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The Year of Our Lord 1621


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1620) | Next Year (1622)

unknownAlbert de BelličvreArchbishop Emeritus of Lyon, France
unknown81.0Antonio Calderón de LeónBishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
unknownTomás Dávalos de AragónTitular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch}
unknownAnnibale GinnasiArchbishop of Manfredonia, Italy
unknown53.0Diego Guevara, O.S.A. †Bishop of Nueva Caceres, Philippines
unknownSimoni JeçiBishop of Sapë, Albania
unknownPasquale Padavino, O.S.B. †Bishop of Arbe (Rab), Croatia
unknown66.0Giorgio PerpignaniBishop of Canea (Cydonia, Egée), Greece
unknown54.0Marcello Pignatelli, C.R. †Bishop of Jesi, Italy
unknown71.0Szymon RudnickiBishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland
unknownAlessandro StrozziArchbishop of Fermo, Italy
4 Jan56.0Jerzy ZamoyskiBishop of Chełm, Poland
7 Jan54.0Francisco Pereira, O.S.A. †Bishop of Miranda (do Douro), Portugal
9 Jan36.0Guillaume Fouquet de la VarenneBishop of Angers, France
28 Jan68.3Camillo BorghesePope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
28 Jan71.0Jacques de SerresBishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, France
2 FebGiambattista BrivioBishop of Cremona, Italy
10 Feb49.8Pietro AldobrandiniCardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
12 Feb78.1Ladislao d’AquinoCardinal, Bishop of Venafro, Italy
19 Feb61.1Giacomo SannesioCardinal, Bishop of Orvieto, Italy
23 Mar59.2Ireneo (Francesco) Brasavola, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Castro [del Lazio], Italy
27 Mar66.8Benedetto GiustinianiCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
27 MarGiulio Cesare SegniBishop Emeritus of Rieti, Italy
6 AprJean de L’HôtelBishop of Viviers (Aps), France
22 AprCesare Del PezzoBishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy
30 Apr30.3Domenico BonziCoadjutor Bishop of Béziers, France
Jun45.9Pedro Ruiz ValdiviesoBishop of Orense, Spain
13 JunJuan Zapata OsorioBishop of Zamora, Spain
18 Jun46.4Louis III de Guise de LorraineCardinal, Archbishop-Elect of Reims, France
4 Jul67.5Jean de BonsiCardinal, Bishop of Béziers, France
12 JulAgostinho RibeiroBishop of Angra, Portugal
13 Jul61.6Albrecht von Austria (Österreich)Former Archbishop-Elect of Toledo, Spain
14 Jul43.5Pierre de DonnauldCoadjutor Bishop of Mirepoix, France
3 Aug65.4Guillaume du VairBishop of Lisieux, France
11 Aug61.6Christophe de L’EstangBishop of Carcassonne, France
14 Aug33.6Arthur d’Épinay de Saint LucBishop of Marseille, France
24 Aug84.6Ippolito Fabiani, O.S.A. †Bishop of Civita Castellana e Orte, Italy
2 Sep61.9Claudio RangoniBishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
8 SepPedro Carvajal Girón de LoaysaBishop of Coria, Spain
13 Sep56.6Pál AlmásyBishop of Vác, Hungary
17 Sep78.9St. Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, S.J. †Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Capua, Italy
OctStanisław Udrzycki (Udrycki)Auxiliary Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine
18 Oct55.7Bartolomeo Cesi (Cesa)Cardinal, Bishop of Tivoli, Italy
24 Oct56.8Jean Davy du PerronArchbishop of Sens, France
NovCurzio CocciArchbishop of Conza, Italy
7 Nov64.8Alfonso Márquez de PradoBishop of Segovia, Spain
10 Dec55.9Lodovico MartiniBishop of Aosta, Italy
10 Dec64.9Diego Torres Altamirano, O.F.M. †Bishop of Cartagena, Colombia
15 DecGiovanni Battista StellaBishop of Bitonto, Italy
24 DecPaolo (Pietro Maria) del Lago (Bisnetti), O.F.M. †Bishop of Trivento, Italy
30 Dec47.9Antonio ZaraBishop of Pedena, Austria
31 Dec41.9Pedro MoncadaBishop of Gerona, Spain
31 DecLelio RuiniBishop of Bagnoregio (Bagnorea), Italy


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