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The Year of Our Lord 1963


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1962) | Next Year (1964)

unknownMartinho da Silva Carvalhosa, O.F.M. †Prefect of Guinea Portoghese, Guinea-Bissau
6 Jan59.1Carlos Alberto Arce MasíasBishop of Piura, Peru
7 Jan71.9Gilla Vincenzo Gremigni, M.S.C. †Bishop of Novara, Italy
15 Jan79.2Bernardino Salvatore Re, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Lipari, Italy
22 Jan73.3William GodfreyCardinal, Archbishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain
Feb74.0Owen McPolin, S.S.C.M.E. †Prefect Emeritus of Kwoszu, Korea (South)
1 Feb80.3John Francis D’AltonCardinal, Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
1 Feb94.4Joaquín Vilallonga y Bernia, S.J. †Superior Emeritus of Ahmedabad, India
6 Feb91.2Oronzo CaldarolaBishop Emeritus of Diano-Teggiano, Italy
12 Feb79.8Raboula Youssef BakhacheAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon
13 Feb69.0Jaime Font y AndreuBishop of San Sebastián, Spain
18 Feb64.2Anunciado SerafiniBishop of Mercedes, Argentina
19 Feb85.2Beniamino NardoneSecretary of the Congregation of Ceremonies
20 Feb68.5Alfredo BontempiRector
2 Mar84.0Egisto Domenico MelchioriBishop of Tortona, Italy
3 Mar74.3Alphonse Bossart, O.M.I. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Ipamu, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
10 Mar71.5Domenico BornigiaBishop of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy
11 Mar55.6Lawrence Frederik SchottAuxiliary Bishop of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
19 Mar89.2Adalbero Joseph (Michael) Fleischer, C.M.M. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Mariannhill, South Africa
20 Mar83.2Manuel Arteaga y BetancourtCardinal, Archbishop of San Cristobal de la Habana, Cuba
25 Mar81.0Clément Joseph MathieuBishop of Aire et Dax, France
31 Mar60.6Mario GhigaBishop of Ampurias e Tempio, Italy
1 Apr49.9Vittorio MoiettaBishop of Nicastro, Italy
1 Apr68.1Laurent Sahag Koguian (Kogy), C.M.Vd. †Auxiliary Bishop of Beirut {Bairut} (Armenian), Lebanon
11 Apr68.6Josef FreundorferBishop of Augsburg, Germany
18 Apr78.4Raffaele De GiuliBishop of Albenga, Italy
24 Apr89.5Paul-Jules-Narcisse RémondBishop of Nice, France
26 Apr58.4Johann Werner Lesinski, O.P. †Bishop of Changting [Tingchow], China
9 May78.4Bl. Alexandru RusuBishop of Maramureş (Romanian), Romania
9 May84.4Jean-Marie VittozAuxiliary Bishop of Grenoble, France
13 May77.9Alois Karl HudalRector Emeritus
14 May67.8Paul TkotschAuxiliary Bishop of Berlin, Germany
19 May78.0Pio de Freitas Silveira, C.M. †Bishop Emeritus of Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
21 May70.2Roberto José Tavella, S.D.B. †Archbishop of Salta, Argentina
24 May92.8Cornelio Sebastiano Cuccarollo, O.F.M. Cap. †Archbishop Emeritus of Otranto, Italy
29 May63.7José Maria CavalleroBishop of Minas, Uruguay
29 May65.7Inácio João Dal Monte, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Guaxupé, Minas Gerais, Brazil
3 Jun81.5St. Angelo Giuseppe RoncalliPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
10 Jun61.5Félix GuillerBishop Emeritus of Pamiers (-Couserans-Mirepoix), France
14 Jun81.4Luciano Pérez PlateroArchbishop of Burgos, Spain
16 Jun49.4Cesar Gerardo Maria Vielmo Guerra, O.S.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Aysén, Chile
20 Jun93.3Jean-Justin-Michel GirbeauBishop of Nîmes (-Uzès e Alès), France
20 Jun72.3John Francis NortonBishop of Bathurst, Australia
24 Jun57.6Juán Maria Riofrio, O.P. †Bishop of Loja, Ecuador
27 Jun74.3James StauntonBishop of Ferns, Ireland
1 Jul47.1Luiz Felipe de NadalBishop of Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
4 Jul86.1Leontios Kilzi, B.A. †Bishop Emeritus of Bāniyās (Melkite Greek), Lebanon
5 Jul82.8Nicola Maria di GirolamoBishop of Caiazzo, Italy
6 Jul54.5Zdzisław GolińskiBishop of Częstochowa, Poland
6 Jul63.1Anton VovkArchbishop of Ljubljana, Slovenia
