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The Year of Our Lord 1693

Bishop Events

January to June

See Also: July to December | Overview | Necrology | Previous Year (1692) | Next Year (1694)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown17.8ProfessedAntonio Maria Bacigalupi, O.M.D. †Member of Clerics Regular of the Mother of GodBishop of Ventimiglia, Italy
22.4Ordained PriestPeter Cornelius BeywegPriest of Köln {Cologne}, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop of Speyer, Germany
68.0DiedJohn BrenanArchbishop of Cashel, Ireland
15.3ProfessedGiovanni Carafa, C.R. †Member of Congregation of Clerics RegularBishop of Nicastro, Italy
66.5ResignedDaniel de CosnacBishop of Valence, FranceArchbishop of Aix, France
56.0DiedDomenico CugiaBishop of Ales e Terralba, Italy
28.0Ordained PriestAndré Dreuilhet (Drouillet)PriestBishop of Bayonne, France
DiedJerzy GiedzieńskiAuxiliary Bishop of Lviv, Ukraine
50.0ResignedJacques de Goyon de MatignonBishop of Condom, FranceBishop Emeritus
BornAlexander John GrantVicar Apostolic of Highland District, Scotland, Great Britain
BornAntonio da Encarnação, O.S.A. †Bishop of São Tomé of Meliapore, India
24.0Ordained PriestJean-Paul-François Le Févre de CaumartinPriestBishop of Blois, France
DiedIvan MałachowskiBishop of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland
20.1ProfessedFerdinand Oesterhoff, O. Cist. †Member of Order of CisterciansAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Münster, Germany
69.5AppointedPaluzzo Paluzzi Altieri Degli AlbertoniArchpriest of the Arcibasilica di San Giovanni in Laterano {Saint John Lateran Basilica}Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Ravenna, Italy
15.7ProfessedNicolas Pisanelli, C.R. †Member of Congregation of Clerics RegularArchbishop of Santa Severina, Italy
24.0Ordained PriestMatthew Pritchard, O.F.M. Rec. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor RecollectVicar Apostolic of Western District, England, Great Britain
BornGrégoire Sciukrallah JaroueArchbishop of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme} (Syrian), Lebanon
BornGuillaume-Samuel de Verthamon de ChavagnacBishop of Luçon, France
41.0AppointedGedeon Voyna OrańskiBishop of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland
41.0Ordained BishopGedeon Voyna OrańskiBishop of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland
45.0AppointedLew Ślubičz Załęnski, O.S.B.M. †Administrator of Połock (Polotsk) (Ukrainian), BelarusArchbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
Jan59.0ResignedOrazio FortunatoVicegerent of Roma {Rome}, ItalyBishop of Nardò, Italy
53.3AppointedSperello SperelliVicegerent of Roma {Rome}, ItalyCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Terni, Italy
2 Jan52.5AppointedOtto Wilhelm von Bronckhorst zu Gronsfeld, S.J. †Auxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück, Germany
52.5AppointedOtto Wilhelm von Bronckhorst zu Gronsfeld, S.J. †Titular Bishop of ColumbicaAuxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück, Germany
58.0AppointedFederico CacciaTitular Archbishop of Laodicea in PhrygiaCardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
47.0AppointedFrancesco Masones y NinBishop of Ales e Terralba, ItalyArchbishop of Oristano, Italy
61.0AppointedToribio de MierBishop of Pamplona, Spain
39.9AppointedTimóteo do Sacramento, O.S.P.P.E. †Bishop of São Tomé e PríncipeBishop of São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil
60.0AppointedJosé Sanz de Villaragut, O.F.M. †Bishop of Pozzuoli, ItalyBishop of Cefalù, Italy
4 Jan58.0Ordained BishopFederico CacciaTitular Archbishop of Laodicea in PhrygiaCardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
56.0Ordained BishopNilo Catalano, O.S.B.I. †Archbishop of Durrës (Durazzo) (Albanian), Albania
5 Jan58.0AppointedFederico CacciaApostolic Nuncio to SpainCardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
7 Jan110.0DiedMarco Antonio TomatiBishop of Asti, Italy
55.3DiedAntonio de Vergara, O.P. †Bishop of Zamora, Spain
76.0DiedFederico ViscontiCardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
14 JanBornAdeodato Andrea BivignanoBishop of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy
17 JanBornGiuseppe Luigi de Andujar, O.P. †Bishop of Tortona, Italy
20 JanBornCarlo Francesco DuriniCardinal, Bishop of Pavia, Italy
21 JanBornPier Maria Giustiniani, O.S.B. †Bishop of Ventimiglia, Italy
24 Jan45.0DiedJoão de MascarenhasBishop of Guarda, Portugal
25 Jan51.0Ordained BishopPierre-François Beauvau de RivauBishop of Sarlat, France
