Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Born | Domingo Abad Huerta † | | Bishop of Teruel, Spain |
| Died | Youssef Girgis al-Basluqiti † | Bishop of Damas (Maronite), Syria |
54.0 | Died | Ascanio Albertini † | Bishop of Avellino e Frigento, Italy |
43.8 | Ordained Priest | Ippolito Aldobrandini (Sr.) † | Priest | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
| Born | Albertus Aliprandi † | | Bishop of Andros, Greece |
| Died | Giovanni Paolo Amanio † | Bishop of Anglona-Tursi, Italy |
| Born | Hyacinthus Arnolfini, O.F.M. Obs. † | | Bishop of Milos (Melos), Greece |
| Born | Miguel Avellán, O.F.M. Obs. † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo, Spain |
| Died | Antonio Balducci, O.P. † | Bishop of Trevico, Italy |
| Died | Giacomo Benuzzi † | Auxiliary Bishop of Trento, Italy |
73.0 | Died | Giovanni Battista Bernardi † | Bishop Emeritus of Ajaccio, France |
| Born | Francesco Bibilia † | | Bishop of Isola, Italy |
72.9 | Resigned | René de Birague † | Bishop of Lodčve, France | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Aimeric de Bragelone † | | Bishop Emeritus of Luçon, France |
| Born | Diego Castejón Fonseca † | | Bishop of Tarazona, Spain |
| Born | Luis de Cańizares, O.M. † | | Bishop of Comayagua, Honduras |
| Born | Alessandro Castracani (Castracane) † | | Bishop of Fano, Italy |
| Died | Pietro Cancellieri (Cavalieri) † | Bishop of Lipari, Italy |
| Born | Tiberio Cenci † | | Cardinal, Bishop of Jesi, Italy |
| Born | Francesco Adriano Ceva † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prisca |
| Resigned | Francesco Cittadini † | Bishop of Castro [del Lazio], Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
| Appointed | Conradus † | Archbishop of Utrecht, Netherlands | Archbishop-Elect |
| Resigned | Jacques Corneillan † | Bishop of Rodez, France | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Silvestre de Crusy de Marcillac † | | Bishop of Mende, France |
| Died | Pedro Sánchez Martín, O.P. † | Bishop of Coro, Venezuela |
| Born | Antimo degli Atti † | | Bishop of Ortona a Mare e Campli, Italy |
| Born | Alphonse d’Elbčne † | | Bishop Emeritus of Albi, France |
| Born | Juan de Mańozca y Zamora † | | Archbishop of México, Federal District |
| Installed | Antonio de Hervias, O.P. † | Bishop of Verapaz, Guatemala | Bishop of Cartagena, Colombia |
| Born | Giuseppe di Ceva † | | Bishop of Ivrea, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Pietro Delfino, O.S.A. † | Bishop Emeritus of Cefalonia e Zante, Greece |
| Appointed | Elie (V) † | Patriarch of Babylon {Babilonia} (Chaldean), Iraq |
| Born | Pietro Paolo Eustachi † | | Bishop of Boiano, Italy |
| Died | Pietro Francesco Ferri † | Bishop of Polignano (Polinianum), Italy |
| Died | Vincenzo Fucheri † | Bishop of Corneto (Tarquinia) e Montefiascone, Italy |
| Born | Francisco Garcia Mendes, S.J. † | | Archbishop of Cranganore (Angamala), India |
| Succeeded | Leandro Garuffi Rotelli de Piis † | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy |
| Died | Lelio Garuffi Rotelli de Piis † | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy |
| Born | Giovanni Dominico Giaconi † | | Bishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy |
| Born | Decius Giustiniani, O.P. † | | Bishop of Aleria, France |
| Ordained Priest | Stanisław Gomoliński † | Priest | Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine |
| Born | Bartolomé González Soltero † | | Bishop of Santiago de Guatemala |
| Succeeded | Nicolň Grana † | Bishop of Anglona-Tursi, Italy |
40.7 | Died | Sebastian Haidlauf † | Auxiliary Bishop of Freising, Germany |
| Born | Maurice Hurley (O’Hurley) † | | Bishop of Emly, Ireland |
