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The Year of Our Lord 2020

Bishop Events


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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
1 Feb62.3InstalledSegundo René Coba GalarzaBishop of Ibarra, Ecuador
49.8AppointedMichael Francis CrottyApostolic Nuncio to Burkina FasoApostolic Nuncio to Nigeria
49.8AppointedMichael Francis CrottyTitular Archbishop of LindisfarnaApostolic Nuncio to Nigeria
73.7CeasedMaurice Anthony Crowley, S.P.S.Apostolic Administrator of Eldoret, KenyaBishop Emeritus of Kitale, Kenya
82.4InstalledMichael Louis Fitzgerald, M. Afr.Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Portico (Campitelli)Cardinal, Apostolic Nuncio
58.7AppointedDominic KimengichApostolic Administrator of Lodwar, KenyaBishop of Eldoret, Kenya
58.7InstalledDominic KimengichBishop of Eldoret, Kenya
59.9CeasedGuido Iván Minda ChaláApostolic Administrator of Ibarra, EcuadorBishop of Santa Elena, Ecuador
59.0InstalledJoão Muniz Alves, O.F.M.Bishop of Xingu-Altamira, Para, Brazil
2 Feb65.8SucceededJulio AngkelBishop of Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Pacific (Oceania)
66.2CeasedWerner FreistetterApostolic Administrator of Gurk, AustriaBishop of Austria, Military
71.1DiedEnemésio Ângelo Lazzaris, F.D.P. †Bishop of Balsas, Maranhão, Brazil
64.5Ordained BishopJosef MarketzBishop of Gurk, Austria
61.4InstalledIrineu Roman, C.S.I.Archbishop of Santarém, Para, Brazil
71.4ResignedAmando SamoBishop of Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Pacific (Oceania)Bishop Emeritus
3 Feb62.6InstalledWayne Joseph KirkpatrickBishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
93.1DiedWilliam John McNaughton, M.M. †Bishop Emeritus of Incheon {Inch’on}, Korea (South)
42.5AppointedFlavio PaceUnder Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental ChurchesSecretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity
55.9InstalledJose PulickalBishop of Kanjirapally (Syro-Malabar), India
4 Feb51.7AppointedVicente Ribas PratsAdministrator of Ibiza, SpainBishop
5 Feb61.6AppointedJorge Enrique Concha Cayuqueo, O.F.M.Bishop of Osorno, ChileBishop of Temuco, Chile
56.4AppointedSergio Hernán Pérez de Arce Arriagada, SS.CC.Bishop of San Bartolomé de Chillán, ChileArchbishop of Concepción (Santissima Concezione), Chile
6 Feb84.5DiedGioacchino IllianoBishop Emeritus of Nocera Inferiore-Sarno, Italy
8 Feb67.6InstalledMiguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, M.C.C.I. †Cardinal-Deacon of San Girolamo della Carità a Via GiuliaCardinal, Prefect of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue
61.4Ordained BishopLuis Augusto Campos FlórezBishop of Socorro y San Gil, Colombia
44.8Ordained BishopNicolas Pierre Jean LhernouldBishop of Constantine (-Hippone), AlgeriaArchbishop of Tunis, Tunisia
9 Feb64.9InstalledJesús María López Mauléon, O.A.R.Prelate of Alto Xingu-Tucumã, Para, Brazil
10 Feb64.9AppointedBroderick Soncuaco PabilloApostolic Administrator of Manila, PhilippinesVicar Apostolic of Taytay, Philippines
11 Feb48.4Ordained BishopGiorgio Barbetta ManzocchiTitular Bishop of IsolaAuxiliary Bishop of Huarí, Peru
77.8RetiredLuis Augusto Castro Quiroga, I.M.C. †Archbishop of Tunja, ColombiaArchbishop Emeritus
57.2AppointedRicardo Ernesto Centellas GuzmánArchbishop of Sucre, Bolivia
76.5RetiredJesús Juárez Párraga, S.D.B.Archbishop of Sucre, BoliviaArchbishop Emeritus
56.3Ordained BishopRobert John McCloryBishop of Gary, Indiana, USA
57.6AppointedGabriel Ángel Villa VahosArchbishop of Tunja, Colombia
13 Feb54.9Ordained BishopDonald Edward DeGroodBishop of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA
91.5DiedCharles James McDonnellAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Newark, New Jersey, USA
61.1Ordained BishopAugustine Ndubueze EchemaBishop of Aba, Nigeria
14 Feb61.8DiedPeter Iorzuul AdobohBishop of Katsina-Ala, Nigeria
42.0Ordained BishopPavlo HoncharukBishop of Kharkiv-Zaporizhia, Ukraine
63.6CeasedStanislav Szyrokoradiuk, O.F.M.Apostolic Administrator of Kharkiv-Zaporizhia, UkraineBishop of Odessa-Simferopol, Ukraine
15 Feb79.9RetiredVenant BacinoniBishop of Bururi, BurundiBishop Emeritus
70.4AppointedPedro Pablo Elizondo Cárdenas, L.C.Bishop of Cancún-Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México
62.5InstalledAlfred Kipkoech Arap RotichBishop of Kericho, Kenya
52.6Ordained BishopJoseph Mary KizitoBishop of Aliwal, South Africa
62.7CeasedAdam Leszek Musiałek, S.C.I.Apostolic Administrator of Aliwal, South AfricaBishop of De Aar, South Africa
61.5AppointedSalvator NiciteretseBishop of Bururi, Burundi
16 Feb61.5InstalledJean-Claude Hollerich, S.J.Cardinal-Priest of San Giovanni Crisostomo a Monte Sacro AltoCardinal, Archbishop of Luxembourg
67.7InstalledCristóbal López Romero, S.D.B.Cardinal-Priest of San Leone ICardinal, Archbishop of Rabat, Morocco
17 Feb64.6AppointedWilliam Amove AvenyaApostolic Administrator of Katsina-Ala, NigeriaBishop of Gboko, Nigeria
91.7DiedLorenzo León Alvarado, O. de M. †Bishop Emeritus of Huacho, Peru
18 Feb75.3RetiredBronisław BernackiBishop of Odessa-Simferopol, UkraineBishop Emeritus
58.6InstalledNelson Jesus PerezArchbishop of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
63.6SucceededStanislav Szyrokoradiuk, O.F.M.Bishop of Odessa-Simferopol, Ukraine
19 Feb48.0AppointedKęstutis KėvalasArchbishop of Kaunas, Lithuania
20 Feb67.9DiedPeter Louis CaküBishop of Kengtung, Myanmar
58.6CeasedFabio Reynaldo Colindres AbarcaApostolic Administrator of El Salvador, MilitaryBishop of San Miguel, El Salvador
52.0Ordained BishopJulius Yakubu KundiBishop of Kafanchan, Nigeria
21 Feb69.1DiedIlídio Pinto LeandroBishop Emeritus of Viseu, Portugal
22 Feb57.5AppointedMirosław AdamczykApostolic Nuncio to Argentina
74.1AppointedRoberto Bordi, O.F.M.Apostolic Administrator of El Beni o Beni, BoliviaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
61.4InstalledLuis Augusto Campos FlórezBishop of Socorro y San Gil, Colombia
75.0RetiredJulio María Elías Montoya, O.F.M.Vicar Apostolic of El Beni o Beni, BoliviaVicar Apostolic Emeritus
54.4InstalledAndrew Nkea FuanyaArchbishop of Bamenda, Cameroon
51.5Ordained BishopGergely KovácsArchbishop of Alba Iulia, Romania
23 Feb50.4Ordained BishopNicolas Nadji BabBishop of Laï, Chad
69.9Ordained BishopLode Van Hecke, O.C.S.O.Bishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
24 Feb59.6AppointedJose ChirackalAuxiliary Bishop of Tura, India
59.6AppointedJose ChirackalTitular Bishop of AcufidaAuxiliary Bishop of Tura, India
25 Feb86.3DiedValerian D’SouzaBishop Emeritus of Poona, India
72.1AppointedGiorgio Demetrio GallaroSecretary of the Congregation for the Oriental ChurchesSecretary Emeritus of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches
72.1AppointedGiorgio Demetrio GallaroTitular Archbishop of TrecalaeSecretary Emeritus of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches
72.1AppointedGiorgio Demetrio GallaroApostolic Administrator of Piana degli Albanesi (Italo-Albanese), ItalySecretary Emeritus of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches
26 Feb79.2DiedAndrea MugioneArchbishop Emeritus of Benevento, Italy
27 Feb89.6DiedEduardo Alas AlfaroBishop Emeritus of Chalatenango, El Salvador
50.6AppointedRamón BejaranoAuxiliary Bishop of San Diego, California, USA
50.6AppointedRamón BejaranoTitular Bishop of CarpiAuxiliary Bishop of San Diego, California, USA
48.4Ordained BishopBeshara (Bechara) Goda (Guida Matarana), O.F.M.Bishop of Abu Qurqas (Coptic), Egypt
59.3AppointedElias Richard G. Lorenzo, O.S.B.Auxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
59.3AppointedElias Richard G. Lorenzo, O.S.B.Titular Bishop of TabudaAuxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
57.8AppointedMichael Arsenio SaporitoAuxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
57.8AppointedMichael Arsenio SaporitoTitular Bishop of LupercianaAuxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
71.9AppointedGregory James StuderusAuxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
71.9AppointedGregory James StuderusTitular Bishop of Tarasa in ByzacenaAuxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
29 Feb62.3InstalledFrancisco Cerro ChavesArchbishop of Toledo, Spain
51.1Ordained BishopAntonio Crameri, S.S.C.Titular Bishop of ApolloniaVicar Apostolic of Esmeraldas, Ecuador
44.9InstalledNicolas Pierre Jean LhernouldBishop of Constantine (-Hippone), AlgeriaArchbishop of Tunis, Tunisia
52.9Ordained BishopIgnacio Damián MedinaTitular Bishop of NepteBishop of Río Gallegos, Argentina
47.4CeasedRicardo Basilio Morales Galindo, O. de M.Apostolic Administrator of Puerto Montt, ChileBishop of Copiapó, Chile
61.1InstalledLuis Fernando Ramos PérezArchbishop of Puerto Montt, Chile
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