30 JanBornGiovanni Federico Orsini RosaBishop of Nona (Nin), Croatia
31 Jan58.0SelectedMaurice DonnellanBishop of Clonfert, Ireland
49.0SelectedFergus Laurence LeaBishop of Derry, Ireland
1 Feb37.0Ordained BishopNicolaus Antonius de EsterházyBishop of Knin (Tinin), Croatia
5 Feb66.5DiedKarl Franz Neander von PetersheideAuxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland
14 Feb24.0Ordained PriestGiovanni RomanoPriestBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
24.0Ordained PriestGiuseppe Antonio SilvestriPriestBishop of Termoli, Italy
20 Feb46.1SelectedPatrick O’DonnellyBishop of Dromore, IrelandBishop Emeritus
22 Feb47.4Ordained BishopAntónio Vasconcelos e SousaBishop of Lamego, PortugalBishop of Coimbra, Portugal
24 Feb59.1DiedFilippo Alferio OssorioBishop of Fondi (Fundi), Italy
Mar69.1DiedGerolamo Priuli, C.R.S. †Bishop of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia
1 Mar35.8Ordained BishopUlrich von FederspielBishop of Chur, Switzerland
BornHilário de Santa Rosa, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop Emeritus of Macau, China
7 Mar25.6Ordained PriestSaverio FerrariPriestBishop of Martirano (Martoranum), Italy
24.5Ordained PriestVincenzio LessioPriestBishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia
BornCarlo della Torre RezzonicoPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
9 Mar46.5AppointedMichael Cantelmi, O. Carm. †Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy
50.6ConfirmedPeter CreaghArchbishop of Dublin, Ireland
49.3AppointedLuca Antonio EustachiBishop of Città di Castello, Italy
47.1ConfirmedPeter Anton Gaus von HombergBishop of Pedena, Austria
32.9AppointedAndreas RiggioBishop of Catania, Italy
33.0AppointedPaolo VallaressoBishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy
42.4AppointedMichelangelo VeraldiBishop of Martirano (Martoranum), Italy
11 MarBornPompeo CompagnoniBishop of Osimo e Cingoli, Italy
12 MarBornAleksander DziałyńskiAuxiliary Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
15 Mar33.0Ordained BishopAndreas RiggioBishop of Catania, Italy
33.0Ordained BishopPaolo VallaressoBishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy
42.4Ordained BishopMichelangelo VeraldiBishop of Martirano (Martoranum), Italy
21 Mar24.0Ordained PriestCarlo MaielliPriestTitular Archbishop of Hemesa
22 Mar41.2SelectedDavid-Nicolas BertierBishop of Blois, France
24 Mar46.5Ordained BishopMichael Cantelmi, O. Carm. †Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy
26.1Ordained DeaconSalvatore di AloisioDeaconBishop of Termoli, Italy
49.4Ordained BishopLuca Antonio EustachiBishop of Città di Castello, Italy
25 Mar26.2Ordained PriestSalvatore di AloisioPriestBishop of Termoli, Italy
26 MarBornBartolomeo Antonio PassiAuxiliary Bishop of Trento, Italy
5 Apr61.2Ordained BishopToribio de MierBishop of Pamplona, Spain
6 AprBornJean de CauletBishop of Grenoble, France
12 AprBornJean-Baptiste-Antoine de BrancasArchbishop of Aix, France
40.1Ordained BishopTimóteo do Sacramento, O.S.P.P.E. †Bishop of São Tomé e PríncipeBishop of São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil
13 Apr55.2AppointedAntonio de Brizuela y SalamancaBishop of Jaén, Spain
58.2AppointedFederico CacciaCardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
51.2AppointedBartolomé Espejos y CisnerosBishop of Málaga, Spain
52.1AppointedJosé Guerrero de Torres, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Gaeta, Italy
65.7AppointedMartín de Híjar y Mendoza, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Concepción, Chile
64.2AppointedGiovanni Vincenzo Lucchesini, O.S.M. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of Assisi, ItalyBishop
54.2ConfirmedJohn Baptist SleyneBishop of Cork and Cloyne, IrelandBishop Emeritus
51.5ConfirmedGiaconto Tuartkovich, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Stagno (Ston), Croatia
45.2AppointedJuan de Villacé y VozmedianoBishop of Plasencia, Spain
15 Apr25.8Ordained PriestNunzio BaccariPriestBishop of Boiano, Italy
18 Apr52.1Ordained BishopJosé Guerrero de Torres, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Gaeta, Italy
54.2Ordained BishopJohn Baptist SleyneBishop of Cork and Cloyne, IrelandBishop Emeritus
51.5Ordained BishopGiaconto Tuartkovich, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Stagno (Ston), Croatia
19 AprBornJúlio Francisco de Oliveira, C.O. †Bishop of Viseu, Portugal
22 Apr47.3DiedHenri-Guillaume Le JayBishop of Cahors, France
25 Apr67.6DiedLuca Tisbia, C.R. †Bishop of Trevico, Italy
