Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1674


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1673) | Next Year (1675)

unknownJan BużeńskiAuxiliary Bishop of Gniezno, Poland
12 Jan42.0Antonio do Espirito Santo, O.C.D. †Bishop of Angola e Congo
21 Jan53.0Matteo di GénnaroArchbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy
30 Jan64.0Matteo Benlich, O.F.M. †Bishop of Beograd {Belgrade}, Serbia
8 Feb73.1Fabio dos Reis Fernandes, O. Carm. †Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde
12 Feb60.8Juan López, O.P. †Archbishop of Manila, Philippines
27 Feb77.1Bartolomé de Foncalda (Fontcalda), O.S.A. †Bishop of Huesca, Spain
5 MarRaffaele de Palma, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Oria, Italy
6 Mar78.1Pietro Lanfranconi, O.S.A. †Bishop of Terni, Italy
16 Mar68.2Claude RuffierBishop of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, France
25 Mar69.1Giacinto Tarugi (Torisi), O.P. †Bishop of Venosa, Italy
3 Apr77.3Gabriel Adarzo de Santander y Martínez de Viaín, O. de M. †Archbishop of Otranto, Italy
13 Apr76.2Giovanni Battista Imperiali, C.R. †Bishop of Aleria, France
29 Apr59.3Pietro Martire Rusca, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop of Caorle, Italy
7 May86.3Wolther Heinrich von Strevesdorff, O.E.S.A. †Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany
12 May64.3Francesco Maria Annoni, C.R. †Bishop of Muro Lucano, Italy
15 May57.3Kazimierz Florian CzartoryskiArchbishop of Gniezno, Poland
17 May54.3Francisco José Crespos de EscobarBishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
21 May68.3Gabriel (Havrylo) Kolenda, O.S.B.M. †Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
22 May75.1Francisco de Gamboa, O.S.A. †Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain
4 Jun89.4Giovanni Agostino MarlianiBishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
9 Jun58.4Alfonso Bravo de Laguna, O.F.M. †Bishop of Nicaragua
14 Jun76.4Benedicto Sánchez de HerreraBishop of Pozzuoli, Italy
28 Jun68.4Pierre de BertierBishop of Montauban, France
13 Jul53.5Gabriel de Almeida, O. Cist. †Bishop of Funchal, Portugal
14 Jul66.5Matteo Avanian, O.P. †Archbishop of Nachitschewan (Naxivan, Nakhtchevan, Nakhchivan), Armenia
23 Jul66.2Giuseppe Zonga OndedeiBishop of Fréjus, France
23 Jul66.5Pierre ParcevichVicar Apostolic of Moldavia
13 Aug44.6Filippo SoldaniBishop of Fiesole, Italy
27 Aug66.6Alexander FabriBishop of Orange, France
1 Sep73.6Petăr Bogdan Bakšič, O.F.M. Obs. †Archbishop of Sardica (Sredek, Sofia), Bulgaria
13 Sep59.6Jacques Adhémar de Monteil de GrignanBishop of Uzés, France
19 Sep54.7Louis-Henri de Pardaillon de GondrinArchbishop of Sens, France
22 SepLadislas JonnartArchbishop of Cambrai, France
26 Sep65.0Ottavio Acquaviva d’Aragona (Jr.)Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Cecilia
20 Oct68.8Rodrigo de Mandia y PargaBishop of Astorga, Spain
28 Oct65.0Giovanni BonaCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Bernardo alle Terme
13 Nov76.8Pietro Francesco Moia, C.R.S. †Bishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy
16 Nov76.8Vincenzo Maffia, O.P. †Bishop of Patti, Italy
15 Dec59.9Francesco AngelucciBishop of Veroli, Italy
19 Dec55.5Marcello SantacroceCardinal, Bishop of Tivoli, Italy
24 Dec53.9Daniel MackeyBishop of Dromore, Ireland
24 DecMichele Angelo VincentiniBishop Emeritus of Gerace, Italy


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