Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1679

Bishop Events

January to June

See Also: July to December | Overview | Necrology | Previous Year (1678) | Next Year (1680)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown31.0Ordained BishopMatteo Berniacovich, O.F.M. †Bishop of Beograd {Belgrade}, Serbia
60.9DiedAntonio Bottis, C.R.S. †Bishop of Minori, Italy
67.8DiedGiacomo BuoniBishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
DiedVincenzo Carafa, C.R.L. †Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy
55.0Ordained BishopBernardo de Carrasco y Saavedra, O.P. †Bishop of Santiago de ChileBishop of La Paz, Bolivia
59.0ResignedOdoardo Cibo (Cybo)Apostolic Nuncio to SwitzerlandTitular Patriarch of Constantinople
46.0Ordained BishopJames CusackTitular Bishop of Casae in NumidiaBishop of Meath, Ireland
61.0DiedLuis de Morales, O.S.A. †Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo, Spain
BornMartín de ElizacoecheaBishop of Michoacán, México
68.0DiedJuan de Esturizada, O.P. †Bishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
70.2AppointedCesare FacchinettiSecretary of the Congregation for Universal InquisitionCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
25.5Ordained PriestAndré-Hercule de FleuryPriestCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Fréjus, France
61.0DiedBenedykt Gliński (Hlynskyj), O.S.B.M. †Bishop of Volodymyr (Włodzimierz) et Brėst (Ukrainian)
60.0DiedJakub Gorecki, O.P. †Bishop of Bacău, Romania
BornLuigi GuarchiBishop of Tinos and Mykonos, Greece
BornRamón Marimón CorberaBishop of Vic, Spain
BornPolikarp Mihuniewicz (Myhunevych), O.S.B.M. †Archbishop-Elect of Smoleńsk (Ukrainian), Russian Federation
23.4Ordained PriestDaniele SansoniPriestBishop of Novigrad (Cittanova), Croatia
AppointedOndrej SebestyénBishop of the Titular SeeOfficial of Spiš, Slovakia
31.0SucceededLew Ślubičz Załęnski, O.S.B.M. †Bishop of Volodymyr (Włodzimierz) et Brėst (Ukrainian)Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
4 Jan69.0DiedJuan Astorga de CastilloBishop of Zamora, Spain
69.0DiedGabriel de la Calle y HerediaBishop of Valladolid, Spain
49.9DiedFrans van HorenbekeBishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
6 JanBornGaspar de Molina y Oviedo, O.E.S.A. †Cardinal, Bishop of Málaga, Spain
66.0DiedLouis-Hercule de Lévis-VentadourBishop of Mirepoix, France
8 JanBornMarc’Antonio AmalfitaniBishop of Ortona a Mare e Campli, Italy
9 Jan56.4SelectedKarl Heinrich von Metternich-WinneburgArchbishop of Mainz, GermanyArchbishop-Elect
10 JanBornJoseph Oswald von AttemsBishop of Lavant, Slovenia
BornSigismund Felix von SchrattenbachBishop of Ljubljana (Laybach; Laibach), Slovenia
11 JanBornManuel Samaniego JacaArchbishop Emeritus of Burgos, Spain
BornCarlo Felice SanmartinoBishop of Mondovi, Italy
13 JanBornFrançois-Firmin TrudaineBishop of Senlis, France
17 JanBornClaudio Domenico AlbiniBishop of Lacedonia, Italy
24 Jan83.5DiedUlderico CarpegnaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
25 Jan56.5SelectedKarl Heinrich von Metternich-WinneburgBishop of Worms, GermanyArchbishop-Elect of Mainz, Germany
67.0DiedAntonio Sotomayor, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
29 JanBornElzear des Achards de La BaumeTitular Bishop of Halicarnassus
1 FebBornFrancesco RicciCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria del Popolo
2 FebDiedBalthasar Grangier de LiverdisBishop of Tréguier, France
6 FebBornCristoforo Lorenzo BarattaBishop of Fossano, Italy
36.4ConfirmedFrançois Bouthillier de ChavignyBishop of Troyes, FranceBishop Emeritus
65.5AppointedAlderano Cibo (Cybo)Cardinal-Bishop of PalestrinaCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Jesi, Italy
70.3AppointedCesare FacchinettiCardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa RufinaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
49.0AppointedAngelo Grimaldi, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Albano, Italy
49.0AppointedAngelo Grimaldi, O.P. †Titular Bishop of MethoneAuxiliary Bishop of Albano, Italy
47.3AppointedAntonio Pérez de la LastraBishop of Gallipoli, Italy
64.0AppointedLorenzo RaggiCardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in DamasoCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
12 Feb61.1Ordained BishopPierre du Laurens, O.S.B. †Bishop of Belley, France
82.1DiedJuan Emanuel de Espinosa, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain
Ordained BishopGiorgio Maria Trivulzio, B. †Titular Bishop of AzotusAuxiliary Bishop of Esztergom, Hungary
15 FebBornFrancesco Pertusati, O.S.B. †Bishop of Pavia, Italy
17 Feb16.0ProfessedFilippo Valignani, O.P. †Member of Order of Friars PreachersArchbishop of Chieti, Italy
19 FebBornDomenico Maria de Liguori (Liguoro), C.R. †Bishop of Cava (de’ Tirreni), Italy
20 Feb41.6DiedGuillaume de MeschatinBishop of Gap, France
21 FebBornCarlo Leopoldo CalcagniniCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli
22 Feb61.4InstalledHyacinthe Serroni, O.P. †Archbishop of Albi, France
23 Feb47.1InstalledAndrés de las Navas y Quevedo, O. de M. †Bishop of NicaraguaBishop of Santiago de Guatemala
24 Feb45.1SelectedFrançois-Ignace de Baglion du Saillant, C.O. †Bishop of Tréguier, FranceBishop of Poitiers, France
39.1Ordained PriestJoaquín Canaves, O.S.Io.Hieros. †Priest of Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of JerusalemBishop of Malta
35.0SelectedPierre de La BroueBishop of Mirepoix, France
27.7SelectedLouis-Antoine de NoaillesBishop of Cahors, FranceCardinal, Archbishop of Paris, France
45.8Ordained BishopIldefonso Vargas y Abarca, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Comayagua, Honduras
26 Feb49.1DiedAntonio Manrique de GuzmánPatriarch of West Indies, Spain
BornMaciej Aleksander SołtykAuxiliary Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland
Mar60.5SelectedLouis d’Anglure de BourlemontBishop of Fréjus, FranceArchbishop of Bordeaux, France
17 Mar62.2DiedAdolph Gottfried VolusiusAuxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany
18 Mar23.2Ordained PriestEdmund ByrnePriestArchbishop of Dublin, Ireland
22.9Ordained DeaconGiovanni ManolaDeaconBishop of Nona (Nin), Croatia
19 Mar47.4Ordained BishopAntonio Pérez de la LastraBishop of Gallipoli, Italy
24 Mar52.3SelectedAlfonso de Balmaseda, O.S.A. †Bishop of Zamora, Spain
26 Mar48.2DiedMelchior de Escuda AybarAuxiliary Bishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
1 Apr31.2Ordained PriestAscanio SilvestriPriestBishop of Pienza, Italy
6 Apr24.1Ordained PriestJacques-Nicolas de ColbertPriestArchbishop of Rouen, France
7 AprBornVincent Antoine Alamanni NasiApostolic Nuncio to Spain
8 AprBornMatteo TrigonaBishop Emeritus of Siracusa, Italy
9 Apr36.5Ordained BishopFrançois Bouthillier de ChavignyBishop of Troyes, FranceBishop Emeritus
10 Apr67.2AppointedAntonio de Benavides y BazánTitular Archbishop of TyrusPatriarch of West Indies, Spain
41.1AppointedJohann Ignaz Dlouhovesky de LongavillaAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
41.1AppointedJohann Ignaz Dlouhovesky de LongavillaTitular Bishop of MilevumAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
49.2AppointedVincenzo Maria da Silva, O.P. †Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy
50.7AppointedGherardo GherardiBishop of Pistoia e Prato, Italy
30.0ConfirmedDiego Ibáñez de la Madrid y BustamenteBishop of Trivento, ItalyBishop of Ceuta, Spain
47.2AppointedBenedetto MilazziBishop of Ostuni, Italy
37.2ConfirmedMichel Phélypeaux de La VrillièreArchbishop of Bourges, France
12 AprBornAbraham Petros I ArdzivianPatriarch of Cilicia (Armenian), Lebanon
16 Apr50.7Ordained BishopGherardo GherardiBishop of Pistoia e Prato, Italy
