Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | 44.0 | Appointed | Ágoston Benkovich, O.S.P.P.E. † | Prior General of Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania |
34.0 | Ordained Priest | Armand-Louis Bonnin de Chalucet † | Priest | Bishop of Toulon, France |
21.1 | Ordained Priest | Jean-Baptiste de la Croix Chevrière de St. Vallier † | Priest | Bishop of Québec, Canada |
30.8 | Ordained Priest | Pierre de La Broue † | Priest | Bishop of Mirepoix, France |
71.0 | Ordained Bishop | Faustino Casas Hernández, O. de M. † | Bishop of Paraguay (o Ssma Assunzione) |
| Appointed | Youssef Bin Barbour Assem’ani al Hasrouni † | Bishop of Tripoli del Libano {Tarabulus} (Maronite) |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | François Hébert † | Priest | Bishop of Agen, France |
51.0 | Ordained Bishop | Alvarus de Ibarra † | Bishop of Trujillo, Peru |
68.3 | Resigned | Fintan Kieffer, O.S.B. † | Abbot of Order of Saint Benedict | Abbot Emeritus |
72.0 | Died | Tomasz Leżeński, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine |
23.0 | Ordained Priest | Hugh MacDermot † | Priest of Elphin, Ireland | Bishop of Achonry, Ireland |
| Born | Anthony O’Donnell, O.F.M. † | | Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland |
| Born | Colman O’Shaughnessy, O.P. † | | Bishop of Ossory, Ireland |
15.8 | Professed | Carlo Pignatelli, C.R. † | Member of Congregation of Clerics Regular | Bishop of Gaeta, Italy |
59.8 | Resigned | Antonio Pignatelli del Rastrello † | Secretary of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
| Born | Francisco da Purificação da Rocha Froes, O.E.S.A. † | | Bishop of Peking [Beijing], China |
23.4 | Ordained Priest | François de Salignac de La Mothe-Fénelon † | Priest | Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
| Born | Pedro Sanz de la Vega y Landaverde, O. de M. † | | Bishop of Cebu, Philippines |
62.0 | Died | Ferenc Szegedy † | Bishop of Eger, Hungary |
| Born | Antin Tomylovyč † | | Bishop of Smoleńsk (Ukrainian), Russian Federation |
| Resigned | Josyf Volosynovskyj † | Bishop of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), Ukraine | Bishop Emeritus |
Jan | 30.1 | Ordained Priest | Franz Ferdinand von Rummel † | Priest of Regensburg, Germany | Bishop of Wien, Austria |
1 Jan | | Born | Diego González Toro y Villalobos † | | Bishop of Cuenca, Spain |
2 Jan | 55.0 | Died | Pedro a São Agostinho, O.F.M. Obs. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Coimbra, Portugal |
4 Jan | 54.7 | Died | Bernardino León de la Rocha † | Bishop of Coria, Spain |
6 Jan | 65.3 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Hartmann von Rosenbach † | Bishop of Würzburg, Germany |
9 Jan | 82.7 | Died | Francesco Maria Brancaccio † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
10 Jan | 49.6 | Appointed | Gasparo Carpegna † | Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars | Cardinal, Prefect of the Roman Curia - Other |
23 Jan | 77.4 | Died | Giambattista Spada † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Crisogono |
26 Jan | | Born | Luca Antonio della Gatta † | | Bishop of Melfi e Rapolla, Italy |
27 Jan | 56.9 | Resigned | Benedetto Cappelletti † | Archbishop of Manfredonia, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus |
28 Jan | 49.4 | Installed | Federico Baldeschi (Ubaldi) Colonna † | Cardinal-Priest of San Marcello | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Council |
43.0 | Appointed | Augusto Bellincini † | Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy |
79.5 | Appointed | Ulderico Carpegna † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
55.5 | Confirmed | Peter Philipp von Dernbach † | Bishop of Bamberg, Germany |
46.9 | Appointed | César d’Estrées † | Cardinal-Priest of Santissima Trinità al Monte Pincio | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Laon, France |
79.4 | Appointed | Girolamo (Jérome) Grimaldi-Cavalleroni † | Cardinal-Bishop of Albano | Cardinal, Archbishop of Aix, France |
30.9 | Appointed | Vartan Hunanian † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Lviv (Armenian), Ukraine | Archbishop |
30.9 | Appointed | Vartan Hunanian † | Titular Archbishop of Epiphania in Syria | Archbishop of Lviv (Armenian), Ukraine |
25.9 | Appointed | Pietro Francesco (Vincenzo Maria) Orsini de Gravina, O.P. † | Archbishop of Manfredonia, Italy | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