| Died | Francesco Indelli † | Bishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy |
| Born | Bernardo Inghirami † | | Bishop of Volterra, Italy |
| Born | Jerónimo de Ipenza † | | Bishop of Jaca, Spain |
| Born | St. Jozafat Kuncewicz, O.S.B.M. † | | Archbishop of Połock (Polotsk) (Ukrainian), Belarus |
| Died | Hugh Lacy † | Bishop of Limerick, Ireland | Bishop Emeritus |
| Died | Lancillotto Lancellotti † | Archbishop of Rossano, Italy |
| Born | Imre Lósy † | | Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
| Born | Orazio Maffei † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Chieti, Italy |
| Died | Ascanio Marchesini † | Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy |
22.0 | Professed | Felipe Marimón Salvador † | Member | Bishop of Ampurias e Civita, Italy |
| Ordained Bishop | Jerónimo de Menezes † | Bishop of Miranda (do Douro), Portugal | Bishop of Porto, Portugal |
| Born | Pedro Moncada † | | Bishop of Gerona, Spain |
| Born | Gabriele Naro (Nari), O.P. † | | Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy |
| Born | Hugh O’Reilly † | | Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland |
| Born | Giuseppe (Giacomo) Pamphilj † | | Bishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro |
| Born | Ubertinus Papafava † | | Bishop of Adria, Italy |
| Born | Erasmo Paravicini † | | Bishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy |
| Died | Pietro de Petris del Monte † | Bishop of Lucera, Italy |
| Born | Giacinto Petroni, O.P. † | | Bishop of Molfetta, Italy |
| Born | Alfonso Petrucci † | | Bishop of Chiusi, Italy |
| Born | Hernando de Ramírez y Sánchez, O.SS.T. † | | Bishop of Panamá |
| Born | Alessandro Rangoni † | | Bishop of Modena, Italy |
| Born | Girolamo Ricciulli † | | Bishop of Belcastro, Italy |
| Died | Almerico de Rochechouart † | Bishop of Sisteron, France |
| Born | Nicolas Sanguin † | | Bishop Emeritus of Senlis, France |
| Born | Giulio Antonio Santoro † | | Archbishop of Cosenza, Italy |
| Born | Girolamo Sarriano, C.R. † | | Bishop of Vico Equense, Italy |
66.0 | Appointed | Guglielmo Sirleto † | Prefect of the Congregation of the Index | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Squillace, Italy |
| Born | Stefano Solis Castelblanco, C.R. † | | Bishop of Sarno, Italy |
| Born | Giovanni Domenico Spinola † | | Cardinal, Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, Italy |
| Born | Stanislaw Starczewski † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Płock, Poland |
| Born | Alfonso de Sanvítores de la Portilla, O.S.B. † | | Bishop of Zamora, Spain |
45.0 | Appointed | Miklós Telegdy † | Apostolic Administrator of Esztergom, Hungary | Bishop of Pécs, Hungary |
| Born | Manoel Telles de Brito, O.P. † | | Archbishop of Goa, India |
| Born | Lelio Veterano † | | Bishop of Fondi (Fundi), Italy |
| Born | Mauro de Villarroel, O.S.B. † | | Bishop of Jaca, Spain |
| Died | Yab-Alaba † | Patriarch of Babylon {Babilonia} (Chaldean), Iraq |
| Born | Celso (Giuliano) Zani, O.F.M. † | | Bishop Emeritus of Cittŕ della Pieve, Italy |
Jan | 49.0 | Appointed | Cunerus Petri † | Auxiliary Bishop of Münster, Germany | Bishop of Leeuwarden, Netherlands |
| Born | Stephen Strecheus † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Ličge, Belgium |
1 Jan | 63.0 | Died | Wojciech Staroźrebski Sobiejuski † | Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland |
3 Jan | 45.0 | Ordained Subdeacon | Ludovico Taverna † | Subdeacon | Bishop Emeritus of Lodi, Italy |
5 Jan | 32.7 | Resigned | Lorenzo Campeggi † | Apostolic Nuncio to Naples, Italy | Bishop of Cervia, Italy |
41.0 | Appointed | Fantino Petrignani † | Apostolic Nuncio to Naples, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Cosenza, Italy |
