Catholic-Hierarchy DC

25th day of June

Living Bishop Events

See Also: Diocese Events

YearAgeBishopEventTitleCurrent Title
1937 Gerald William Wiesner, O.M.I.BornBishop Emeritus of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
1938 Mário Pasqualotto, P.I.M.E.BornAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
1941 Eduardo Benes de Sales RodriguesBornArchbishop Emeritus of Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
195023.4Julian Andrzej WojtkowskiOrdained PriestPriest of Warmia (Ermland), PolandAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Warmia, Poland
1952 Péter ErdőBornCardinal, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary
1955 Robert Dwayne GrussBornBishop of Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Jean-Paul Gabriel Émile GuschingBornBishop of Verdun, France
1956 Airton José dos SantosBornArchbishop of Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil
1957 William Goh Seng ChyeBornCardinal, Archbishop of Singapore
1958 Hilário da Cruz Massinga, O.F.M.BornAuxiliary Bishop of Inhambane, Mozambique
1960 Juan Carlos Elizalde EspinalBornBishop of Vitoria, Spain
Prosper Kontiebo, M.I.BornArchbishop of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Marcelo Fabián MazzitelliBornAuxiliary Bishop of Mendoza, Argentina
196127.9José Dimas Cedeño DelgadoOrdained PriestPriestArchbishop Emeritus of Panamá
25.8Brendan Oliver Comiskey, SS.CC.Ordained PriestPriest of Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and MaryBishop Emeritus of Ferns, Ireland
25.4Manuel Madureira DiasOrdained PriestPriest of Évora, PortugalBishop Emeritus of Faro {Algarve}, Portugal
Juan Carlos Vera Plasencia, M.S.C.BornBishop of Peru, Military
1963 Krzysztof ChudzioBornAuxiliary Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland
196423.9Paweł CieślikOrdained PriestPriest of Koszalin-Kołobrzeg, PolandAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
Mark William O’ConnellBornAuxiliary Bishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1965 Joseph Hii Teck KwongBornBishop of Sibu, Malaysia
Giovanni Peragine, B.BornArchbishop of Shkodrë-Pult, Albania
196725.4Mario GiordanaOrdained PriestPriest of Saluzzo, ItalyApostolic Nuncio
24.3Gabriele ManaOrdained PriestPriest of Torino {Turin}, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Biella, Italy
24.1Francesco Guido RavinaleOrdained PriestPriest of Biella, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Asti, Italy
25.3Domenico Angelo ScottiOrdained PriestPriest of Chieti, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Trivento, Italy
196828.3Romeo Tovar Astorga, O.F.M.Ordained PriestPriest of Order of Friars MinorBishop Emeritus of Santa Ana, El Salvador
197227.3Jean-Claude Ézechiel Jean-Baptiste BoulangerOrdained PriestPriest of Arras (-Boulogne-Saint-Omer), FranceBishop Emeritus of Bayeux (-Lisieux), France
25.1Antun ŠkvorčevićOrdained PriestPriest of Zagreb, CroatiaBishop Emeritus of Požega, Croatia
197336.5Nikólaos FoskolosAppointedArchbishop of Athēnai {Athens}, GreeceArchbishop Emeritus
197649.2Dominic Anthony MarconiOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of BureAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Newark, New Jersey, USA
197724.5Renato BoccardoOrdained PriestPriest of Susa, ItalyArchbishop of Spoleto-Norcia, Italy
30.6Bernhard Hasslberger (Haßlberger)Ordained PriestPriest of München und Freising {Munich}, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
24.9Celestino MiglioreOrdained PriestPriest of Cuneo, ItalyApostolic Nuncio to France
44.8Alfons NossolAppointedBishop of Opole, PolandBishop Emeritus
24.8Tommaso ValentinettiOrdained PriestPriest of Lanciano e Ortona, ItalyArchbishop of Pescara-Penne, Italy
197825.6Marco ArnolfoOrdained PriestPriest of Torino {Turin}, ItalyArchbishop of Vercelli, Italy
25.4Christian George Nicolas KratzOrdained PriestPriest of Strasbourg, FranceAuxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg, France
31.5Roland MinnerathOrdained PriestPriest of Strasbourg, FranceArchbishop Emeritus of Dijon, France
27.4José María Ortega TrinidadOrdained PriestPriest of Yauyos, PeruPrelate Emeritus of Juli, Peru
24.7Orazio Francesco PiazzaOrdained PriestPriest of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, ItalyBishop of Viterbo, Italy
198245.6Osvaldo GiuntiniAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Marília, Sao Paulo, BrazilBishop Emeritus
45.6Osvaldo GiuntiniAppointedTitular Bishop of TunnunaBishop Emeritus of Marília, Sao Paulo, Brazil
198325.7Edward James BurnsOrdained PriestPriest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USABishop of Dallas, Texas, USA
25.5Antonio NapolioniOrdained PriestPriest of Camerino, ItalyBishop of Cremona, Italy
198729.5Jacob Venance KodaOrdained PriestPriest of Same, TanzaniaBishop Emeritus
198825.2Bartolomé Buigues Oller, T.C.Perpetual VowsMember of Capuchin Tertiary Religious of Our Lady of SorrowsBishop of Alajuela, Costa Rica
30.2Renauld Marie François Dupont de DinechinOrdained PriestPriest of Paris, FranceBishop of Soissons (-Laon-Saint-Quentin), France
24.5Michele FuscoOrdained PriestPriest of Amalfi-Cava de’ Tirreni, ItalyBishop of Sulmona-Valva, Italy
30.7Philippe André Yves MarssetOrdained PriestPriest of Paris, FranceAuxiliary Bishop
25.2Corrado MelisOrdained PriestPriest of Ales-Terralba, ItalyBishop of Ozieri, Italy
29.2Liborius Ndumbukuti Nashenda, O.M.I.Ordained PriestPriest of Oblates of Mary ImmaculateArchbishop of Windhoek, Namibia
34.4Angelo Pagano, O.F.M. Cap.Ordained PriestPriest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinVicar Apostolic of Harar, Ethiopia
26.8Clemens PickelOrdained PriestPriest of Dresden-Meißen (Meissen), GermanyBishop of San Clemente a Saratov, Russian Federation
31.0Luc Marie Daniel Ravel, C.R.S.V.Ordained PriestPriest of Canons Regular of the Congregation of Saint VictorArchbishop Emeritus of Strasbourg, France
54.5Georges Pierre Soubrier, P.S.S.AppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Paris, FranceBishop Emeritus of Nantes, France
54.5Georges Pierre Soubrier, P.S.S.AppointedTitular Bishop of AchollaBishop Emeritus of Nantes, France
24.4Anthony TeumaOrdained PriestPriest of Gozo, MaltaBishop
45.6André Armand Vingt-TroisAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Paris, FranceCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
45.6André Armand Vingt-TroisAppointedTitular Bishop of ThibilisCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Paris, France
198940.2Josip BozanićOrdained BishopCoadjutor Bishop of Krk (Veglia), CroatiaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Zagreb, Croatia
27.5Anton CoşaOrdained PriestPriest of Iaşi, RomaniaBishop of Chişinău, Moldova
32.1Beatus Kinyaiya, O.F.M. Cap.Ordained PriestPriest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinArchbishop of Dodoma, Tanzania
29.0Prosper Kontiebo, M.I.Ordained DeaconDeacon of Order of the Ministers of the SickArchbishop of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
25.9Gérard Francis Le StangOrdained DeaconDeacon of Quimper [Cornouailles](-Léon), FranceBishop of Amiens, France
24.1Michael RouterOrdained PriestPriest of Kilmore, IrelandAuxiliary Bishop of Armagh, Ireland
199361.0Elden Francis CurtissInstalledArchbishop of Omaha, Nebraska, USAArchbishop Emeritus
199427.9Angelo AccattinoOrdained PriestPriest of Casale Monferrato, ItalyApostolic Nuncio to Tanzania
27.9Antônio de Assis Ribeiro, S.D.B.Ordained DeaconDeacon of Salesians of Saint John BoscoBishop of Macapá, Amapa, Brazil
29.7William Draper ByrneOrdained PriestPriest of Washington, District of Columbia, USABishop of Springfield in Massachusetts, USA
29.8Markus Graulich, S.D.B.Ordained PriestPriest of Salesians of Saint John Bosco
32.7Gintaras Linas GrušasOrdained PriestPriest of Vilnius, LithuaniaArchbishop
50.9Jesús Juárez Párraga, S.D.B.AppointedBishop of El Alto, BoliviaArchbishop Emeritus of Sucre, Bolivia
31.1Pascual Limachi OrtizIncardinatedPriest of El Alto, BoliviaPrelate of Corocoro, Bolivia
31.1Jeffrey Marc MonfortonOrdained PriestPriest of Detroit, Michigan, USAAuxiliary Bishop
36.0Richard Francis ReidyOrdained PriestPriest of Worcester, Massachusetts, USABishop-Elect of Norwich, Connecticut, USA
28.4Matthieu Marie Jean RougéOrdained PriestPriest of Paris, FranceBishop of Nanterre, France
28.5Jeffrey Joseph WalshOrdained PriestPriest of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USABishop of Gaylord, Michigan, USA
199531.2Mikel Garciandía GoñiOrdained PriestPriest of Pamplona y Tudela, SpainBishop of Palencia, Spain
26.0José Luís Mumbiela SierraOrdained PriestPriest of Lleida, SpainBishop of Santissima Trinità in Almaty, Kazakhstan
58.6Paolo RabittiInstalledBishop of San Marino-Montefeltro, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Ferrara-Comacchio, Italy
199753.8John Raymond GaydosAppointedBishop of Jefferson City, Missouri, USABishop Emeritus
199828.1Matthew Zhen XuebinOrdained PriestPriest of Beijing [Peking], ChinaCoadjutor Bishop
199948.6Balázs BábelSucceededArchbishop of Kalocsa-Kecskemét, Hungary
32.4Michael (Micae) Phạm Minh CườngOrdained PriestPriest of San Diego, California, USAAuxiliary Bishop
200028.0Johannes FreitagOrdained PriestPriest of Graz-Seckau, AustriaAuxiliary Bishop-Elect
28.5Guillaume Robert Marie-Joseph Leschallier de LisleOrdained PriestPriest of Meaux, FranceAuxiliary Bishop
26.2Daniel PachoOrdained PriestPriest of Fulda, GermanyUnder Secretary of the Secretariat of State
50.0John Thattumkal, S.S.C.Ordained BishopBishop of Cochin, IndiaBishop Emeritus
200152.5Menghesteab Tesfamariam, M.C.C.I.AppointedBishop of Asmara (Ethiopian), EritreaArchbishop of Asmara (Eritrean), Eritrea
51.9Joan Enric Vives SiciliaAppointedCoadjutor Bishop of Urgell, SpainBishop
200252.3Timothy Michael DolanAppointedArchbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USACardinal, Archbishop of New York, New York, USA
70.1Antonio Racelis RañolaAppointedApostolic Administrator of Gumaca, PhilippinesAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Cebu, Philippines
200443.1Adam BałabuchIncardinatedPriest of Świdnica, PolandAuxiliary Bishop
62.1Friedhelm HofmannAppointedBishop of Würzburg, GermanyBishop Emeritus
29.5Francisco Javier Martínez CastilloOrdained PriestPriest of Puebla de los Ángeles, MéxicoAuxiliary Bishop
200551.0Severino Clasen, O.F.M.Ordained BishopBishop of Araçuaí (Arassuaí), Minas Gerais, BrazilArchbishop of Maringá, Parana, Brazil
200653.2Francis Assisi ChullikattOrdained BishopTitular Archbishop of OstraApostolic Nuncio to Bosnia and Herzegovina
59.1António Augusto dos Santos MartoInstalledBishop of Leiria-Fátima, PortugalCardinal, Bishop Emeritus
29.6Étienne Patrick Christian Marie GuilletOrdained PriestPriest of Versailles, FranceBishop of Saint-Denis, France
64.3Ignazio SannaOrdained BishopArchbishop of Oristano, ItalyPresident Emeritus of the Pontifical Academy of Theology
50.9Marjan TurnšekOrdained BishopBishop of Murska Sobota, SloveniaArchbishop Emeritus of Maribor, Slovenia
200755.6Michel Christian Cartatéguy, S.M.A.AppointedArchbishop of Niamey, NigerArchbishop Emeritus
73.7Raffaele Farina, S.D.B.AppointedTitular Archbishop of OpitergiumCardinal, Archivist Emeritus of the Vatican Secret Archive
73.7Raffaele Farina, S.D.B.AppointedLibrarian of the Vatican LibraryCardinal, Archivist Emeritus of the Vatican Secret Archive
73.7Raffaele Farina, S.D.B.AppointedArchivist of the Vatican Secret ArchiveCardinal, Archivist Emeritus
57.3Cesare PasiniAppointedPrefect of the Vatican LibraryPrefect Emeritus
76.8Paul Joseph Jean PoupardResignedPresident of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious DialogueCardinal, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture
47.6Martin Su Yao-wenAppointedBishop of Taichung, Taiwan
201056.2Guglielmo BorghettiAppointedBishop of Pitigliano-Sovana-Orbetello, ItalyBishop of Albenga-Imperia, Italy
71.4Cyrille Salim Bustros, S.M.S.P.SelectedArchbishop of Beirut and Jbeil {Bairut e Gibail} (Melkite Greek), LebanonArchbishop Emeritus
65.1Issam John Darwish (Darwich), B.S.SelectedArchbishop of Zahleh e Furzol (Melkite Greek), LebanonArchbishop Emeritus
63.0Jozef De KeselAppointedBishop of Brugge {Bruges}, BelgiumCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Mechelen-Brussel {Malines-Brussels}, Belgium
55.5Ricardo Jorge Valenzuela RiosAppointedBishop of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo, ParaguayBishop of Caacupé, Paraguay
201159.4Peter John HolidayOrdained BishopBishop of Kroonstad, South AfricaBishop Emeritus
71.4Paul Nabil El-SayahConfirmedCurial Bishop of Antiochia {Antioch} (Maronite), LebanonCurial Bishop Emeritus
201245.1Pius Riana PrapdiAppointedBishop of Ketapang, Indonesia
77.0Blasius PujoraharjaRetiredBishop of Ketapang, IndonesiaBishop Emeritus
68.5Andrew Yeom Soo-jungInstalledArchbishop of Seoul, Korea (South)Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
201359.7Orazio Francesco PiazzaAppointedBishop of Sessa Aurunca, ItalyBishop of Viterbo, Italy
201466.4Derek John Christopher Byrne, S.P.S.AppointedBishop of Primavera do Leste-Paranatinga, Mato Grosso, BrazilBishop Emeritus
38.0Hryhoriy KomarAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Sambir-Drohobych (Ukrainian), Ukraine
38.0Hryhoriy KomarAppointedTitular Bishop of AcciAuxiliary Bishop of Sambir-Drohobych (Ukrainian), Ukraine
50.4Peter Kayode OdetoyinboOrdained BishopBishop of Abeokuta, Nigeria
201581.9José Dimas Cedeño DelgadoAppointedApostolic Administrator of Penonomé, PanamaArchbishop Emeritus of Panamá
79.7José Guadalupe Martín RábagoAppointedApostolic Administrator of Autlán, Jalisco, MéxicoArchbishop Emeritus of León, Guanajuato, México
201659.7Bhagyaiah ChinnabathiniAppointedBishop of Guntur, India
58.7Joseph Đỗ Mạnh HùngAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Thành-Phô Hồ Chí Minh (Hôchiminh Ville), Viet NamBishop of Phan Thiết, Viet Nam
