Catholic-Hierarchy DC

Diocese of Guiratinga

Dioecesis Guiratingensis


To: Diocese of Rondonópolis - Guiratinga

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Historical Details

Past Ordinaries

Historical Summary

Territorial Prelature of Registro do Araguaia
12 May 1914ErectedDiocese of Corumbá
Archdiocese of Cuiabá
Territorial Prelature of Registro do Araguaia (erected) (Matto Grosso)
13 July 1940Territory LostDiocese of Corumbá
Archdiocese of Cuiabá
Territorial Prelature of Registro do Araguaia
Territorial Prelature of Chapada (erected)
15 June 1957Territory LostDiocese of Corumbá (Campo Grande, Agua Clara, Aparecida do Taboado, Cassilândia, Corguinho, Jaraguari, Paranaíba, Ribas do Rio Pardo, Rio Verde do Mato Grosso, Rochedo, Sidrolândia, Terenos, Tres Lagoas, and the southern parts of Coxim and Camapüa)
Territorial Prelature of Registro do Araguaia (Northern parts of Coxim and Camapüa)
Diocese of Campo Grande (erected)
19 May 1958Territory LostTerritorial Prelature of Registro do Araguaia (Itiquira and Rondonópolis) Territorial Prelature of Chapada
13 May 1969Territory LostTerritorial Prelature of Cristalândia (Bananal Island)
Territorial Prelature of Registro do Araguaia (Northern part of Barra do Garças)
Territorial Prelature of Santíssima Conceição do Araguaia (Luciara)
Territorial Prelature of São Félix (erected)
Territorial Prelature of Guiratinga
27 May 1969Name ChangedTerritorial Prelature of Registro do Araguaia Territorial Prelature of Guiratinga
Diocese of Guiratinga
3 October 1981ElevatedTerritorial Prelature of Guiratinga Diocese of Guiratinga
27 February 1982Territory LostDiocese of Guiratinga (Barrado Garças, Agua Bòa, Canarana, Geral Carneiro, and Nova Xavantina) Diocese of Barra do Garças (erected)
12 February 1996Territory LostDiocese of Guiratinga (Pontal do Araguaia)
Territorial Prelature of São Félix (Canarana)
Diocese of Barra do Garças
25 June 2014SuppressedDiocese of Guiratinga (suppressed) (Araguainha, Ponte Branca, Ribeirãozinho, and Torixoréu) Diocese of Barra do Garças
25 June 2014SuppressedDiocese of Guiratinga (suppressed) (Primavera do Leste, Poxoréu, and Jarudoré)
Territorial Prelature of Paranatinga
Diocese of Rondonópolis (Campo Verde and Chapada dos Guimarães)
Diocese of Primavera do Leste-Paranatinga
25 June 2014SuppressedDiocese of Guiratinga (suppressed) (Parts of Bardão do Melgaço, Cuiabá, and Santo Antônio do Leverger) Archdiocese of Cuiabá
25 June 2014SuppressedDiocese of Guiratinga (suppressed) (Alto Araguaia, Alto Garças, Alto Taquari, Dom Aquino, Tesouro, and Guiratinga)
Diocese of Rondonópolis
Diocese of Rondonópolis - Guiratinga


YearCatholicsTotal PopulationPercent CatholicDiocesan PriestsReligious PriestsTotal PriestsCatholics Per PriestPermanent DeaconsMale ReligiousFemale ReligiousParishesSource
Territorial Prelature of Registro do Araguaia
Territorial Prelature of Guiratinga
Diocese of Guiratinga

Note: Any changes in boundaries over time are not indicated in the above table.

Affiliated Bishops, Living

Affiliated Bishops, Deceased


  • Territorial Prelature of Registro do Araguaia
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 6, Page 350
  • Territorial Prelature of Guiratinga
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 61, Page 737, and Page 738
  • Diocese of Guiratinga
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 74, Page 257, to Page 259
    • Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Volume 106, Page 817, and Page 818


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