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The Year of Our Lord 1964


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1963) | Next Year (1965)

unknownRené Landru, M. Afr. †Prefect of Gao, Mali
unknown79.0Matteo Michelon, F.S.C.J. †Superior Emeritus of Kodok, Sudan
unknownGabriel Viñamata Castelsagué, I.E.M.E. †Apostolic Administrator of El Petén, Guatemala
unknown78.3[Joseph Yao Guang-yu (Yao Kwang Yu)], C.M. †Bishop of Beijing [Peking], China
3 Jan88.2Francesco de FilippisArchbishop Emeritus of Brindisi, Italy
10 Jan83.9Patrick CollierBishop of Ossory, Ireland
11 Jan81.2André-Damien-Ferdinand JullienCardinal, Dean Emeritus of the Roman Rota
13 Jan78.5Camille Valentin Stappers, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Lulua, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
21 Jan82.2Carlo ChiarloCardinal, Official Emeritus of the Secretariat of State
27 Jan77.3René-Jean-Baptiste-Germain Feuga, M.E.P. †Bishop Emeritus of Mysore, India
28 Jan59.5Edward Michael JoyceBishop of Christchurch, New Zealand
2 Feb66.3Jean-Marie Mazé, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Hung Hoá, Viet Nam
11 Feb73.0Domenico BriziBishop of Osimo e Cingoli, Italy
12 Feb84.6Gabriel NaamoBishop of Beirut {Bairut} (Chaldean), Lebanon
15 Feb90.0François-Louis Auvity, P.S.S. †Bishop Emeritus of Mende, France
20 Feb65.1Paul Joseph Girouard, M.S. †Bishop of Morondava, Madagascar
22 Feb73.8Froilán Ferreira ReinaféBishop of La Rioja, Argentina
24 Feb60.6James Henry Ambrose GriffithsAuxiliary Bishop of New York, New York, USA
2 Mar64.8Stepan Vaprovych (Vaprovyč)Auxiliary Bishop of Stanislaviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
5 Mar66.1Carl Maria Antonius SplettBishop of Gdańsk, Poland
7 Mar56.1Carlos Gouvêa CoelhoArchbishop of Olinda e Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
19 Mar89.4Daniel James GerckeBishop Emeritus of Tucson, Arizona, USA
24 Mar84.1Josip Antun UjčićArchbishop of Beograd (-Smederevo), Serbia
26 Mar61.1Humphrey Penderell BrightAuxiliary Bishop of Birmingham, England, Great Britain
2 Apr86.0Tomás Gutiérrez DíezBishop of Cádiz y Ceuta, Spain
8 Apr79.2Salvatore RussoBishop of Acireale, Italy
10 Apr82.4Josef FreusbergAuxiliary Bishop of Fulda, Germany
11 Apr80.3Guillaume-Marius SembelBishop of Dijon, France
12 Apr73.3Francisco Javer Lauzurica y TorralbaArchbishop of Oviedo, Spain
16 Apr64.2Štefan (István) BarnašAuxiliary Bishop of Spiš, Slovakia
29 Apr73.8Francisco Barbado y Viejo, O.P. †Bishop of Salamanca, Spain
4 May58.9Armando LombardiApostolic Nuncio to Brazil
8 May82.3Jacobus Jacobs, O. Praem. †Prefect Emeritus of Lolo, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
26 May84.5Simone Lorenzo Salvi, O.S.B. †Abbot of Subiaco, Italy
8 Jun79.6Ernesto Aurelio Ghiglione, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Benghazi, Libya
8 Jun79.1Emilio GiorgiBishop of Montepulciano, Italy
15 Jun83.5Franz Wolfgang Demont, S.C.I. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Aliwal, South Africa
19 Jun95.7Edmund Francis GibbonsBishop Emeritus of Albany, New York, USA
2 Jul66.8Fernand Martin, M. Afr. †Prefect Emeritus of Fort Jameson, Zambia
11 Jul69.9Henri-René-Adrien BraultBishop of Saint-Dié, France
18 Jul64.2Edward Peter McManamanAuxiliary Bishop of Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
21 Jul68.1Edgar Larochelle, P.M.E. †Superior General Emeritus of Société des Missions-Étrangères
28 Jul76.3Joseph Basil RoperBishop Emeritus of Toowoomba, Australia
31 Jul80.8Joseph-Marie Le GouazeArchbishop Emeritus of Port-au-Prince, Haïti
31 Jul63.2Noël MalaBishop of Kasongo, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
2 Aug78.5Angel de la Calle Fontecha, O.S.A. †Prefect of Yueyang [Yochow], China
10 Aug77.2Pierre-Armand-Albert-Lucien Fallaize, O.M.I. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories, Canada
13 Aug60.0Inigo Maximilian König, S.D.S. †Prefect of Shaowu [Shaowu], China
14 Aug69.6Luigi PirelliBishop of Sovana e Pitigliano, Italy
16 Aug75.1Willem Pieter Adriaan Maria MutsaertsBishop Emeritus of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands
19 Aug84.2Giacinto Tredici, O.Ss.C.A. †Bishop of Brescia, Italy
22 Aug71.1Bl. Simeon LukachAuxiliary Bishop of Stanislaviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
26 Aug71.3Jozef Willem Maria BaetenBishop Emeritus of Breda, Netherlands
4 Sep83.7Clément-Emile RoquesCardinal, Archbishop of Rennes (-Dol-Saint-Malo), France
10 Sep79.4Louis ChironBishop of Langres, France
21 Sep58.6Jesús Enciso VianaBishop of Mallorca, Spain
21 Sep71.8Józef Feliks GawlinaBishop Emeritus of Poland, Military
21 Sep80.0Leone Giovanni Battista NigrisApostolic Nuncio
5 Oct74.7Jean-Baptiste Janssens, S.J. †Superior General of Society of Jesus
5 Oct56.6Zoltan LengyelApostolic Administrator of Romania (Armenian)
11 Oct74.2John Patrick TreacyBishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
11 Oct79.3Alphonse Verwimp, S.J. †Bishop Emeritus of Kisantu, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
12 Oct69.9Michael RodriguesBishop Emeritus of Belgaum, India
4 Nov80.0Giuseppe Pietro Gagnor, O.P. †Bishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy
8 Nov88.0Joseph Francis RummelArchbishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
12 Nov77.2José da Cruz Moreira PintoBishop of Viseu, Portugal
13 Nov84.2Franciszek BardaBishop of Przemyśl, Poland
13 Nov84.6Oddo BernacchiaBishop Emeritus of Larino, Italy
18 Nov69.0Augustin Olbert, S.V.D. †Bishop of Qingdao [Tsingtao], China
21 Nov58.8Paul BernierBishop of Gaspé, Québec, Canada
23 Nov70.0Edward Celestin Daly, O.P. †Bishop of Des Moines, Iowa, USA
26 Nov68.6Leo Isidore Scharmach, M.S.C. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
26 Nov52.6Joseph-Pierre-Albert Wittebols, S.C.I. †Bishop of Wamba, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
28 Nov79.7Gregorio FalconieriBishop Emeritus of Conversano, Italy
10 Dec70.3Mariano Rossell y ArellanoArchbishop of Guatemala
10 Dec65.8Antoon van Oorschoot, M. Afr. †Bishop of Mbeya, Tanzania
15 Dec39.9Gabriel KihimbareAuxiliary Bishop-Elect of Kitega, Burundi
16 Dec76.1Alain-Sébastien Le Breton, S.M.M. †Bishop Emeritus of Tamatave, Madagascar
28 Dec67.7Benedikt (Johannes) Reetz, O.S.B. †Abbot of Order of Saint Benedict
29 Dec69.7Alexandros ScandarBishop of Assiut {Lycopolis} (Coptic), Egypt


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