59.6 | Appointed | Virginio Orsini, O.S.Io.Hieros. † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati |
52.8 | Appointed | Carlo Pio di Savoia † | Cardinal-Priest of San Crisogono | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina |
41.0 | Appointed | Hyacinthus de Saldanha, O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Goa, India |
41.0 | Appointed | Hyacinthus de Saldanha, O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Milevum | Auxiliary Bishop of Goa, India |
72.0 | Appointed | Federico Sforza † | Cardinal, Bishop of Tivoli, Italy |
63.0 | Appointed | Antonio Sotomayor, O.S.B. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
63.0 | Appointed | Antonio Sotomayor, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Selymbria | Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
3 Feb | 43.1 | Ordained Bishop | Augusto Bellincini † | Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy |
47.7 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Antonio Boscaroli, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Caorle, Italy |
26.0 | Ordained Bishop | Pietro Francesco (Vincenzo Maria) Orsini de Gravina, O.P. † | Archbishop of Manfredonia, Italy | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
| Born | Imperialis Pedicini † | | Bishop of Vulturara e Montecorvino, Italy |
4 Feb | | Born | Domenico Antonio Cirillo † | | Bishop of Teano, Italy |
50.8 | Selected | Carlo Cuzzolini † | Bishop of Oria, Italy | Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy |
10 Feb | | Born | Antonio Maria Bacigalupi, O.M.D. † | | Bishop of Ventimiglia, Italy |
13 Feb | 64.0 | Died | Juan de Sancto Mathía Sáenz de Mañozca y Murillo † | Bishop of Santiago de Guatemala |
14 Feb | 75.0 | Died | António de Mendonça † | Archbishop of Lisboa, Portugal |
22 Feb | 87.1 | Died | Gregorio Carafa, C.R. † | Archbishop of Salerno, Italy |
| Born | Franz Anton Adolph von Wagensperg † | | Bishop of Chiemsee, Germany |
24 Feb | 55.1 | Ordained Bishop | António Brandão, O. Cist. † | Archbishop of Goa, India |
26 Feb | | Born | János Okolicsány † | | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania |
Mar | 73.1 | Died | Jan Gembicki † | Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland |
1 Mar | 62.1 | Appointed | Francisco Lara † | Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain |
10 Mar | 67.2 | Died | Giovanni Ambrogio Bicuti † | Bishop of Acqui, Italy |
56.1 | Died | Maurizio Piccardi † | Bishop of Sora, Italy |
11 Mar | 54.9 | Selected | Nicolas Ladvocat-Billiard † | Bishop of Boulogne (-Sur-Mer), France |
12 Mar | | Born | Jean-François Boyer, C.R. † | | Bishop Emeritus of Mirepoix, France |
13 Mar | | Born | Domenico Potenza † | | Bishop of Montepeloso, Italy |
15 Mar | 67.2 | Died | Bonaventura D’Avalos, O.S.A. † | Bishop Emeritus of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy |
16 Mar | | Born | Felipe de los Tueros Huerta † | | Archbishop of Granada, Spain |
19 Mar | 41.2 | Ordained Deacon | Riccardo Annibaleschi della Molara † | Deacon | Bishop of Veroli, Italy |
23 Mar | | Born | Filippo Maria de Monti † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santo Stefano al Monte Celio |
24 Mar | 47.7 | Ordained Bishop | Juan de Ortega Cano Montañez y Patiño † | Bishop of Durango, México | Archbishop of México, Federal District |
47.2 | Ordained Bishop | António Telles da Silva, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Funchal, Portugal |
25 Mar | 33.2 | Ordained Priest | Michel Phélypeaux de La Vrillière † | Priest | Archbishop of Bourges, France |
30 Mar | 22.9 | Ordained Priest | Gennaro Crespino † | Priest | Bishop of Squillace, Italy |
31 Mar | 41.2 | Ordained Priest | Riccardo Annibaleschi della Molara † | Priest | Bishop of Veroli, Italy |
| Born | Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini † | | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
33.2 | Appointed | Michel Phélypeaux de La Vrillière † | Bishop of Uzés, France | Archbishop of Bourges, France |
51.2 | Ordained Bishop | Bernardinus a San Antonio, O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Targa | Auxiliary Bishop of Évora, Portugal |
2 Apr | 62.2 | Selected | Carlo della Palma, C.R. † | Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy |
9 Apr | | Born | Giuseppe Caccia, O.F.M. † | | Bishop Emeritus of Trogir (Traù), Croatia |
| Born | Francisco de la Torre Herrera † | | Bishop of León, Spain |
