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The Year of Our Lord 1895


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1894) | Next Year (1896)

unknownGermanos ChémaliArchbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Maronite), Syria
unknown80.0Joseph Gonnet, S.J. †Pro-Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Kiangnan, China
unknown58.0Jacques-Michel NaamoPatriarchal Vicar of Baghdad (Chaldean), Iraq
unknown51.9Théodore Jean NersciabuhArchbishop Emeritus of Foreign Archdiocese
unknown75.8Cesáreo Rodrigo y RodríguezBishop of Orense, Spain
unknown72.5Efrem Estateos TocmagiBishop Emeritus
4 Jan70.5Jaak Bax, C.I.C.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Central Mongolia {Mongolia Centrale}, China
7 Jan65.0Stanislao Maria de LucaBishop of San Severo, Italy
8 Jan46.4Camilo Ortúzar Montt, S.D.B. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Tarapacá, Chile
15 Jan75.6Laurence Gilhooly, C.M. †Bishop of Elphin, Ireland
20 Jan92.0Tobias KirbyTitular Archbishop of Ephesus
21 Jan87.7Florian-Jules-Félix DesprezCardinal, Archbishop of Toulouse (-Narbonne), France
23 Jan59.0Jules CléretBishop of Laval, France
5 Feb75.3Gherardo AraldiBishop Emeritus of Carpi, Italy
7 Feb70.6Giuseppe ZaffinoArchbishop of Athēnai {Athens}, Greece
19 Feb65.2Paolo GregoriBishop of Città della Pieve, Italy
27 Feb63.9Patrick ManogueBishop of Sacramento, California, USA
4 Mar80.3William WeathersAuxiliary Bishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain
18 Mar55.4Trifon RadoničićBishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro
26 Mar69.2Patrick MacAlisterBishop of Down and Connor, Ireland
30 Mar84.8Francisco de Paula Benavides y Navarrete, O.S. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain
31 Mar66.5Petrus de BrabandereBishop of Brugge {Bruges}, Belgium
8 Apr76.1Francesco RagusaBishop of Trapani, Italy
10 Apr77.0Juraj SchopperBishop of Rožňava, Slovakia
17 Apr42.2Joseph Émile Lutz, C.S.Sp. †Prefect of Lower Niger {Niger Inferiore}, Nigeria
24 Apr42.7Jean-Maria Michon, S.M.A. †Prefect of Costa d’Oro {Gold Coast}, Ghana
30 Apr59.7Nicolaus Maria Pagani, S.J. †Bishop of Mangalore, India
7 May73.3Bernardino (Giuseppe) dal Vago (da Portogruaro), O.F.M. Ref. †Titular Archbishop of Serdica
22 May78.1Claude Marie DubuisBishop Emeritus of Galveston, Texas, USA
22 May68.9Patrick MoranBishop of Dunedin, New Zealand
29 May55.1Fulco Luigi Ruffo-ScillaCardinal, Official of the Roman Curia - Other
30 May50.4St. Giuseppe Marello, O.S.I. †Bishop of Acqui, Italy
1 Jun69.9Johann Gabriel Léon Louis Meurin, S.J. †Bishop of Port-Louis, Mauritius
3 Jun64.6Rupert (Albert) Seidenbusch, O.S.B. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA
9 Jun76.7Gustav de Belrupt-TissacAuxiliary Bishop of Olomouc, Czechia
9 Jun52.2Giovanni Battista CarnevaliniBishop of Civita Castellana, Orte e Gallese, Italy
10 Jun60.7Antoni Franciszek AudziewiczBishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
21 Jun58.3Tommaso MontefuscoBishop of Oria, Italy
22 Jun54.4Amilcare MalagolaCardinal, Archbishop of Fermo, Italy
23 Jun68.2François LagrangeBishop of Chartres, France
23 Jun64.3Raffaele di Nonno, C.Ss.R. †Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy
8 Jul75.1Nicola de SimoneBishop of Bova, Italy
10 Jul77.0Adam Charles ClaessensVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Batavia, Indonesia
11 Jul79.2Pieter Matthijs (Petrus Mathias) SnickersArchbishop of Utrecht, Netherlands
17 Jul71.5Leonardo Giannotti, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Modigliana, Italy
30 Jul84.2Luigi SodoBishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy
14 Aug74.2Marie-Laurent-François-Xavier Cordier, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Cambogia
18 Aug57.0Henry Schomberg Kerr, S.J. †Superior of Zambese, Zimbabwe
19 Aug67.6Michael ComerfordCoadjutor Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland
20 Aug68.4Louis-Joseph-Jean-Baptiste-Léon GouzotArchbishop of Auch, France
15 Sep72.9St. Zygmunt Szczęsny FelińskiArchbishop Emeritus of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland
23 Sep64.7Tancredo FaustiTitular Archbishop of Seleucia in Isauria
25 Sep60.0Francesco Maria GranadoBishop of Cochabamba, Bolivia
12 Oct62.2Antonio CaffAuxiliary Bishop of Catania, Italy
17 Oct67.7Ignazio BartoliBishop of Senigallia, Italy
23 Oct70.8Giulio LentiVicegerent of Roma {Rome}, Italy
28 Oct74.2Bernard Bernard, M.S. †Prefect Emeritus of Norvegia (Norway)
1 Nov67.6Benito Sanz y ForésCardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
6 Nov45.6Luigi Giuseppe Lasagna, S.D.B. †Titular Bishop of Oëa
9 Nov68.9Louis-Joseph-Marie-Ange VigneArchbishop of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France
11 Nov77.1Leopoldo Zelli Jacobuzi, O.S.B. †Abbot of San Paolo fuori le Mura, Italy
12 Nov61.3Federico Pietro FoschiArchbishop of Perugia, Italy
19 Nov67.0Lucien-Louis-Joseph-Napoléon BonaparteCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucina
19 Nov83.2Antonio da Trindade de Vasconcellos Pereira de MeloBishop of Lamego, Portugal
20 Nov76.3John Joseph ConroyBishop Emeritus of Albany, New York, USA
23 Nov62.8Guglielmo Maria d’Ambrogi, O.E.S.A. †Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
24 Nov61.7Stefano StefanopoliTitular Archbishop of Philippi
28 Nov73.9Basilio Oberholzer, O.S.B. †Abbot of Maria Einsiedeln, Switzerland
29 Nov67.9Bonaventura Maria Soldatich, O.F.M. Conv. †Titular Archbishop of Serdica
7 Dec72.8Ignazio Camillo Guglielmo Maria Pietro Persico, O.F.M. Cap. †Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Indulgences and Relics
14 Dec82.9Paul Ludolf Melchers, S.J. †Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
15 Dec56.2Nicanor PrioriBishop of Assisi, Italy
18 Dec50.3Auguste-Léopold LarocheBishop of Nantes, France
26 Dec62.7Egidius JüngerBishop of Nesqually, Washington, USA
26 Dec73.2Francesco Maria PetrarcaArchbishop of Lanciano (e Ortona), Italy


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