Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | 52.0 | Resigned | Humbert Ancelin † | Bishop of Tulle, France | Bishop Emeritus |
40.0 | Appointed | Jean Basset, M.E.P. † | Pro-Vicar Apostolic of Se-Ciuen (Setchoan, Szechwan, Sichuan), China |
| Born | Nicolas de Bouillé de Saint-Géran † | | Bishop of Autun, France |
| Born | Jean Pierre Paul Joseph de Brunet de Pujols de Castelpers de Panat † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Albi, France |
| Born | Paulo de Carvalho de Mendoça † | Cardinal, |
| Born | Isidro Alfonso Cavanillas † | | Bishop of Zamora, Spain |
| Born | Jean-Gaspard-Gilbert de Chabannas † | | Bishop of Agen, France |
52.1 | Died | Antonio da Penha de França, O.A.D. † | Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe |
| Born | Jean-Louis de Gouyon de Vaudurand † | | Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Pol-de-Léon, France |
43.0 | Died | Josafat Hutorovyč † | Bishop of Smoleńsk (Ukrainian), Russian Federation |
| Born | James O’Keeffe † | | Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland |
| Born | Juan de La Fuente Yepes † | | Bishop of Nueva Segovia, Philippines |
| Born | John MacColgan † | | Bishop of Derry, Ireland |
41.8 | Died | Antonio Negri † | Bishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania |
| Born | Joannes Battista Nicolovich † | | Archbishop of Skopje, North Macedonia |
34.4 | Appointed | Pietro Ottoboni † | Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore {Saint Mary Major Basilica} | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
70.0 | Died | Sancho de Andrade de Figueroa † | Bishop of Quito, Ecuador |
74.2 | Died | Antonio Primi, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Trebinje e Mrkan, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
| Born | Raimondo Quesada † | | Bishop of Bosa, Italy |
26.8 | Appointed | Franz Anton Adolph von Wagensperg † | Bishop of Seckau, Austria | Bishop of Chiemsee, Germany |
50.0 | Appointed | Dionizy Żabokrzycki † | Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
Jan | 56.2 | Resigned | Lorenzo Casoni † | Apostolic Nuncio to Naples, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Vincoli |
71.2 | Died | Gaetano De Andrea, C.R. † | Bishop of Monopoli, Italy |
| Born | Manuel Jiménez Bretón † | | Bishop-Elect of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela |
1 Jan | 35.8 | Ordained Deacon | Valentinus Matthias Arcemberski † | Deacon | Bishop of Kyiv and Chernihiv (Kijów and Czernihow), Ukraine |
51.0 | Ordained Bishop | Angelus d’Ongnies et d’Estrées, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Roermond, Netherlands |
3 Jan | 71.2 | Died | Luis de Sousa † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Lisboa, Portugal |
7 Jan | 38.2 | Succeeded | Franz Anton von Harrach zu Rorau † | Bishop of Wien, Austria | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |
68.0 | Died | Ernst von Trautson zu Falkenstein † | Bishop of Wien, Austria |
8 Jan | 50.6 | Ordained Bishop | Edme Bélot, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Basilinopolis | Vicar Apostolic of Western Tonking {Tonkino Occidentale}, Viet Nam |
9 Jan | 50.0 | Died | Pedro Díaz de Cienfuegos † | Bishop of Trujillo, Peru |
12 Jan | | Born | Józef Andrzej Załuski † | | Bishop of Kyiv and Chernihiv (Kijów and Czernihow), Ukraine |
15 Jan | 22.9 | Ordained Priest | Cristoforo Lorenzo Baratta † | Priest | Bishop of Fossano, Italy |
22.9 | Ordained Priest | Francesco Pertusati, O.S.B. † | Priest of Order of Saint Benedict | Bishop of Pavia, Italy |
18 Jan | | Born | José Alcaraz y Belluga † | | Bishop Emeritus of Tarazona, Spain |
22 Jan | 53.0 | Ordained Bishop | Diego de Gorospe y Irala, O.P. † | Bishop of Nueva Segovia, Philippines |
| Born | Louis-Albert Joly de Choin † | | Bishop of Toulon, France |
23 Jan | 36.2 | Appointed | Filippo Meda † | Bishop of Conversano, Italy |
48.0 | Appointed | Jacopo Maria Rossi † | Bishop of Massa Lubrense, Italy |
24 Jan | | Born | François de Crussol d’Uzès † | | Archbishop of Toulouse, France |
25 Jan | | Born | Franz Anton von Engel in Wagrain † | | Bishop of Csanád, Hungary |
29 Jan | 41.5 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Francesco Leonini † | Priest | Bishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy |
51.0 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Felice Marsili † | Bishop of Perugia, Italy |
36.2 | Ordained Bishop | Filippo Meda † | Bishop of Conversano, Italy |
43.0 | Ordained Deacon | Giambattista Patrizi † | Deacon | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro Coronati |
Feb | | Born | Pedro Pardo de Figueroa, O.M. † | | Archbishop of Guatemala |
2 Feb | 47.0 | Ordained Bishop | Raimondo Lezzoli, O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Olena | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Tonking {Tonkino Orientale}, Viet Nam |
43.1 | Ordained Priest | Giambattista Patrizi † | Priest | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro Coronati |
43.2 | Ordained Deacon | Sebastiano Venieri † | Deacon | Bishop of Vicenza, Italy |
4 Feb | 69.0 | Died | Louis Foucquet † | Bishop of Agde, France |
5 Feb | 43.3 | Ordained Priest | Sebastiano Venieri † | Priest | Bishop of Vicenza, Italy |
6 Feb | 51.5 | Confirmed | Paul de Chaulnes † | Bishop of Sarlat, France | Bishop of Grenoble, France |
34.9 | Confirmed | Jean-Louis de La Bourdonnaye † | Bishop of Saint-Pol-de-Léon, France |
44.7 | Appointed | Filippo della Torre † | Bishop of Adria, Italy |
55.0 | Appointed | Silvestre García Escalona † | Bishop of Tortosa, Spain | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain |
43.1 | Appointed | Giambattista Patrizi † | Titular Archbishop of Seleucia in Isauria | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro Coronati |
| Born | Giovanni Carmine Pellerano, O.S.Io.Hieros. † | | Bishop Emeritus of Malta |
29.9 | Appointed | Luis Simões Brandão † | Bishop of Angola e Congo | Bishop Emeritus |
15 Feb | 66.1 | Died | Jean-Armand de Rotondy de Biscarras † | Bishop of Béziers, France |
16 Feb | | Born | Pedro Albornoz Tapia † | | Bishop of Orihuela, Spain |
| Born | Giuseppe Antonio Passanti † | | Bishop of Montemarano, Italy |
18 Feb | 43.1 | Ordained Bishop | Giambattista Patrizi † | Titular Archbishop of Seleucia in Isauria | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro Coronati |
19 Feb | 51.1 | Ordained Bishop | Blas Serrate † | Bishop of Tarazona, Spain |
25 Feb | 43.1 | Appointed | Giambattista Patrizi † | Apostolic Nuncio to Naples, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro Coronati |
2 Mar | 76.1 | Died | Giuseppe de Lazzara † | Bishop of Alife, Italy |
76.1 | Died | Sébastien de Guémadeuc † | Bishop of Saint-Malo, France |
40.1 | Died | Antoni Żółkiewski † | Bishop of Pińsk-Turaŭ (Ukrainian), Belarus |
4 Mar | | Born | Jean-François de Chatillard de Montillet-Grenaud † | | Archbishop of Auch, France |
71.1 | Died | Ignace Grégoire Pierre VI Shahbaddin † | Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon |
7 Mar | 70.1 | Died | Felipe Galindo Chávez y Pineda, O.P. † | Bishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México |
8 Mar | 45.7 | Died | Antoine Girard de La Bornat (La Bournat) † | Bishop of Poitiers, France |
10 Mar | | Born | Salvator dos Reis, S.J. † | | Archbishop of Cranganore (Angamala), India |
11 Mar | 27.4 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Antonio Guadagni, O.C.D. † | Priest of Order of Discalced Carmelites | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
13 Mar | 81.1 | Died | Denis Sanguin de Livry † | Bishop of Senlis, France |
15 Mar | 80.8 | Died | Bartolomeo Menatti † | Bishop of Lodi, Italy |
16 Mar | | Born | Joseph Bruno de Bausset-Roquefort † | | Bishop of Béziers, France |
61.9 | Died | Jerzy Albrecht Denhoff † | Bishop of Kraków, Poland |
17 Mar | | Born | Luigi Mattei † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli |
19 Mar | 44.8 | Ordained Bishop | Filippo della Torre † | Bishop of Adria, Italy |
22 Mar | 78.4 | Died | Michelangelo Cotignola † | Bishop Emeritus of Ischia, Italy |
24 Mar | 29.4 | Professed | Antônio de Guadalupe, O.F.M. Disc. † | Member of Order of Discalced Friars Minor | Bishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
21.9 | Ordained Priest | Angelo Maria (Gerolamo) Quirini (Querini), O.S.B. † | Priest of Order of Saint Benedict | Cardinal, Bishop of Brescia, Italy |
25 Mar | 59.8 | Resigned | Giambattista Rubini † | Bishop of Vicenza, Italy | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus |
26 Mar | 51.7 | Ordained Bishop | Paul de Chaulnes † | Bishop of Sarlat, France | Bishop of Grenoble, France |