30.0Ordained BishopDiego Ibáñez de la Madrid y BustamenteBishop of Trivento, ItalyBishop of Ceuta, Spain
47.2Ordained BishopBenedetto MilazziBishop of Ostuni, Italy
23 Apr49.3Ordained BishopAngelo Grimaldi, O.P. †Titular Bishop of MethoneAuxiliary Bishop of Albano, Italy
26 AprBornGiovanni Girolamo della Torre, B. †Bishop of Luni e Sarzana, Italy
May65.3DiedMichael Angelus BrogliaBishop of Vercelli, Italy
3 May48.7Ordained PriestPaolo PecciPriestBishop of Massa Marittima, Italy
5 MayBornJozafat Micheł KarpBishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania
6 MayDiedTomáš Pállfy ab ErdödBishop of Nitra, Slovakia
56.5SelectedAntonio Sánchez del CastellarBishop of Orihuela, Spain
8 May67.3AppointedAntonio de Benavides y BazánPatriarch of West Indies, Spain
58.3AppointedTommaso de RosaBishop of Policastro, Italy
27.9ConfirmedLouis-Antoine de NoaillesBishop of Cahors, FranceCardinal, Archbishop of Paris, France
9 MayBornWinimar Knippschild, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn, Germany
11 MayBornAntonio López Portillo de Guadalupe, O.F.M. †Bishop of Comayagua, Honduras
DiedEttore MolzaBishop of Modena, Italy
15 May59.3DiedCarlo VainiTitular Archbishop of Nicaea
17 May50.3DiedGiuseppe CivranBishop of Vicenza, Italy
20 May50.3SelectedFrancisco de BorjaBishop of Trujillo, Peru
80.0DiedAnastasio Vives de Rocamora, O. Carm. †Bishop Emeritus of Segorbe, Spain
22 May24.1Ordained DeaconGian Andrea MoscarelliDeaconBishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy
23 May24.1Ordained PriestGian Andrea MoscarelliPriestBishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy
27 May22.9Ordained PriestGiacomo Falconetti, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars PreachersBishop of Grosseto, Italy
BornLeopold Anton Eleutherius von FirmianArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
23.0Ordained PriestGerolamo Francesco MalpasciutoPriestBishop of Vercelli, Italy
28 May67.4Ordained BishopAntonio de Benavides y BazánPatriarch of West Indies, Spain
70.4DiedGaudenzio PoliBishop of Amelia, Italy
BornFrancesco Saraceno, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Chansi and Chensi, China
31 May31.4AppointedMatteo Berniacovich, O.F.M. †Administrator of Smederevo (Semendria), SerbiaBishop of Beograd {Belgrade}, Serbia
1 JunBornGiacinto Zanobetti, O.P. †Bishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro
10 Jun62.5ResignedGilles de La Baume le Blanc de la ValièreBishop of Nantes, FranceBishop Emeritus
11 Jun41.3Ordained BishopJohann Ignaz Dlouhovesky de LongavillaTitular Bishop of MilevumAuxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
12 Jun45.4ConfirmedFrançois-Ignace de Baglion du Saillant, C.O. †Bishop of Tréguier, FranceBishop of Poitiers, France
47.4AppointedSancho de Andrade de FigueroaBishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga (Guamanga), PeruBishop of Quito, Ecuador
47.4AppointedFrancesco ScannagattaBishop of Avellino e Frigento, Italy
66.4ResignedTomasz Wieyski (Ujejski)Bishop of Kyiv and Chernihiv (Kijów and Czernihow), UkraineBishop Emeritus
41.4AppointedJan Stanisław WitwickiBishop of Kyiv and Chernihiv (Kijów and Czernihow), UkraineBishop of Poznań, Poland
15 Jun55.4DiedPierre Lambert de la Motte, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Cochin {Cocincina}, Viet Nam
16 Jun41.8DiedGiovanni Stefano Sanarica (Senarega), O.S.B. †Bishop of Conversano, Italy
18 Jun28.0Ordained BishopLouis-Antoine de NoaillesBishop of Cahors, FranceCardinal, Archbishop of Paris, France
47.4Ordained BishopFrancesco ScannagattaBishop of Avellino e Frigento, Italy
19 JunBornNicola Jorio (Iorio)Titular Archbishop of Nazareth
22 Jun48.4DiedAgustín de Serralde, O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain
26 JunBornLucas Sartorius Delmestri von SchönbergBishop of Trieste, Italy
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