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The Year of Our Lord 1676

Bishop Events

January to June

See Also: July to December | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1675) | Next Year (1677)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown17.9EnteredFrancesco Giuseppe Arborio di Gattinara, B. †Member of Clerics Regular of St. PaulArchbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy
51.0ResignedJohann BrassertAuxiliary Bishop of Mainz, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop of Speyer, Germany
BornPedro del Cañizo Losa y ValeraAuxiliary Bishop of Cuenca, Spain
BornGodefroid-Maurice de ConflansBishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, France
61.0Ordained BishopManuel da Natividade, O.F.M. †Bishop of Angola e Congo
BornLouis-Pierre de La Tour du Pin-MontaubanBishop of Toulon, France
60.0Ordained BishopAntonio de São Dionysio, O.F.M. †Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde
62.0DiedMartín de Espinosa y MonzónBishop of Comayagua, Honduras
DiedQuintilianus GentilucciAuxiliary Bishop of Sabina, Italy
DiedPedro AlencastreTitular Archbishop of Side
BornManuel Lopes SimõesBishop of Portalegre, Portugal
24.0Ordained PriestCharles Maigrot, M.E.P. †PriestVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Fukien (Kuiceu), China
BornJuan Domingo Manzano CarvajalBishop of Jaca, Spain
BornDionysios MondinòsBishop of Milo
DiedDenys Benham MourabbiBishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Syrian), Syria
81.9DiedAlfonso Pérez de GuzmánPatriarch Emeritus of West Indies, Spain
BornAntonio Pimentel, S.J. †Archbishop of Cranganore (Angamala), India
59.3DiedLussorio Roger (Rogger)Bishop of Alghero, Italy
41.0Ordained BishopAntonio de Sangro, C.R. †Bishop of Troia, Italy
34.4AppointedJuan de Santiago y León GarabitoBishop of Puerto Rico (Porto Rico)Bishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
1 Jan63.5DiedGiovanni Battista FalvoBishop of Marsico Nuovo, ItalyBishop Emeritus
7 JanBornSebastião de Andrade PeçanhaArchbishop Emeritus of Goa, India
75.0DiedPietro de VicoArchbishop of Cagliari, Italy
12 JanBornJoão de Sousa de Castelo-BrancoBishop of Elvas, Portugal
15 Jan31.0SelectedJohann Franz Christoph von TalmbergBishop of Hradec Králové, Czechia
16 Jan63.9ConfirmedJohann von Goës (Goess)Cardinal, Bishop of Gurk, Austria
17 Jan49.0DiedFrancesco TirottaBishop of Squillace, Italy
19 JanDiedPietro Gambacorta, C.R. †Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
20 JanBornJoão de Faro, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde
24 JanBornCayetano Benítez de Lugo, O.P. †Bishop of Zamora, Spain
26 JanBornAscanio ArgelatiBishop of Città della Pieve, Italy
29 JanDiedCharles François de La VieuxvilleBishop of Rennes, France
BornSebastián Lorenzo Pizarro, O.S.Bas. †Bishop of Puerto Rico (Porto Rico)
30 Jan66.0DiedOrazio degli AlbizziBishop of Volterra, Italy
1 FebResignedGuido Bentivoglio, C.R. †Bishop of Bertinoro, ItalyBishop Emeritus
2 Feb63.9Ordained BishopJohann von Goës (Goess)Cardinal, Bishop of Gurk, Austria
3 Feb33.3SelectedFrançois Bouthillier de ChavignyBishop of Rennes, FranceBishop Emeritus of Troyes, France
4 FebBornCarlo Francesco AiroldiTitular Archbishop of Side
11 Feb48.6InstalledJuan de Ortega Cano Montañez y PatiñoBishop of Santiago de GuatemalaArchbishop of México, Federal District
13 FebBornNicola Preti CastriotaBishop Emeritus of Vieste, Italy
15 Feb64.1DiedJuan de la Calle y Heredia, O. de M. †Bishop of Arequipa, Peru
16 Feb61.1InstalledGaetano Garimberti, C.R. †Bishop of Borgo San Donnino, Italy
24.0Ordained PriestJohann Christoph HausPriest of Basel, SwitzerlandAuxiliary Bishop
20 Feb41.1AppointedGiuseppe MostiApostolic Nuncio to SavoyApostolic Nuncio to Spain
22 Feb39.5SelectedLouis de Lascaris d’UrféBishop of Limoges, France
23 Feb79.2ResignedGiuseppe della Corgna (Cornea), O.P. †Bishop of Orvieto, ItalyBishop Emeritus
24 Feb69.1AppointedAlessandro Crescenzi, C.R.S. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of Recanati e Loreto, ItalyCardinal, Bishop Emeritus
56.6ConfirmedPeter Philipp von DernbachBishop of Würzburg, GermanyBishop of Bamberg, Germany
33.1AppointedGregorio Giuseppe Gaetani de AragoniaTitular Archbishop of Neocaesarea in PontoTitular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}
48.1AppointedAgostino Isimbardi, O.S.B. †Bishop of Cremona, Italy
51.9ConfirmedDamian Hartard von Leyen-HohengeroldseckArchbishop of Mainz, Germany
51.9ConfirmedDamian Hartard von Leyen-HohengeroldseckBishop of Worms, GermanyArchbishop of Mainz, Germany
AppointedGirolamo Orsaja, O.M. †Archbishop of Rossano, Italy
48.5AppointedBernardino RocciArchbishop (Personal Title) of Orvieto, ItalyCardinal, Bishop
25 Feb58.1Ordained BishopAloysius BevilacquaTitular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}
41.1Ordained BishopGiuseppe MostiTitular Archbishop of NazianzusApostolic Nuncio to Spain
28 FebBornDionigi PieragostiniBishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy
29 Feb21.7Ordained DeaconFerdinand Paul Ernest de Berlo de BrusDeaconBishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium
22.9Ordained PriestDomenico CatalaniPriestBishop of Termoli, Italy
1 Mar48.1Ordained BishopAgostino Isimbardi, O.S.B. †Bishop of Cremona, Italy
Ordained BishopGirolamo Orsaja, O.M. †Archbishop of Rossano, Italy
2 Mar71.0DiedJuan de Almoguera, O.SS.T. †Archbishop of Lima, Peru
5 Mar44.1DiedGyörgy PongráczBishop of Vác, Hungary
11 MarBornVincenzo SantiniApostolic Nuncio to Poland
13 Mar55.1DiedGabriel Díaz Vara y CalderónBishop of Santiago de Cuba
14 Mar33.5InstalledJohann Friedrich von Waldstein, O.Cr. †Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
15 Mar33.2Ordained BishopGregorio Giuseppe Gaetani de AragoniaTitular Archbishop of Neocaesarea in PontoTitular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}
21 Mar22.2Ordained DeaconGiovanni Battista CapilupiDeaconBishop of Polignano (Polinianum), Italy
Ordained PriestAngelo Gabriele Gautieri, O.F.M. Ref. †Priest of Order of Reformed Friars MinorVicar Apostolic of Transilvania, Erdély, Siebenbürgen, Romania
36.5Ordained PriestCesare SperelliPriestBishop Emeritus of Terni, Italy
22 Mar61.2Ordained BishopAgustín Antolínez, O.S.A. †Bishop of Badajoz, Spain
80.2DiedSimone Carafa Roccella, C.R. †Archbishop of Messina, Italy
23 Mar66.2InstalledMario AlberizziCardinal-Priest of San Giovanni a Porta LatinaCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
34.2ConfirmedAntoine-Benoît de Clermont-TonnerreBishop of Fréjus, France
50.2AppointedGiuseppe de LazzaraBishop of Alife, Italy
32.7ConfirmedHardouin Fortin de la HoguetteBishop of Saint-Brieuc, FranceArchbishop of Sens, France
28.9AppointedVincenzo Cavalli (Gaballi)Bishop of Bertinoro, Italy
63.2AppointedGiovanni Gambacorta, C.R. †Bishop of Marsico Nuovo, Italy
46.5InstalledPhilip Thomas Howard of Norfolk, O.P. †Cardinal-Priest of Santa CeciliaCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria sopra Minerva
48.4InstalledGaleazzo MarescottiCardinal-Priest of San Bernardo alle TermeCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
34.2ConfirmedMichel Phélypeaux de La VrillièreBishop of Uzés, FranceArchbishop of Bourges, France
45.2AppointedAgustín de Serralde, O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain
45.2AppointedAgustín de Serralde, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of CitrusAuxiliary Bishop of Sigüenza, Spain
33.0InstalledFabrizio SpadaCardinal-Priest of San CallistoCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
51.2AppointedWojciech StawowskiAuxiliary Bishop of Gniezno, Poland
51.2AppointedWojciech StawowskiTitular Bishop of Petra in PalaestinaAuxiliary Bishop of Gniezno, Poland
BornAntonio Maria VantiniBishop of Montepulciano, Italy
25 Mar27.6Ordained PriestChryzostom Benedykt Gniński, O. Cist. †Priest of Order of CisterciansBishop of Kamyanets-Podilskyi (Kamieniec), Ukraine
22.9Ordained PriestGaspare Gori-Mancini, O.S.Io.Hieros. †Priest of Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of JerusalemBishop of Malta
31 Mar45.2SelectedAntonio de León y BecerraBishop of Trujillo, PeruBishop of Arequipa, Peru
39.2SelectedManuel Fernández de Santa Cruz y SahagúnBishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México
Apr76.3DiedNatale CarideiBishop of Šibenik (Knin), Croatia
34.2Ordained BishopAlonso Antonio de San MartínBishop of Oviedo, SpainBishop of Cuenca, Spain
1 AprBornJuan Garcia Avello y CastrillónBishop of Oviedo, Spain
4 Apr26.2Ordained PriestGuillaume Bochart de ChampignyPriestBishop of Valence, France
33.2AppointedGregorio Giuseppe Gaetani de AragoniaApostolic Nuncio to Florence (Tuscany), ItalyTitular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria}
23.0Ordained PriestJohann Sigmund Zeller von und zu LeibersdorfPriest of Regensburg, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop of Freising, Germany
9 Apr62.2DiedFrancesco Antonio De LucaBishop Emeritus of Anglona-Tursi, Italy
14 AprBornJoseph Heinrich von BraitenbücherAuxiliary Bishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria
15 AprBornClemente Comenge AvioBishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain
19 Apr50.2Ordained BishopGiuseppe de LazzaraBishop of Alife, Italy
29.0Ordained BishopVincenzo Cavalli (Gaballi)Bishop of Bertinoro, Italy
23.0Ordained PriestThomas Angelus Passante, Sch. P. †Priest of Order of the Pious SchoolsBishop of Pozzuoli, Italy
20 AprBornAndrea CarlovichBishop of Arbe (Rab), Croatia
21 AprBornGiovanni Andrea SchianoBishop of Massa Lubrense, Italy
22 AprAppointedJohn DooleyVicar Apostolic of Killala, Ireland
26 Apr34.3Ordained BishopAntoine-Benoît de Clermont-TonnerreBishop of Fréjus, France
63.3Ordained BishopGiovanni Gambacorta, C.R. †Bishop of Marsico Nuovo, Italy
27 Apr61.3AppointedIvan de AndreisBishop of Trogir (Traù), Croatia
DiedDomenico de’ MariniTitular Archbishop of Teodosia
46.3AppointedFrancesco de’ MariniTitular Archbishop of TeodosiaBishop Emeritus of Molfetta, Italy
52.6AppointedAntonio del Río ColmenaresBishop of Gaeta, ItalyArchbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy
51.3AppointedPaolo FilocamoBishop of Squillace, Italy
58.8AppointedLorenzo Mayers Caramuel, O. de M. †Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, ItalyBishop of Gaeta, Italy
32.3AppointedCharles de PradelTitular Bishop of MarcopolisBishop of Montpellier, France
32.3ConfirmedCharles de PradelCoadjutor Bishop of Montpellier, FranceBishop
35.5AppointedDomenico SorrentinoBishop of Vulturara e Montecorvino, Italy
61.3ConfirmedJean de Vintimille du LucBishop of Toulon, France
3 May32.8Ordained BishopHardouin Fortin de la HoguetteBishop of Saint-Brieuc, FranceArchbishop of Sens, France
86.3DiedFrançois de LafayetteBishop of Limoges, France
6 May44.3AppointedMartin Ferdinand Brückner von BrückensteinPrefect of Lausitz (Lusatia), Germany
9 May57.5SelectedAntonio de Azcona UmbertoBishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
10 May52.7Ordained BishopAntonio del Río ColmenaresBishop of Gaeta, ItalyArchbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy
51.3Ordained BishopPaolo FilocamoBishop of Squillace, Italy
58.9Ordained BishopLorenzo Mayers Caramuel, O. de M. †Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, ItalyBishop of Gaeta, Italy
11 MayBornDiego Felipe Gómez de AnguloBishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, México
13 May33.8AppointedPeter CreaghBishop of Cork and Cloyne, IrelandArchbishop of Dublin, Ireland
DiedOnofrio de PonteBishop of Lettere (-Gragnano), Italy
BornAntonio TascaTitular Archbishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia
49.3AppointedPatrick Tyrrell (Tyrell), O.F.M. †Bishop of Clogher, IrelandBishop of Meath, Ireland
14 May76.3DiedMikołaj Romanow ŚwirskiAuxiliary Bishop of Chełm, Poland
18 May76.3DiedLuís de Cifuentes y Sotomayor, O.P. †Bishop of Yucatán (Mérida), México
20 MayBornSerafino CenciCardinal, Archbishop of Benevento, Italy
24 May73.3DiedFederico SforzaCardinal, Bishop of Tivoli, Italy
26 May33.9Ordained BishopPeter CreaghBishop of Cork and Cloyne, IrelandArchbishop of Dublin, Ireland
28 MayBornSigismund von KollonitschCardinal, Archbishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria
29 May74.5DiedDiego de Humanzoro Carantia, O.F.M. †Bishop of Santiago de Chile
1 Jun57.4DiedKarl Kaspar von Leyen-HohengeroldseckArchbishop of Trier, Germany
42.3SucceededJohann Hugo von OrsbeckArchbishop of Trier, Germany
2 JunBornFrancesco Maria LoyeroBishop of Nicastro, Italy
7 Jun34.4Ordained BishopMichel Phélypeaux de La VrillièreBishop of Uzés, FranceArchbishop of Bourges, France
9 Jun55.4SelectedNicolás de Ulloa y Hurtado de Mendoza, O.S.A. †Auxiliary Bishop of Lima, PeruBishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina
12 JunBornJohann Moritz Gustav von Manderscheid-BlankenheimArchbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
14 Jun49.4Ordained BishopPatrick Tyrrell (Tyrell), O.F.M. †Bishop of Clogher, IrelandBishop of Meath, Ireland
18 Jun36.8ResignedAndrea Francolisio (d’Aquino)Bishop of Tricarico, ItalyBishop Emeritus
19 JunBornOttavio GaspariniBishop of Città di Castello, Italy
22 Jun66.4AppointedMario AlberizziArchbishop (Personal Title) of Tivoli, ItalyCardinal, Bishop Emeritus
56.9ConfirmedAlfonso Álvarez Barba Ossorio, O. Carm. †Archbishop of Salerno, Italy
33.7ConfirmedFrançois Bouthillier de ChavignyBishop of Rennes, FranceBishop Emeritus of Troyes, France
37.2AppointedDomenico GallesiBishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy
53.4AppointedJan MałachowskiBishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), PolandBishop of Kraków, Poland
52.4AppointedGerolamo Priuli, C.R.S. †Bishop of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia
35.0ConfirmedJaroslav František Ignác von Sternberg (Šternberka)Bishop of Litoměřice, Czechia
59.4AppointedAdolph Gottfried VolusiusAuxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany
59.4AppointedAdolph Gottfried VolusiusTitular Bishop of DiocletianaAuxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany
24 Jun71.0DiedFrançois de BosquetBishop of Montpellier, France
32.4SucceededCharles de PradelBishop of Montpellier, France
28 Jun32.4Ordained BishopCharles de PradelBishop of Montpellier, France
Ordained BishopIgnatius RosaBishop of Andros, Greece
30 Jun53.4AppointedMark Forstall (Forestal), O.S.A. †Bishop of Kildare, IrelandBishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland
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