26 Apr52.8Ordained BishopOtto Wilhelm von Bronckhorst zu Gronsfeld, S.J. †Titular Bishop of ColumbicaAuxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück, Germany
30 AprBornGiuseppe Maria FeroniCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Cecilia
1 MayBornVincenzo AcquaBishop of Spoleto, Italy
3 May69.7Ordained BishopGiuseppe Vittorio Alberti d’EnnoBishop of Trento, Italy
16 May40.9Ordained PriestFranz Theodor von GuttenbergPriest of Augsburg, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop
22.9Ordained PriestApollonio Lupi, C.R.L. †Priest of Canons Regular of the Congregation of the Most Holy Saviour of the LateranTitular Bishop of Hemeria (Himeria)
25.8Ordained PriestVincenzo VecchiarelliPriestBishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
18 May89.3DiedGiacomo AltovitiTitular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch}
54.3AppointedMartín AscargortaArchbishop of Granada, Spain
31.2AppointedKonrad Ferdinand Geist von WildeggAuxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
31.2AppointedKonrad Ferdinand Geist von WildeggTitular Bishop of TriccaAuxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
50.1AppointedJosé de Jesús María Fajardo, O.A.D. †Bishop of Alghero, Italy
65.0AppointedMichelangelo MatteiTitular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch}
35.1AppointedGiuseppe MigliaccioBishop of Patti, ItalyArchbishop of Messina, Italy
20 May75.5DiedLouis de Rechiègne Voisin de GuronBishop of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France
22 MayBornChristian Albert Anton von MerleAuxiliary Bishop of Worms, Germany
23 MayBornGiovanni Antonio BenzoniBishop of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia
24 May35.1Ordained BishopGiuseppe MigliaccioBishop of Patti, ItalyArchbishop of Messina, Italy
41.3Ordained BishopHenri de NesmondBishop of Montauban, FranceArchbishop of Toulouse, France
25 May71.3DiedGiuseppe Armenj (Armenio)Bishop of Teramo, Italy
27 MayBornPedro Felipe de Azúa e IturgoyenArchbishop Emeritus of Santafé en Nueva Granada, Colombia
29 May76.4DiedJérôme de La Mothe-HoudancourtBishop of Saint-Flour, France
31 May52.4SelectedJean-François Brizay de Denonville (Brezay)Bishop of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France
35.4SelectedHenri de Briqueville de La LuzerneBishop of Cahors, France
3 JunBornPedro Miguel Argandoña Pastene SalazarArchbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia
86.7DiedCamille de Neufville de VilleroyArchbishop of Lyon, France
7 Jun32.4Ordained DeaconGiuseppe OlgiatiDeaconBishop Emeritus of Como, Italy
8 Jun47.8AppointedLorenzo GherardiBishop of Recanati e Loreto, Italy
57.8AppointedInnocenzo Migliavacca (Milliavacca), O. Cist. †Bishop of Asti, Italy
45.3AppointedPedro de Palacios y Tenorio, O.P. †Bishop of Guadix, SpainBishop Emeritus
32.9ConfirmedLudwig Anton von Pfalz-NeuburgBishop of Worms, Germany
60.7AppointedGiovanni Tommaso Rovetta, O.P. †Bishop of Hvar (Lesina), CroatiaBishop Emeritus
56.4AppointedAntonio Sanjurjo Miranda, O.P. †Bishop of Astorga, Spain
52.6AppointedPlacido Scoppa (Stoppa), C.R. †Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), CroatiaBishop of Venosa, Italy
11 JunBornBernardino VariBishop of Civita Castellana e Orte, Italy
14 Jun47.8Ordained BishopLorenzo GherardiBishop of Recanati e Loreto, Italy
57.9Ordained BishopInnocenzo Migliavacca (Milliavacca), O. Cist. †Bishop of Asti, Italy
60.7Ordained BishopGiovanni Tommaso Rovetta, O.P. †Bishop of Hvar (Lesina), CroatiaBishop Emeritus
52.6Ordained BishopPlacido Scoppa (Stoppa), C.R. †Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), CroatiaBishop of Venosa, Italy
17 Jun32.5Ordained PriestGiuseppe OlgiatiPriestBishop Emeritus of Como, Italy
18 Jun75.4DiedJohann Heinrich von AnethanAuxiliary Bishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
19 JunBornLuigi d’AlessandroArchbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy
20 Jun68.4DiedWojciech StawowskiAuxiliary Bishop of Gniezno, Poland
21 Jun25.6Ordained DeaconGenesio CalchiDeaconBishop of Lucca, Italy
BornVito Moio (Mojo)Bishop of Muro Lucano, Italy
22 JunBornJuan Antonio Pérez ArellanoAuxiliary Bishop of Toledo, Spain
24 Jun25.6Ordained PriestGenesio CalchiPriestBishop of Lucca, Italy
25 JunBornAntonio AmatBishop of Bosa, Italy
29 Jun47.4Ordained BishopPeter Anton Gaus von HombergBishop of Pedena, Austria
27.9Ordained PriestFrançois-Gabriel Guisain, M.E.P. †Priest of La Société des Missions EtrangèresVicar Apostolic of Western Tonking {Tonkino Occidentale}, Viet Nam
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