12 Apr | | Died | Callisto Puccinelli, O.S.M. † | Archbishop of Urbino, Italy |
13 Apr | 25.2 | Ordained Priest | Charles-Bénigne Hervé † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Gap, France |
37.2 | Ordained Priest | Bl. Niels Stensen † | Priest of Firenze {Florence}, Italy | Vicar Apostolic of Nordic Missions, Germany |
14 Apr | 64.2 | Selected | Juan de Sancto Mathía Sáenz de Mañozca y Murillo † | Bishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México | Bishop of Santiago de Guatemala |
63.2 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Sotomayor, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Selymbria | Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
18 Apr | | Born | Giulio Antonio Sacchi † | | Bishop of Monopoli, Italy |
19 Apr | 65.5 | Died | Johann Hartmann von Rosenbach † | Bishop of Würzburg, Germany |
50.1 | Died | Henri Van Halmaele † | Bishop of Ypres (Ieper), Belgium |
20 Apr | | Born | Fortunato Palumbo, O.S.B. † | | Bishop of Trivento, Italy |
| Died | Clemente Ascanio Sandri-Trotti † | Bishop of Fossano, Italy |
27 Apr | 71.3 | Died | William Burgat † | Archbishop of Cashel, Ireland |
28 Apr | 31.1 | Ordained Bishop | Vartan Hunanian † | Titular Archbishop of Epiphania in Syria | Archbishop of Lviv (Armenian), Ukraine |
29 Apr | 52.4 | Died | Louis de Forbin d’Oppède † | Bishop of Toulon, France |
56.6 | Died | Matthäus Ferdinand Sobek von Bilenberg, O.S.B. † | Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
| Died | Francisco Verdín y Molina † | Bishop of Michoacán, México |
3 May | 37.3 | Died | Marc Mallier du Houssay † | Bishop of Tarbes, France |
4 May | 49.6 | Appointed | Federico Baldeschi (Ubaldi) Colonna † | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Council |
6 May | | Died | Louis de Bernage † | Bishop of Grasse, France |
60.3 | Appointed | Domenico Cito, O.P. † | Bishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy |
54.3 | Appointed | Giacinto Maria Conigli, O.P. † | Bishop of Cefalonia e Zante, Greece | Bishop Emeritus |
70.3 | Confirmed | Jean de Montpezat de Carbon † | Archbishop of Sens, France |
60.3 | Confirmed | Joseph de Montpezat de Carbon † | Archbishop of Toulouse, France |
61.3 | Appointed | Roberto Korlatovich, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Beograd {Belgrade}, Serbia | Former Bishop-Elect |
32.7 | Selected | Johann Friedrich von Waldstein, O.Cr. † | Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
10 May | | Born | Giovanni Giuseppe Falletti † | | Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy |
14 May | | Born | João da Silva Ferreira † | | Bishop of Tanger, Morocco |
18 May | 86.1 | Died | Francisco Diego Alarcón y Covarrubias † | Bishop of Córdoba, Spain |
19 May | 55.8 | Ordained Priest | Peter Philipp von Dernbach † | Priest | Bishop of Bamberg, Germany |
22 May | 75.3 | Died | Denis de La Barde † | Bishop of Saint-Brieuc, France |
60.3 | Died | Francesco Ravizza † | Apostolic Nuncio |
25 May | 61.4 | Died | Alessandro Pallavicini, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Borgo San Donnino, Italy |
26 May | 54.4 | Ordained Bishop | Giacinto Maria Conigli, O.P. † | Bishop of Cefalonia e Zante, Greece | Bishop Emeritus |
27 May | 65.4 | Elevated to Cardinal | Mario Alberizzi † | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy |
65.4 | Resigned | Mario Alberizzi † | Titular Archbishop of Neocaesarea in Ponto | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy |
41.4 | Appointed | Riccardo Annibaleschi della Molara † | Bishop of Veroli, Italy |
63.1 | Appointed | Carlo Bonafaccia † | Bishop of Terni, Italy |
40.4 | Appointed | Leonardus a Camaiore, O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Paphus |
40.4 | Appointed | Francesco Antonio Carafa, C.R. † | Archbishop of Lanciano, Italy | Bishop of Catania, Italy |
64.0 | Appointed | Carlo Carafa della Spina, C.R. † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Via | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Aversa, Italy |
68.4 | Elevated to Cardinal | Alessandro Crescenzi, C.R.S. † | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Recanati e Loreto, Italy |
40.7 | Appointed | Filippo Neri degli Altoviti † | Bishop of Fiesole, Italy |
62.4 | Confirmed | Carlo della Palma, C.R. † | Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy |
37.7 | Confirmed | Léonor de Goyon de Matignon (II) † | Bishop of Lisieux, France |