27 Mar | 73.2 | Resigned | Matthias Starck † | Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
Apr | 78.5 | Died | Antonio del Río Colmenares † | Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy |
60.9 | Died | Francesco Jany † | Bishop of Sirmio (Srijem; Sirmium), Croatia |
1 Apr | 24.2 | Ordained Priest | Marco Antonio De Marco † | Priest | Archbishop of Manfredonia, Italy |
24.9 | Ordained Priest | Dominico Laymo † | Priest | Bishop of Vulturara e Montecorvino, Italy |
59.0 | Appointed | Callisto Lodigeri, O.S.M. † | Prior General of Order of Friar Servants of Mary | Bishop of Montepulciano, Italy |
2 Apr | 38.5 | Ordained Bishop | Franz Anton von Harrach zu Rorau † | Bishop of Wien, Austria | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |
3 Apr | 63.4 | Appointed | Manuel Arias y Porres, O.S.Io.Hieros. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain |
52.7 | Confirmed | Tobias Ján Becker † | Bishop of Hradec Králové, Czechia |
52.6 | Died | Johann Franz von Khuen zu Liechtenberg † | Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy |
43.0 | Appointed | Francisco Antonio de Borja-Centelles y Ponce de Léon † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Burgos, Spain |
43.0 | Died | Francisco Antonio de Borja-Centelles y Ponce de Léon † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Burgos, Spain |
5 Apr | 45.2 | Selected | Jean-François Chamillart † | Bishop of Senlis, France |
6 Apr | 65.2 | Died | Francesco Juste Giusti † | Bishop of Camerino, Italy |
9 Apr | 68.2 | Ordained Bishop | Joachim Skirmunt † | Titular Bishop of Utica | Auxiliary Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania |
50.2 | Ordained Bishop | Dionizy Żabokrzycki † | Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
12 Apr | 70.2 | Died | Matteo Cosentino † | Bishop of Anglona-Tursi, Italy |
57.2 | Died | Charles de Villeneuve de Vence † | Bishop of Glandèves, France |
14 Apr | | Born | Domenico Rovegno † | | Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy |
15 Apr | 36.1 | Ordained Priest | Valentinus Matthias Arcemberski † | Priest | Bishop of Kyiv and Chernihiv (Kijów and Czernihow), Ukraine |
50.8 | Selected | André-Daniel de Beaupoil de Saint-Aulaire † | Bishop of Tulle, France | Bishop Emeritus |
40.2 | Selected | Louis-Charles des Alries du Rousset † | Bishop of Béziers, France |
44.8 | Selected | Vincent-François des Maretz † | Bishop of Saint-Malo, France |
47.1 | Selected | Jean-Claude de La Poype de Vertrieu † | Bishop of Poitiers, France |
44.8 | Selected | Philibert-Charles de Pas de Feuquières † | Bishop of Agde, France |
22.2 | Ordained Deacon | Hyacinth Petit, O. Carm. † | Deacon of Order of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel | Vicar Apostolic of Nordic Missions, Germany |
36.5 | Selected | François-Elie de Voyer de Paulmy d’Argenson † | Bishop of Dol, France | Archbishop of Bordeaux, France |
24.9 | Ordained Priest | Johann Adam von Wratislaw von Mitrowitz † | Priest of Praha {Prague}, Czechia | Bishop of Litoměřice, Czechia |
23.3 | Ordained Priest | Franciszek Ignacy Wysocki † | Priest of Warszawa, Poland | Auxiliary Bishop-Elect of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
20 Apr | 69.3 | Died | Marcantonio Zollio † | Bishop of Crema, Italy |
23 Apr | 24.4 | Ordained Priest | Pietro Abbondio Battiloro † | Priest | Bishop of Alife, Italy |
35.1 | Ordained Bishop | Jean-Louis de La Bourdonnaye † | Bishop of Saint-Pol-de-Léon, France |
30 Apr | 55.3 | Ordained Bishop | Silvestre García Escalona † | Bishop of Tortosa, Spain | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain |
| Born | Antonio Sánchez Sardinero † | | Bishop of Huesca, Spain |
2 May | 71.4 | Died | Guillaume de La Brunetière du Plessis-Gesté † | Bishop of Saintes, France |
7 May | 53.4 | Resigned | Petrus Codde, C.O. † | Vicar Apostolic of Batavia (Holland Mission), Netherlands | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus |
53.4 | Resigned | Petrus Codde, C.O. † | Titular Archbishop of Sebastea | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Batavia (Holland Mission), Netherlands |
26.9 | Ordained Deacon | Conus Luchini dal Verme † | Deacon | Bishop of Ostuni, Italy |
8 May | | Born | Wojciech Stanisław Leski, O. Cist. † | | Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
38.3 | Appointed | Ildefonso de Mena y Borja † | Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain |
43.5 | Appointed | Sebastiano Venieri † | Bishop of Vicenza, Italy |
11 May | 60.3 | Died | Scipione Negrelli † | Bishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy |
12 May | 51.3 | Appointed | Francisco Antonio de la Portilla, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Mallorca, Spain |
57.3 | Appointed | Nicolás Urbán de Mota y Haro † | Bishop of La Paz, Bolivia |
14 May | 52.8 | Ordained Bishop | Tobias Ján Becker † | Bishop of Hradec Králové, Czechia |
26.9 | Ordained Priest | Conus Luchini dal Verme † | Priest | Bishop of Ostuni, Italy |
43.5 | Ordained Bishop | Sebastiano Venieri † | Bishop of Vicenza, Italy |
16 May | | Born | Giuseppe Campanile † | | Bishop of Ascoli Satriano (Puglia), Italy |
20 May | 49.7 | Died | Rudolf Joseph von Thun † | Bishop of Seckau, Austria |
21 May | 51.3 | Ordained Bishop | Francisco Antonio de la Portilla, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Mallorca, Spain |
59.3 | Appointed | José Sicardo Martinez, O.S.A. † | Archbishop of Sassari, Italy |
22 May | 51.6 | Ordained Bishop | Angelo Vigliotti, O.C.D. † | Titular Bishop of Metellopolis | Vicar Apostolic of Malabar, India |
23 May | 72.3 | Died | Vincenzo Maria da Silva, O.P. † | Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy |
26 May | 53.9 | Died | Daniel de Francheville † | Bishop of Périgueux (Vesuna), France |
28 May | 63.5 | Ordained Bishop | Manuel Arias y Porres, O.S.Io.Hieros. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain |
29 May | | Born | Mihály Karl (Michele Carlo) von Althan † | | Bishop of Vác, Hungary |
Jun | 53.1 | Died | Scipio Carocci (Carocius) † | Bishop of Acerno, Italy |
38.5 | Appointed | Bernardino Guinigi † | Apostolic Internuncio to Germany | Archbishop of Lucca, Italy |
3 Jun | 56.4 | Selected | Pierre Clément † | Bishop of Périgueux (Vesuna), France |
59.2 | Installed | Callisto Lodigeri, O.S.M. † | Prior General of Order of Friar Servants of Mary | Bishop of Montepulciano, Italy |
55.0 | Ceased | Giovanni Francesco Maria Poggi, O.S.M. † | Prior General of Order of Friar Servants of Mary | Bishop of San Miniato, Italy |
60.4 | Selected | César de Sabran † | Bishop of Glandèves, France |
4 Jun | 23.2 | Ordained Priest | Domenico Maria de Liguori (Liguoro), C.R. † | Priest of Congregation of Clerics Regular | Bishop of Cava (de’ Tirreni), Italy |
5 Jun | 42.4 | Resigned | Orazio Filippo Spada † | Apostolic Nuncio to Germany | Cardinal, Bishop of Osimo, Italy |
7 Jun | 64.4 | Died | Benedetto Giacinto Sangermano † | Bishop of Nusco, Italy |
8 Jun | 31.2 | Selected | Kaspas Ignaz von Künigl zu Ehrenburg † | Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy |
9 Jun | | Born | Franciszek Kazimierz Dowgiałło Zawisza † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Inflanty (Livonia)-Pilten, Poland |
10 Jun | 44.0 | Ordained Priest | Pier Marcellino Corradini † | Priest | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati |
23.0 | Ordained Deacon | Winimar Knippschild, O.S.B. † | Deacon of Order of Saint Benedict | Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn, Germany |
24.0 | Ordained Deacon | Marcello Passari † | Deacon | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Marcello Passari † | Priest | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli |
12 Jun | 58.4 | Appointed | Francisco Cisneros y Mendoza † | Auxiliary Bishop of Lima, Peru |
58.4 | Appointed | Francisco Cisneros y Mendoza † | Titular Bishop of Mactaris | Auxiliary Bishop of Lima, Peru |
50.4 | Confirmed | Gabriel de Cosnac † | Bishop of Die, France | Bishop Emeritus |
37.3 | Confirmed | Franz Joseph Supersaxo † | Bishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland |
50.9 | Appointed | Ortensio Visconti † | Bishop of Lodi, Italy |
20 Jun | 87.4 | Died | John Leyburn † | Vicar Apostolic of London District, England, Great Britain | Vicar Apostolic of England (and Wales), Great Britain |
77.4 | Died | Francesco Pannocchieschi d’Elci † | Archbishop of Pisa, Italy |
64.0 | Died | Ippolito Vicentini † | Bishop of Rieti, Italy |
25 Jun | | Born | Antonino Sersale † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
51.0 | Ordained Bishop | Ortensio Visconti † | Bishop of Lodi, Italy |