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The Year of Our Lord 1620


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1619) | Next Year (1621)

unknownTommaso BalbaniBishop of Penne e Atri, Italy
unknownCamillo Beccio, O.S.A. †Bishop of Acqui, Italy
unknown69.0Nicola BianchiBishop of Sapë, Albania
unknown68.0Francesco BoncianniArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
unknownFerdinando (Pietro) D’Avila, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Ascoli Satriano (Puglia), Italy
unknownStefano de Vicari, O.P. †Bishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy
unknownOttaviano GarzadoriBishop of Ossero (Osor), Croatia
unknownLuca Antonio Gigli (Lilius)Bishop of Alatri, Italy
unknown80.0Ignatiy GrekBishop
unknownEustachy MalińskiBishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine
21 FebAloisio GrimaniArchbishop of Candia {Crete}, Greece
23 Feb72.1Luis Sans y CódolBishop of Barcelona, Spain
2 Mar74.1Francesco Gonzaga, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Mantova, Italy
11 Mar65.1Eucharius SangAuxiliary Bishop of Würzburg, Germany
12 Mar73.1Cosimo Dossena, B. †Bishop of Tortona, Italy
12 Mar69.1Prudencio Sandoval, O.S.B. †Bishop of Pamplona, Spain
22 MarNicolas de BriroyBishop of Coutances, France
26 Mar84.7Domenico ToschiCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
28 Mar75.2Nikolaus Arresdorf, O.F.M. Conv. †Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn, Germany
30 Mar66.4Antonio Maria GalloCardinal, Bishop of Osimo, Italy
Apr61.2Manuel Baptista Soares, O.F.M. †Bishop of Angola e Congo
8 Apr75.2Angelo Rocca, O.S.A. †Titular Bishop of Thagaste
26 AprFrancisco Diaz de Cabrera y Córdoba, O.P. †Bishop of Trujillo, Peru
27 AprBenedetto AlaArchbishop of Urbino, Italy
7 May56.3Pietro Giorgio OdescalchiBishop of Vigevano, Italy
16 May46.3Pedro de São Agostinho Figueira de Cunha Lobo, O.S.A. †Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe
27 May40.6Philippe Hurault de ChevernyBishop of Chartres, France
30 May78.4Matthias Van den Hove (Hovius)Archbishop of Mechelen, Belgium
20 Jun72.4Felipe Tarsis de Acuña, O.S. †Archbishop of Granada, Spain
27 Jun45.4August Wiederin von OttersbachPrefect of Lausitz (Lusatia), Germany
Jul58.5Gavino Manca de CedrellesArchbishop of Sassari, Italy
9 Jul47.5Pedro de Solier y Vargas, O.E.S.A. †Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
15 Jul64.5Jean BertierBishop of Rieux, France
1 Aug53.5Baccio GherardiniBishop of Fiesole, Italy
15 Aug70.6Juan García ValdemoraBishop of Tuy, Spain
22 AugFrançois Martinengo, O.F.M. †Bishop of Nice, France
22 Aug72.5Giovanni Evangelista PallottaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
1 SepUrsino de BertiisBishop of Trieste, Italy
5 Sep67.6Orazio SpannocchiBishop of Chiusi, Italy
15 SepTommaso Piolatto (Biolato), C.R.L. †Bishop of Fossano, Italy
20 Sep54.7Giovanni Battista de Asti, O.S.A. †Titular Bishop of Thagaste
23 SepGiambattista Dal Mare, O.P. †Bishop of Lavello, Italy
15 OctAlfonso Santillán Fajardo, O.P. †Bishop of Quito, Ecuador
16 Oct69.7Francisco VirgiliBishop of Lérida, Spain
25 Oct57.8Innocenzo Stoilino, O.S.B. †Bishop of Lezhë {Lesh, Alessio}, Albania
20 Nov62.0Louis de Vigne, O. Carm. †Bishop of Uzés, France
2 Dec60.9Placido della MarraBishop of Melfi e Rapolla, Italy
6 DecVincenzo Capece, C.R. †Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy
9 Dec49.0Orazio LancellottiCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Council
12 Dec39.9Tommaso Sanfelice, C.R. †Bishop of Montepeloso, Italy
17 Dec67.9Rafael Ripoz, O.P. †Bishop of Perpignan-Elne, France
21 Dec48.9Giuliano CastagnolaBishop of Nebbio, France
27 DecCaesar FedeleVicegerent of Roma {Rome}, Italy
29 DecGiuseppe SaluzzoBishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy


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