79.3Tolomeo GallioCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
10 MarAscanio Libertano (Libertani)Bishop of Cagli, Italy
26 Mar62.2Johann ErtlinAuxiliary Bishop of Bamberg, Germany
27 AprFrancisco Robuster SalaBishop of Vic, Spain
28 Apr53.3Christophe de la ValléeBishop of Toul, France
May62.3Kyrylo (Cyryl) Terletskyi (Terlecki)Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine
13 MayAndrés de Casso, O.P. †Bishop of León, Spain
3 JunOrazio MarzaniBishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy
30 Jun68.8Cesare Baronio, C.O. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Nereo ed Achilleo
11 Jul77.5Nicolò OraziBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
13 Jul59.6Carlo Antonio Dal PozzoArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
13 Jul70.5Gaspare SilingardiBishop of Modena, Italy
26 JulMelchior de PirnAuxiliary Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia
31 Jul65.5Diego MonrealBishop of Huesca, Spain
4 Aug57.5Bartolomeo FerreroBishop of Aosta, Italy
17 Aug63.7Anselmo Marzato, O.F.M. Cap. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Chieti, Italy
18 AugAndrea LongoBishop of Civita Castellana e Orte, Italy
21 AugAlfonso Laso SedeñoBishop of Mallorca, Spain
21 Aug67.9Cesare Speciano (Speciani)Bishop of Cremona, Italy
26 Aug70.6Jean Doroz (Dorotheus), O. Cist. †Bishop of Lausanne, Switzerland
SepRichard McBrady, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Kilmore, Ireland
2 SepPaolo TassoArchbishop of Lanciano, Italy
15 SepJean Garnier, O.S.B. †Bishop of Montpellier, France
20 SepSebastián de Perea (Pesca)Auxiliary Bishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
31 Oct69.8Wawrzyniec GoślickiBishop of Poznań, Poland
3 Nov53.8Tiberio MandosiBishop of Montalto (delle Marche), Italy
24 Nov40.3Charles de Lorraine-Vaudémont (III)Cardinal, Bishop of Metz, France
25 Dec62.9Giulio Santuccio, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy


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