45.6 | Elevated to Cardinal | Philip Thomas Howard of Norfolk, O.P. † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria sopra Minerva |
55.4 | Appointed | Martín Ibáñez y Villanueva, O.SS.T. † | Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy |
47.6 | Elevated to Cardinal | Galeazzo Marescotti † | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy |
40.4 | Appointed | Jose Millan de Poblete † | Bishop of Nueva Segovia, Philippines | Bishop-Elect |
48.4 | Appointed | Ambrogio Maria Piccolomini, O.S.B. † | Archbishop of Otranto, Italy |
47.7 | Elevated to Cardinal | Bernardino Rocci † | Cardinal, Bishop of Orvieto, Italy |
| Appointed | Ignatius Rosa † | Bishop of Andros, Greece |
60.4 | Appointed | Francisco Antonio Sarmiento de Luna y Enríquez, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Coria, Spain |
69.4 | Appointed | Diego de Silva y Pacheco, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Astorga, Spain |
32.1 | Elevated to Cardinal | Fabrizio Spada † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina |
35.4 | Appointed | Giovanni Vespoli-Casanatte, C.R. † | Bishop of Ortona a Mare e Campli, Italy |
29 May | | Born | Otto Honorius von Egkh und Hungersbach † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia |
2 Jun | 55.9 | Ordained Bishop | Peter Philipp von Dernbach † | Bishop of Bamberg, Germany |
| Born | Conus Luchini dal Verme † | | Bishop of Ostuni, Italy |
3 Jun | 41.4 | Ordained Bishop | Riccardo Annibaleschi della Molara † | Bishop of Veroli, Italy |
40.4 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Antonio Carafa, C.R. † | Archbishop of Lanciano, Italy | Bishop of Catania, Italy |
40.7 | Ordained Bishop | Filippo Neri degli Altoviti † | Bishop of Fiesole, Italy |
62.4 | Ordained Bishop | Carlo della Palma, C.R. † | Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy |
57.6 | Died | Lothar Friedrich von Metternich-Burscheid † | Archbishop of Mainz, Germany |
26.3 | Ordained Deacon | Antonio Vaira † | Deacon | Bishop of Adria, Italy |
35.4 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Vespoli-Casanatte, C.R. † | Bishop of Ortona a Mare e Campli, Italy |
4 Jun | 26.3 | Ordained Priest | Antonio Vaira † | Priest | Bishop of Adria, Italy |
8 Jun | 39.5 | Ordained Deacon | Filippo Condulmer † | Deacon | Titular Archbishop of Nazareth |
22.9 | Ordained Priest | Gaspar Fuster, C.O. † | Priest of Confederation of Oratorians of St. Philip Neri | Archbishop of Sassari, Italy |
| Ordained Deacon | Angelo Gabriele Gautieri, O.F.M. Ref. † | Deacon of Order of Reformed Friars Minor | Vicar Apostolic of Transilvania, Erdély, Siebenbürgen, Romania |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Louis-Antoine de Noailles † | Priest | Cardinal, Archbishop of Paris, France |
16 Jun | 25.0 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Guerra † | Priest | Bishop of Alatri, Italy |
17 Jun | 43.5 | Appointed | Jacques-Théodore de Brias † | Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
60.4 | Appointed | Ottaviano della Rovere, B. † | Bishop of Fossano, Italy |
54.4 | Appointed | Orazio Mattei † | Titular Archbishop of Damascus | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Panisperna |
30.9 | Appointed | Savo (Savio) Millini (Mellini) † | Titular Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia | Cardinal, Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy |
66.4 | Appointed | Michel Poncet de la Rivière † | Archbishop of Bourges, France |
64.3 | Confirmed | Juan de Sancto Mathía Sáenz de Mañozca y Murillo † | Bishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México | Bishop of Santiago de Guatemala |
77.6 | Died | Sebastiano Sorrentino † | Bishop of Troia, Italy |
21 Jun | 54.4 | Selected | Jacques de Fieux † | Coadjutor Bishop of Toul, France | Bishop |
23 Jun | 60.4 | Ordained Bishop | Ottaviano della Rovere, B. † | Bishop of Fossano, Italy |
24 Jun | | Born | Juan Manuel Jerónimo de Romaní y Carrillo † | | Bishop of Cuzco, Peru |
27 Jun | | Born | Benjamin de L’Isle du Gast † | | Bishop of Limoges, France |
28 Jun | 30.9 | Ordained Bishop | Savo (Savio) Millini (Mellini) † | Titular Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia | Cardinal, Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy |
29 Jun | 25.2 | Appointed | Sebastiano Antonio Tanara † | Apostolic Internuncio to Belgium | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |