Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1977

Diocese Events

July to December

See Also: January to June | Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1976) | Next Year (1978)

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25 JulArchdiocese of Lima, Peru (Area between Tomás Valle Avenue and the Rimae River) Territory LostDiocese of Callao, Peru Territory Added
4 AugDiocese of Kilwa, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Name ChangedDiocese of Kilwa-Kasenga, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Name Changed
4 AugApostolic Administration of Laodicea (Maronite), Syria ElevatedEparchy of Lattaquié {Laodicea} (Maronite), Syria Elevated
4 AugEparchy of Baalbek (Maronite), Lebanon Name ChangedEparchy of Baalbek e Zahlé (Maronite), Lebanon Name Changed
4 AugEparchy of Jounieh (Maronite), Lebanon Erected
26 AugArchdiocese of São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil (Anajatuba, Arari, Cantanhede, Coroatá, Itapecurú-Mirim, Pirapemas, São Mateus, Timbiras, Vargem Grande, Presidente Vargas, Nina Rodrigues, and Santa Rita (in Codo)) Territory LostDiocese of Coroatá, Maranhão, Brazil Erected
1 SepDiocese of Lyallpur, Pakistan Name ChangedDiocese of Faisalabad, Pakistan Name Changed
17 SepDiocese of Mantova, Italy (Pampuro in Sorga) Territory LostDiocese of Verona, Italy Territory Added
17 SepDiocese of Verona, Italy (Castellaro Lagusello, Monzambano, and Ponti sul Mincio (in Monzambano and Ponti sul Mincio)) Territory LostDiocese of Mantova, Italy Territory Added
17 OctDiocese of Trieste e Capodistria (Trst i Koper), Italy SplitDiocese of Koper, Slovenia
Diocese of Trieste, Italy
17 OctArchdiocese of Gorizia e Gradisca, Italy ((areas in Slovenia))
Diocese of Rijeka (-Opatija), Croatia ((areas in Slovenia))
Diocese of Trieste e Capodistria (Trst i Koper), Italy ((areas in Slovenia))
Territory LostDiocese of Koper, Slovenia Territory Added
17 OctDiocese of Trivento, Italy (Castel di Sangro and Alfedena) Territory LostDiocese of Valva e Sulmona, Italy Territory Added
28 OctArchdiocese of Siena, Italy (Abbadia Ardenga and Castiglion del Bosco) Territory LostDiocese of Montalcino, Italy Territory Added
28 OctDiocese of Montalcino, Italy (Pieve a Salti in San Giovanni d'Asso) Territory LostDiocese of Chiusi e Pienza, Italy Territory Added
28 OctDiocese of Chiusi e Pienza, Italy (Chiusure and Canonica Grossennana) Territory LostTerritorial Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Italy Territory Added
28 OctDiocese of Città della Pieve, Italy (Santa Fiora, Bagnolo, and Bagnore) Territory LostDiocese of Sovana e Pitigliano, Italy Territory Added
3 NovArchdiocese of Braga, Portugal (Viana do Castelo) Territory LostDiocese of Viana do Castelo, Portugal Erected
10 NovDiocese of Raigarh-Ambikapur, India SplitDiocese of Ambikapur, India (Surguja)
Diocese of Raigarh, India
10 NovArchdiocese of Onitsha, Nigeria (Awka, Njikoka, Aguata, and part of Oji River) Territory LostDiocese of Awka, Nigeria Erected
10 NovArchdiocese of Maseru, Lesotho (Mohale's Hoek and Mafeteng) Territory LostDiocese of Mohale’s Hoek, Lesotho Erected
15 NovDiocese of Ariano, Italy (Monteleone) Territory LostDiocese of Bovino, Italy Territory Added
15 NovDiocese of Bovino, Italy (Montaguto) Territory LostDiocese of Ariano, Italy Territory Added
30 NovArchdiocese of Mechelen-Brussel {Malines-Brussels}, Belgium (St. John the Evangelist in Konings-Hooikt and St. Joseph in Peulis) Territory LostDiocese of Antwerpen {Antwerp}, Belgium Territory Added
30 NovDiocese of Liège (Luik, Lüttich), Belgium (St. Remigius in Landenne, B. M. V. Auxiliatrix in Petit-Wäret, St. Stephen in Seilles and SS. Peter and Paul in Povedroux)
Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussel {Malines-Brussels}, Belgium (S. Philibert in Noville-sur-Mehaigne)
Diocese of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium (St. Lambert in Boignée)
Territory LostDiocese of Namur {Namen}, Belgium Territory Added
30 NovDiocese of Namur {Namen}, Belgium (S. Maurice in Arbrefontaine, B. M. V. Assumptae in My and the Chapel of S. Stephen in Ville) Territory LostDiocese of Liège (Luik, Lüttich), Belgium Territory Added
3 DecDiocese of Acerenza, Italy ElevatedArchdiocese of Acerenza, Italy Elevated
3 DecDiocese of Matera e Irsina, Italy ElevatedArchdiocese of Matera e Irsina, Italy Elevated
3 DecDiocese of Fort-Rousset, Congo Name ChangedDiocese of Owando, Congo Name Changed
8 DecDiocese of Oeiras, Brazil Name ChangedDiocese of Oeiras-Floriano, Piaui, Brazil Name Changed
16 DecArchdiocese of Barcelona, Spain (Santa Maria de Arenys del Mar) Territory LostDiocese of Gerona, Spain Territory Added
17 DecDiocese of Amravati, India (Districts of Aurangabad and Parbhani)
Archdiocese of Hyderabad, India (Districts of Bhir, Nanded, and Osmanabad)
Territory LostDiocese of Aurangabad, India Erected
17 DecPrefecture Apostolic of Idah, Nigeria ElevatedDiocese of Idah, Nigeria Elevated
30 DecApostolic Administration of Trnava (Tirnava), Slovakia ElevatedArchdiocese of Trnava, Slovakia Elevated
30 DecPrefecture Apostolic of Hosanna, Ethiopia Name ChangedPrefecture Apostolic of Soddo-Hosanna, Ethiopia Name Changed
30 DecDiocese of Banská Bystrica, Slovakia (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
30 DecDiocese of Košice, Slovakia (from Eger) Metropolitan Changed
30 DecDiocese of Nitra, Slovakia (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
30 DecDiocese of Rožňava, Slovakia (from Esztergom) Metropolitan Changed
30 DecDiocese of Spiš, Slovakia (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
30 DecArchdiocese of Wrocław {Breslavia}, Poland (Tesín and Jeseník) Territory LostArchdiocese of Olomouc, Czechia Territory Added
30 DecDiocese of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad} and Satu Mare {Szatmár}, Romania (13 parishes in the Slovak Republic) Territory LostDiocese of Košice, Slovakia Territory Added
30 DecApostolic Administration of Český Těšín, Czechia SuppressedArchdiocese of Olomouc, Czechia Territory Added


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