15 Jul53.3Pier Giorgio Chiappero, O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine
16 Jul68.1Gerald Patrick Aloysius O’HaraApostolic Delegate to Great Britain
19 Jul76.2Joseph László Lombos, O.F.M. †Prefect of Baojing [Paoking, Shaoyang], China
20 Jul76.8Ferdinando BaldelliPresident of the Roman Curia - Other
20 Jul85.0Giovanni Battista Peruzzo, C.P. †Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
22 Jul68.6Donald Alphonsus CampbellArchbishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
22 Jul66.6Albert Soegijapranata, S.J. †Archbishop of Semarang, Indonesia
22 Jul79.7Valerio ValeriCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
25 Jul71.9Edwin Vincent ByrneArchbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
26 Jul70.8Gabriele Arosio, P.I.M.E. †Prefect Emeritus of Neghelli, Ethiopia
1 Aug87.8José Cartaña y InglésBishop of Gerona, Spain
3 Aug82.6Joseph Gotthardt, O.M.I. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Windhoek, Namibia
5 Aug55.9Giuseppe PiazziBishop of Bergamo, Italy
13 Aug67.6Jean Ghislain Delcuve, O.F.M. Cap. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Ubanghi Belga {Belgian Ubanghi}, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
13 Aug76.8José María Preciado y Nieva, C.M.F. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Darién, Panama
16 Aug61.6Pierre Duhart, M.E.P. †Apostolic Administrator of Jilin [Kirin], China
17 Aug88.9Domingo Comin, S.D.B. †Vicar Apostolic of Méndez, Ecuador
17 Aug65.4Giuseppe Maggi, P.I.M.E. †Bishop of Hanzhong [Hanchung], China
19 Aug82.2Antonio Bento Martins JúniorArchbishop of Braga, Portugal
19 Aug72.7Alphonse Joseph Matthysen (Matthijsen), M. Afr. †Bishop of Bunia, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
20 Aug75.3Pierre-Auguste-Marie-Joseph DouillardBishop Emeritus of Soissons (-Laon-Saint-Quentin), France
26 Aug90.1Maurice-Bernard-Benoît-Joseph Despatures, M.E.P. †Bishop Emeritus of Bangalore, India
26 Aug68.3Czesław KaczmarekBishop of Kielce, Poland
31 Aug85.3Leopoldo Eijo y GarayBishop of Madrid, Spain
5 Sep78.1François Faroud, S.M.A. †Prefect Emeritus of Parakou, Benin
15 Sep85.6Joseph Diss, S.M.A. †Prefect Emeritus of Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
18 Sep82.8Zacarías de Vizcarra y AranaTitular Bishop of Eressus
8 Oct76.3Gioacchino Di LeoBishop of Mazara del Vallo, Italy
8 Oct59.0Salvatore SiinoApostolic Nuncio to Philippines
9 Oct58.1Leo Richard SmithBishop of Ogdensburg, New York, USA
13 Oct75.3Sebastiano BriaccaBishop of Mondovi, Italy
15 Oct62.0Domenico VendolaBishop Emeritus of Lucera, Italy
19 Oct81.1Aurelio Macedonio GuerreroArchbishop Emeritus of Trujillo, Peru
19 Oct76.1Ranulfo da Silva FariasArchbishop of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
21 Oct77.1Herman Joseph Meysing, O.M.I. †Archbishop Emeritus of Bloemfontein, South Africa
30 Oct80.2Francisco Beckmann, C.M. †Archbishop of Panamá
2 Nov84.9Ferdinand de PiontekApostolic Administrator of Görlitz, Germany
6 Nov99.6Daniel MannixArchbishop of Melbourne, Australia
7 Nov82.7John Reesinck, M.H.M. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Upper Nile {Nilo Superiore}, Uganda
7 Nov71.9Edoardo TonnaBishop Emeritus of Izmir (Smirne), Turkey
9 Nov77.8Antonio Farage (Faraj)Patriarchal Vicar Emeritus of Egypt and Sudan (Melkite Greek)
13 Nov61.1Gabriel (André) Sortais, O.C.S.O. †Abbot General of Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance
2 Dec66.6Louis-Sylvain RobinBishop Emeritus of Blois, France
5 Dec101.0Alfonso CarinciSecretary Emeritus of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites
5 Dec63.9John Christopher CodyBishop of London, Ontario, Canada
11 Dec74.9William MacNeelyBishop of Raphoe, Ireland
27 Dec70.1Karel Justinus Marie Ernest CalewaertBishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
29 Dec79.3Mihael TorosApostolic Administrator of Gorizia e Gradisca, Italy


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