6 Jan | | Died | James Hamilton † | Former Bishop-Elect of Argyll (Lismore), Scotland, Great Britain |
45.0 | Ordained Deacon | Ludovico Taverna † | Deacon | Bishop Emeritus of Lodi, Italy |
10 Jan | 53.0 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Andrea Caligari † | Bishop of Bertinoro, Italy |
| Ordained Bishop | Stanisław Pawłowski † | Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia |
45.0 | Ordained Priest | Ludovico Taverna † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Lodi, Italy |
11 Jan | 55.0 | Appointed | François de Wallon-Capelle, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium |
14 Jan | 80.0 | Died | Juan Solano, O.P. † | Bishop Emeritus of Cuzco, Peru |
18 Jan | 63.2 | Died | Archangelo de’ Bianchi (Blanca), O.P. † | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Teano, Italy |
25 Jan | | Died | Pierre de Châtelet † | Bishop of Toul, France |
31 Jan | 68.0 | Died | Henrique de Portugal † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Évora, Portugal |
| Died | Dietrich von Rothenstein (Bettendorf) † | Bishop of Worms, Germany |
12 Feb | 20.2 | Installed | Albrecht von Austria (Österreich) † | Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme | Former Archbishop-Elect of Toledo, Spain |
35.1 | Appointed | Peter Binsfeld † | Auxiliary Bishop of Trier, Germany |
35.1 | Appointed | Peter Binsfeld † | Titular Bishop of Azotus | Auxiliary Bishop of Trier, Germany |
15 Feb | 49.1 | Died | Cunerus Petri † | Bishop of Leeuwarden, Netherlands |
16 Feb | | Born | Giovanni Battista Deti † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
20 Feb | 46.1 | Ordained Deacon | Jean de Vassé † | Deacon | Bishop of Lisieux, France |
24 Feb | | Appointed | Scipione Bozzuti † | Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy | Bishop of Lucera, Italy |
25 Feb | 45.1 | Ordained Bishop | Alessandro Musotti † | Bishop of Imola, Italy |
28 Feb | | Born | Orazio Giustiniani, C.O. † | | Cardinal, Librarian of the Vatican Library |
29 Feb | | Appointed | Salvat d’Iharse † | Bishop of Tarbes, France |
32.2 | Confirmed | Gebhard Truchseß von Waldburg † | Archbishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany | Former Archbishop-Elect |
Mar | 46.1 | Ordained Bishop | Jean de Vassé † | Bishop of Lisieux, France |
9 Mar | 18.8 | Appointed | Charles de Lorraine-Vaudémont (II) † | Cardinal, Administrator of Toul, France |
11 Mar | | Died | Thomas O’Herlihy † | Bishop of Ross, Ireland |
12 Mar | 45.1 | Ordained Bishop | Ludovico Taverna † | Bishop of Lodi, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
13 Mar | 24.6 | Ordained Bishop | Louis II de Guise de Lorraine † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Reims, France |
14 Mar | | Appointed | Juan Antonio Diaz de Salcedo, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Santiago de Cuba | Bishop of Nicaragua |
| Appointed | Alfonso López de Avila † | Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | Archbishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada, Colombia |
58.2 | Resigned | Miler Magrath, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Down and Connor, Ireland | Bishop Emeritus |
| Appointed | Richard McBrady, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Kilmore, Ireland |
23 Mar | 40.2 | Died | Augustin Le Cirier † | Bishop of Avranches, France |
| Appointed | Donat O’Gallagher, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Down and Connor, Ireland |
25 Mar | | Born | Johann Paul (Giovanni Paolo) Ciurletti † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg, Austria |
4 Apr | | Died | Manuel de Mercado Aldrete, O.S.H. † | Bishop of Panamá |
10 Apr | 78.2 | Died | Pierre Pintaflour † | Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium |
55.2 | Ordained Bishop | François de Wallon-Capelle, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium |
11 Apr | | Appointed | Pietro Orsini † | Coadjutor Bishop of Spoleto, Italy | Bishop of Aversa, Italy |
| Appointed | Pietro Orsini † | Titular Bishop of Hippos | Bishop of Aversa, Italy |
17 Apr | | Ordained Bishop | Pietro Orsini † | Titular Bishop of Hippos | Bishop of Aversa, Italy |
20 Apr | 58.2 | Died | Francesco Alciati † | Cardinal, Bishop of Civitate (Cittŕ or Civita), Italy |
68.7 | Died | Ippolito Capilupi † | Bishop Emeritus of Fano, Italy |
21 Apr | | Appointed | Jaime Ximeno Lobera † | Bishop of Teruel, Spain |
26 Apr | 70.3 | Died | Alfonso María Binarini † | Bishop of Camerino, Italy |
40.3 | Died | Jakob Feucht † | Auxiliary Bishop of Bamberg, Germany |
4 May | | Appointed | Pompilio Perotti † | Bishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy |
38.3 | Appointed | Gerolamo Vitale Bovio (de’ Buoi) † | Bishop of Camerino, Italy |
9 May | | Appointed | Hugo Ambrosio de Moncada, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Urgell, Spain |
46.3 | Appointed | Johannes Nas, O.F.M. Obs. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy |
46.3 | Appointed | Johannes Nas, O.F.M. Obs. † | Titular Bishop of Belline | Auxiliary Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy |
20 May | | Appointed | Giacomo Rovello (Roveglio) † | Coadjutor Bishop of Feltre, Italy | Bishop |
| Appointed | Giacomo Rovello (Roveglio) † | Titular Bishop of Hebron | Bishop of Feltre, Italy |
36.3 | Appointed | Janez Tavčar (Tautscher) † | Bishop of Ljubljana (Laybach; Laibach), Slovenia |
27 May | 54.9 | Appointed | Francisco Sarmiento Mendoza † | Bishop of Jaén, Spain |
62.4 | Appointed | Luis Tello Maldonado † | Bishop of Segovia, Spain |
| Appointed | Raffaele Tomei † | Bishop of Polignano (Polinianum), Italy |
| Appointed | Cristóbal Vela y Acuńa (Tavera) † | Archbishop of Burgos, Spain |
29 May | | Ordained Bishop | Miguel Espinosa † | Titular Bishop of Marocco o Marruecos, Titular Sees | Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia, Spain |
Jun | | Ordained Bishop | Jaime Ximeno Lobera † | Bishop of Teruel, Spain |
13 Jun | 3.7 | Confirmed | Philipp Wilhelm von Bayern † | Bishop of Regensburg, Germany | Cardinal, Bishop-Elect |
15 Jun | 22.0 | Selected | Andreas von Austria (Österreich) † | Coadjutor Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy | Cardinal, Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany |
50.4 | Appointed | Alessio Stradella, O.S.A. † | Apostolic Nuncio to Gratz | Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy |
70.0 | Died | Nicolaas Van Nieuwland † | Bishop Emeritus of Haarlem, Netherlands | Auxiliary Bishop of Utrecht, Netherlands |
19 Jun | | Ordained Bishop | Giacomo Rovello (Roveglio) † | Titular Bishop of Hebron | Bishop of Feltre, Italy |
20 Jun | | Died | Roland de Burgo (Burke) † | Bishop of Clonfert, Ireland |
21 Jun | | Died | Eugenio di Pesaro (Fabriani), O.S.A. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Ostia (-Velletri), Italy |
22 Jun | | Died | Jean de Bours † | Bishop of Laon, France |
| Appointed | Alfonso Delgado † | Bishop of Astorga, Spain |
60.2 | Installed | Pedro de Deza Manuel † | Cardinal-Priest of San Ciriaco alle Terme Diocleziane | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano |
| Appointed | Carlos Domenech, C.R.S.A. † | Bishop of Lérida, Spain |
| Appointed | Alfonso Pardo † | Bishop of Trevico, Italy |
| Appointed | Fernando Rueda † | Bishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain |
26 Jun | | Born | Gaspar de Borja y Velasco † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain |