Catholic-Hierarchy DC

28th day of January

Diocese Events

St. Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor (Memorial)

See Also: Bishop Events

1216Archdiocese of Salzburg, Austria Territory LostDiocese of Chiemsee, Germany Erected
1659Archeparchy of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Syrian), Syria Erected
1785Diocese of Passau, Germany Territory LostDiocese of Linz, Austria
Diocese of Sankt Pölten, Austria
1785Archdiocese of Salzburg, Austria Territory LostDiocese of Leoben, Austria Erected
1785Diocese of Wiener Neustadt, Austria SuppressedArchdiocese of Wien {Vienna}, Austria Territory Added
1897St. Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill Decretum Laudis
1904Congregation for Indulgences and Relics, Roman Curia SuppressedCongregation of (Sacred) Rites, Roman Curia Territory Added
1913Vicariate Apostolic of Nyassa, Malawi (Northern part) Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Bangueolo, Zambia Erected
1913Vicariate Apostolic of Galla, Ethiopia Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Southern Kaffa {Kaffa Meridionale}, Ethiopia Erected
1926Vicariate Apostolic of Nouvelle-Anvers, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Southern part) Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Tsuapa, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Territory Added
1926Prefecture Apostolic of Tsuapa, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Name ChangedPrefecture Apostolic of Coquilhatville, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Name Changed
1927Diocese of Padova {Padua}, Italy (Malo) Territory LostDiocese of Vicenza, Italy Territory Added
1935Vicariate Apostolic of Bagamoyo, Tanzania
Prefecture Apostolic of Iringa, Tanzania
Vicariate Apostolic of Kilima-Njaro, Tanzania
Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Dodoma, Tanzania Erected
1935Prefecture Apostolic of Loyang [Luoyang], China ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Loyang [Luoyang], China Elevated
1935Prefecture Apostolic of Ubanghi Belga {Belgian Ubanghi}, Congo (Dem. Rep.) ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Ubanghi Belga {Belgian Ubanghi}, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Elevated
1935Mission "Sui Iuris" of Miyazaki, Japan ElevatedPrefecture Apostolic of Miyazaki, Japan Elevated
1939Archdiocese of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland (Sanniki) Territory Added
1956Prefecture Apostolic of Bermuda Islands, Antilles ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Bermuda Islands, Antilles Elevated
1961Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, and Schuylkill) Territory LostDiocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA Erected
1961Diocese of Colima, México (Autlan de Navarro, Cabo Corrientes (Tuito), Casimiro Castillo, Ejutla, El Grullo, La Huerta, El Limón, Purificación, Tomatlán, Cihuatlán, and Cuatitlán)
Archdiocese of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México (Atengo, Ayutla, Cuautlá, Juchitlán, Tecolotlán, Tenamaxtlán, and Unión de Tula)
Territory LostDiocese of Autlán, Jalisco, México Erected
1961Diocese of Crato, Ceara, Brazil (Acopiara, Arneiroz, Aiuaba, Cariús, Catarina, Cedro, Cococí, Ico, Iguatú, Jucas, Oros, Parambú, Saboeiro, and Tauá)
Archdiocese of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil (Milha, Mombaça, Pedra Branca, Piquet Carneiro, Senador Pompeu, and Solonópole)
Territory LostDiocese of Iguatu, Ceara, Brazil Erected
1995Vicariate Apostolic of Machiques, Venezuela (Páez and Northern part of Mara along with Gonzalo Antonio) Territory LostArchdiocese of Maracaibo, Venezuela Territory Added
1995Archdiocese of Maracaibo, Venezuela (Parts of Encontrados and Udón Pérez) Territory LostVicariate Apostolic of Machiques, Venezuela Territory Added
2006Archdiocese of Shillong, India (West Khasi Hills) Territory LostDiocese of Nongstoin, India Erected
2006Archdiocese of Shillong, India (Jaintia Hills) Territory LostDiocese of Jowai, India Erected


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