Catholic-Hierarchy DC

13th day of June

Diocese Events

St. Anthony of Padua, priest and doctor (Memorial)

See Also: Bishop Events

1805Diocese of Kraków, Poland
Diocese of Tarnów, Poland
Territory LostDiocese of Kielce, Poland Erected
1828Diocese of Soissons, France Name ChangedDiocese of Soissons (-Laon), France Name Changed
1859Diocese of Buenos Aires, Argentina Territory LostDiocese of Paraná, Argentina Erected
1900Diocese of Grafton, Australia Name ChangedDiocese of Lismore, Australia Name Changed
1917Prefecture Apostolic of Kasaï Superiore, Congo (Dem. Rep.) ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Kasaï Superiore, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Elevated
1917Prefecture Apostolic of Bahr el-Ghazal, Sudan ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Bahr el-Ghazal, Sudan Elevated
1939Vicariate Apostolic of Cape of Good Hope, Western District {Capo di Buona Speranza, Distretto Occidentale}, South Africa Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Cape Town, South Africa Name Changed
1939Prefecture Apostolic of Cape of Good Hope, Central District {Capo di Buona Speranza, Distretto Centrale}, South Africa Name ChangedPrefecture Apostolic of Oudtshoorn, South Africa Name Changed
1939Prefecture Apostolic of Benkoelen, Indonesia ElevatedVicariate Apostolic of Palembang, Indonesia Elevated
1939Prefecture Apostolic of Northern Transvaal {Transvaal Settentrionale}, South Africa ElevatedTerritorial Abbey of Pietersburg, South Africa Elevated
1939Vicariate Apostolic of Cape of Good Hope, Eastern District {Capo de Buona Speranza, Distretto Orientale}, South Africa Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Port Elizabeth, South Africa Name Changed
1946Vicariate Apostolic of Papua, Papua New Guinea (Eastern part) Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Samarai, Papua New Guinea Erected
1946Vicariate Apostolic of Papua, Papua New Guinea Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Name Changed
1946Prefecture Apostolic of Broken Hill, Zambia Name ChangedPrefecture Apostolic of Lusaka, Zambia Name Changed
1956Ordinariate of Austria, Faithful of Byzantine Rite (Byzantine) Erected
1960Diocese of Valença, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Ipiabas) Territory LostDiocese of Barra do Piraí, Brazil Territory Added
1966Diocese of Huaraz, Peru (from Lima) Metropolitan Changed
1966Territorial Prelature of Huarí, Peru (from Lima) Metropolitan Changed
1968Little Brothers of Jesus Approbation
1969Diocese of Ihosy, Madagascar (Midongy-sud) Territory LostDiocese of Farafangana, Madagascar Territory Added
1997Diocese of Colón, Panama Name ChangedDiocese of Colón-Kuna Yala, Panama Name Changed
2009Diocese of Posadas, Argentina (San Antonio de Padua, Cristo Rey, Santa Rita, San José Obrero, and Ascension del Señor (in Oberá); San Rafael Arcángel, Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús, and María de Itatí (in Cainguás); Santa Teresita del Nino Jesus, Santa Catalina de Siena, and Santa ...)
Diocese of Puerto Iguazú, Argentina (Cristo Rey, San Juan Neumann, and San Vicente de Paúl along with Asunción de la Santísima Virgen (Ukrainian, in Guaraní))
Territory LostDiocese of Oberá, Argentina Erected
2009Diocese of Posadas, Argentina (San Alberto Magno (in Puerto Rico) and San Luis Gonzaga (in Capioví)) Territory LostDiocese of Puerto Iguazú, Argentina Territory Added
2016Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Approbation


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