58.7Joseph Đỗ Mạnh HùngAppointedTitular Bishop of LiberaliaBishop of Phan Thiết, Viet Nam
77.1Bali GaliRetiredBishop of Guntur, IndiaBishop Emeritus
77.9Antoine GanyéRetiredArchbishop of Cotonou, BeninArchbishop Emeritus
53.1Roger Houngbédji, O.P.AppointedArchbishop of Cotonou, Benin
54.1Denis Jean-Marie JachietAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Paris, FranceBishop of Belfort-Montbéliard, France
54.1Denis Jean-Marie JachietAppointedTitular Bishop of Tigisi in NumidiaBishop of Belfort-Montbéliard, France
59.3Siegfried Mandla Jwara, C.M.M.Ordained BishopTitular Bishop of Elephantaria in ProconsulariArchbishop of Durban, South Africa
62.9Vincenzo Carmine OrofinoInstalledBishop of Tursi-Lagonegro, Italy
48.8Polito Rodríguez MéndezInstalledBishop of San Carlos de VenezuelaArchbishop of Barquisimeto, Venezuela
46.1Jaime Uriel Sanabria AriasInstalledVicar Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia, Colombia
49.8Oswaldo Patricio Vintimilla CabreraAppointedBishop of Azogues, Ecuador
50.6Thibault VernyAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Paris, FranceArchbishop of Chambéry (-Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne-Tarentaise), France
50.6Thibault VernyAppointedTitular Bishop of LamzellaArchbishop of Chambéry (-Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne-Tarentaise), France
201758.0Bruno Elizeu VersariOrdained BishopCoadjutor Bishop of Campo Mourão, Parana, BrazilBishop of Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil
201959.7Cosme Damian Racines AlmedillaOrdained BishopBishop of Butuan, Philippines
55.8Donald Joseph HyingInstalledBishop of Madison, Wisconsin, USA
76.2Antonio Javellana Ledesma, S.J.CeasedApostolic Administrator of Butuan, PhilippinesArchbishop Emeritus of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
71.3Gilles LemayAppointedApostolic Administrator of Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, CanadaBishop Emeritus of Amos, Québec, Canada
202056.3Grzegorz Wojciech RyśAppointedApostolic Administrator of Kalisz, PolandCardinal, Archbishop of Łódź, Poland
202276.1Georges Michel Bakar, Ist. del PradoRetiredProtosyncellus of Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan (Melkite Greek)Protosyncellus Emeritus
53.4Juan Carlos Barreto BarretoInstalledBishop of Soacha, Colombia
66.7Luis Gerardo Cabrera Herrera, O.F.M.CeasedApostolic Administrator of Daule, EcuadorCardinal, Archbishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador
60.1Jean-Marie Chami, Ist. del PradoConfirmedPatriarchal Vicar of Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan (Melkite Greek)
60.1Jean-Marie Chami, Ist. del PradoAppointedTitular Bishop of Tarsus dei Greco-MelkitiPatriarchal Vicar of Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan (Melkite Greek)
52.7Krzysztof KudławiecOrdained BishopBishop of Daule, Ecuador
62.0Neri Menor Vargas, O.F.M.InstalledBishop of Carabayllo, Peru
60.3Luis José Rueda AparicioCeasedApostolic Administrator of Soacha, ColombiaCardinal, Archbishop of Bogotá, Colombia
61.8Milan ZgrablićOrdained BishopCoadjutor Archbishop of Zadar (Zara), CroatiaArchbishop
202360.8Nuno Manuel dos Santos AlmeidaInstalledBishop of Bragança-Miranda, Portugal
202460.6Scott Edward BullockAppointedBishop of Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
58.9Dennis Gerard WalshAppointedBishop of Davenport, Iowa, USA


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