Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1817

Diocese Events

See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1816) | Next Year (1818)

unknownEparchy of Beirut {Bairut} (Syrian), Lebanon Erected
unknownInstitute of the Josephites of Belgium Founded
unknownVicariate Apostolic of Alep, Syria Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Syria, Egypt, Arabia, and Cyprus, Syria Name Changed
2 JanFratelli Maristi delle Scuole (Piccoli Fratelli di Maria) Founded
10 JanCongregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Approbation
8 FebDiocese of Treia, Italy Erected
17 MarDiocese of Catania, Italy Territory LostDiocese of Nicosia, Italy Erected
3 JulDiocese of Catania, Italy Territory LostDiocese of Piazza Armerina, Italy Erected
4 JulDiocese of Québec, Canada Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Nova Scotia, Canada Erected
10 JulDiocese of Chambéry, France ElevatedArchdiocese of Chambéry, France Elevated
10 JulArchdiocese of Arles, France Restored
10 JulDiocese of Auxerre, France Restored
17 JulDiocese of Aosta, Italy Restored
17 JulDiocese of Mondovi, Italy Territory LostDiocese of Cuneo, Italy Erected
17 JulDiocese of Vercelli, Italy ElevatedArchdiocese of Vercelli, Italy Elevated
17 JulDiocese of Novara, Italy (from Milano) Metropolitan Changed
17 JulDiocese of Vercelli, Italy Territory LostDiocese of Biella, Italy Restored
27 JulDiocese of Autun, France
Archdiocese of Bourges, France
Diocese of Clermont, France
Territory LostDiocese of Moulins, France Erected
2 OctSociety of Mary Founded
22 NovMission "Sui Iuris" of Batavia (Holland Mission), Netherlands Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Dutch Guyana-Suriname, Antilles Erected


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