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The Year of Our Lord 1851


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1850) | Next Year (1852)

unknown61.8Angelo FilipponiBishop Emeritus of Nardò, Italy
unknown74.0José Hurtado de MendozaAuxiliary Bishop-Elect of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina
1 Jan69.5Giovanni Giuseppe CanaliVicegerent of Roma {Rome}, Italy
12 Jan80.0Antonio María de Jesús Campos MorenoTitular Bishop of Rhesaina
18 Jan69.9Walenty Maciej TomaszewskiBishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
19 Jan79.2Filip Felicjan Szumborski, O.S.B.M. †Bishop of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland
21 Jan62.0Salvador Sanz GradoBishop of Salamanca, Spain
24 Jan70.9Kazimierz Roch DmochowskiArchbishop of Mohilev, Belarus
25 Jan83.0Wincenty Saryusz Karol SkórkowskiBishop of Kraków, Poland
28 Jan66.7Manuel Anselmo NafríaBishop of Coria, Spain
31 Jan56.1Torello Romolo PierazziBishop of San Miniato, Italy
6 Feb48.3Zaccaria BricitoArchbishop of Udine, Italy
18 Feb85.3Franz Arnold MelchersAuxiliary Bishop of Münster, Germany
28 FebNicolas BlockiBishop-Elect of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
21 Mar51.4Jaime José Soler y RoquerBishop of Teruel, Spain
26 Mar58.2Timoteo Francis Astorgi (Astardjian)Bishop of Artvin degli Armeni (Armenian), Turkey
7 Apr83.5Mariano Medrano y CabreraBishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
19 Apr58.4Luigi FerrariBishop of Modena (e Nonantola), Italy
21 Apr62.3Paul AroutinBishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Maronite), Syria
22 Apr49.8Samuel Eccleston, P.S.S. †Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland, USA
25 Apr74.8Jacopo MonicoCardinal, Patriarch of Venezia {Venice}, Italy
10 May65.8Francesco Saverio FaraceBishop of Bovino, Italy
24 May59.8Carlo VizzardelliCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Studies
28 May83.8Antoine-Jacques de ChamonBishop of Saint-Claude, France
26 Jun74.4Domenico AngeliniAuxiliary Bishop of Sabina (-Farfa), Italy
26 Jun77.9Pietro LeporeBishop of Castellaneta, Italy
8 Jul53.9Bénigne-Urbain-Jean-Marie du Trousset d’HéricourtBishop of Autun, France
16 Jul59.5Manuel José da CostaBishop of Leiria, Portugal
20 Jul82.9Hugues-Robert-Jean-Charles de la Tour d’Auvergne-LauraquaisCardinal, Bishop of Arras, France
22 Jul66.3Ferenc di Paolo de Nádasdy-FogarasArchbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
31 Jul48.4Giuseppe Antonio Giacomo Borghi, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Cortona, Italy
1 Aug80.0Antonio Maria Cadolini, B. †Cardinal, Bishop of Ancona e Numana, Italy
5 Aug66.3José Ignacio Sánchez NavarroBishop-Elect of Linares o Nueva León, Nuevo León, México
7 Aug70.7Fernando Cuero y Caicedo, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Popayán, Colombia
11 Aug68.3Gábor BalassaBishop of Szombathely, Hungary
14 Aug41.5Francesco Xaverio Giannuzzi SavelliBishop of Gravina e Irsina (Montepeloso), Italy
22 Aug78.2Simón Rojas Guardiola y Hortoneda, O.S.B. †Bishop of Urgell, Spain
27 Aug80.3Matteo Franco, C.P.O. †Bishop of Catanzaro, Italy
29 Aug61.7William Dollard (Dullard)Bishop of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
31 Aug75.3Joaquim de Nossa Senhora de Nazareth Oliveira e Abreu, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Coimbra, Portugal
31 Aug74.3José Agustín de la Sierra MercadoBishop of La Serena, Chile
2 Sep81.2Anton Alois BuchmayerBishop of Sankt Pölten, Austria
18 Sep75.9Mariano BiancoArchbishop Emeritus of Amalfi, Italy
29 Sep78.9Paul-Thérèse-David d’AstrosCardinal, Archbishop of Toulouse (-Narbonne), France
4 Oct72.7William Fraser (Frazer)Bishop of Arichat, Nova Scotia, Canada
13 Oct81.8Henricus den DubbeldenVicar Apostolic of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands
16 Oct74.7Ignace Pierre Jarweh (Jaroue, Djarwé)Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon
30 Oct80.8Luigi Maria Blancis da Ciriè, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Syros (e Milos), Greece
10 Nov65.4Cornelius Ludovicus van Wijkerslooth van Schalkwijk (Wykerslooth)Titular Bishop of Curium
19 Nov71.9Giovanni Battista ParrettiArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
22 Nov83.7Antonio Posada Rubín de CelisPatriarch of West Indies, Spain
25 Nov56.0Martino Piña y GiménezBishop-Elect of Plasencia, Spain
11 Dec78.6Francesco-Maria CoppolaBishop of Oppido Mamertina, Italy
22 Dec71.4Bernardo Antonino Squarcina, O.P. †Bishop of Adria, Italy
22 Dec61.9Michele (Rafaele) Todde Valeri, Sch. P. †Bishop of Ogliastra, Italy
26 Dec70.8Tomás Díez de Bedoya, O.F.M. Cap. †Auxiliary Bishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain


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