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The Year of Our Lord 1873

Bishop Events

January to April

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown24.9Ordained PriestPhilippe-Jacques Abraham, O.A.O.C. †PriestBishop of Gazireh (Gezira) (Chaldean), Turkey
73.9DiedJuan Hilario Bosset (Boset)Bishop of Mérida, Venezuela
44.7AppointedAmbroise Emonet, C.S.Sp. †Prefect of French Guiana-Cayenne, AntillesSuperior General of Congregation of the Holy Spirit
18.1ProfessedLaurent Guillon, M.E.P. †Member of La Société des Missions EtrangèresVicar Apostolic of Southern Manchuria {Manciuria Meridionale}, China
50.8ResignedJoseph Guyodo, C.S.Sp. †Pro-Prefect of French Guiana-Cayenne, AntillesPrefect Emeritus
61.3DiedJerome-Paul HindiBishop of Gazireh (Gezira) (Chaldean), Turkey
24.0Ordained PriestSevère-Samuel LahdoPriest
24.1Ordained PriestValeriano Menéndez y CondePriestArchbishop of Valencia, Spain
21.8Ordained PriestGiovanni Maria PellizzariPriest of Treviso, ItalyBishop of Piacenza, Italy
24.6Ordained PriestManuel Felipe Rodríguez DelgadoPriestBishop of Guayana, Venezuela
55.7ResignedPierre Rougeyron, S.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Nouvelle-Calédonie (New Caledonia), Pacific (Oceania)Vicar Apostolic Emeritus
23.2Ordained PriestEpifan Šanov (Scianow)PriestVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Macedonia (Thessalonika) (Bulgarian)
1 Jan67.6Ordained BishopGiuseppe Caiazzo, O.E.S.A. †Archbishop of Otranto, Italy
41.6Ordained BishopGiuseppe Morteo, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Massa Marittima, Italy
58.7Ordained BishopAntonio SenaBishop of Ascoli Satriano e Cerignola, Italy
3 JanBornJoseph AmbühlBishop of Basel e Lugano, Switzerland
5 Jan38.6Ordained BishopCharles Arsène Bourdon, M.E.P. †Titular Bishop of DardanusVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Northern Burma {Birmania Settentrionale}, Myanmar
25.2Ordained PriestKonstantyn Chekhovych (Czechowicz)Priest of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), PolandBishop
48.2Ordained BishopDomenico MignantiBishop of Civita Castellana, Orte e Gallese, Italy
6 JanBornAntonio Stoppani, F.S.C.J. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Bahr el-Ghazal, Sudan
10 Jan34.9SelectedCharles-François TurinazBishop of Tarentaise, FranceBishop of Nancy (-Toul), France
11 JanBornPasquale MoresBishop Emeritus of Nusco, Italy
13 JanBornVasile (Basile) SuciuArchbishop of Făgăraş şi Alba Iulia (Romanian), Romania
14 JanBornThomas KurialacheryBishop of Changanacherry (Syro-Malabar), India
19 Jan38.3Ordained BishopGaetano Camillo Guindani (Guindari)Bishop of Borgo San Donnino, ItalyBishop of Bergamo, Italy
25 JanBornBenedito Paulo Alves de SouzaBishop Emeritus of Espírito Santo, Brazil
26 Jan45.3Ordained BishopMihály PávelBishop of Gherla, Armenopoli, Szamos-Ujvár (Romanian), RomaniaBishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino} (Romanian), Romania
27 JanBornAuguste-Julien-Pierre Fortineau, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Diégo-Suarez, Madagascar
28 JanBornPatrick CaseyBishop of Ross, Ireland
30 JanBornAntonio ScaranteBishop of Faenza, Italy
Feb46.5SelectedFederico León Aneiros (Aneyros)Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
2 Feb44.2Ordained BishopEdmond Hyacinthe Theodore Joseph DumontBishop of Tournai {Doornik}, BelgiumBishop Emeritus
BornThomas HenshawBishop of Salford, England, Great Britain
36.4Final VowsRoberto Maria del Pozo y Martin (García Del Pozo), S.J. †Priest of Society of JesusBishop of Guayaquil, Ecuador
3 FebBornJuozapas KuktaBishop of Kaišiadorys, Lithuania
8 FebBornFilippo Perlo, I.M.C. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Kenya, Kenya
9 Feb50.4Ordained BishopMatthäus Joseph BinderBishop of Sankt Pölten, Austria
10 Feb67.7DiedLuigi VettaBishop of Nardò, Italy
13 FebBornEugenio Artaraz Emaldi, O.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Bac Ninh, Viet Nam
14 Feb33.5AppointedMichael Augustine CorriganBishop of Newark, New Jersey, USAArchbishop of New York, New York, USA
35.6AppointedWilliam Hickley Gross, C.Ss.R. †Bishop of Savannah, Georgia, USAArchbishop of Oregon City, Oregon, USA
80.0DiedGiovanni Pietro LosanaBishop of Biella, Italy
BornGiuseppe PetrelliApostolic Nuncio
BornPierre-Macarie SabaArchbishop of Alep [Beroea, Halab] (Melkite Greek), Syria
15 Feb45.2InstalledJosé Maríe del Refugio Guerra y AlvaBishop of Zacatecas, México
16 Feb57.1ResignedFelicissimo Coccino (Cocchino), O.F.M. Cap. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Galla, EthiopiaCoadjutor Vicar Apostolic Emeritus
58.6Ordained BishopLéopold-René Leséleuc de KerouaraBishop of Autun (-Châlon-sur-Saône-Mâcon), France
17 FebBornHenryk Ignacy PrzeździeckiBishop of Siedlce, Poland
BornJoseph ShielBishop of Rockhampton, Australia
22 FebBornThomas Charles O’ReillyBishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA
BornPedro María Rodríguez AndradeBishop Emeritus of Ibagué, Colombia
23 Feb58.6InstalledLéopold-René Leséleuc de KerouaraBishop of Autun (-Châlon-sur-Saône-Mâcon), France
BornNoè Giuseppe Tacconi, P.I.M.E. †Vicar Apostolic of Kaifeng [Kaifeng] (Kaifengfu), China
27 Feb85.4DiedJoaquim Pereira Ferraz, O.S.B. †Bishop of Leiria, Portugal
28 Feb69.0DiedGeorges-Claude-Louis-Pie ChalandonArchbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France
BornJoseph-Antoine-Augustin Giustiniani, O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Ajaccio, France
BornMichele IzziBishop of Alatri, Italy
48.7AppointedBernard O’ReillyBishop of Liverpool, England, Great Britain
39.1AppointedRoger William Bede Vaughan, O.S.B. †Coadjutor Archbishop of Sydney, AustraliaArchbishop
39.1AppointedRoger William Bede Vaughan, O.S.B. †Titular Archbishop of NazianzusArchbishop of Sydney, Australia
1 Mar75.0RetiredJean-Antoine-Marie FoulquierBishop of Mende, FranceBishop Emeritus
BornGaudenzio ManuelliArchbishop of L’Aquila, Italy
2 Mar57.8Ordained BishopPietro Giocondo Salvaj di GovoneBishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy
3 Mar67.5ResignedAntoine-Charles CousseauBishop of Angoulême, FranceBishop Emeritus
72.0ResignedFrançois GrosBishop of Tarentaise, FranceBishop Emeritus
6 Mar58.9AppointedIstvan Pribék de VilleTitular Bishop of LorymaAuxiliary Bishop of Veszprém, Hungary
8 Mar24.6Ordained PriestMichel Marc Hudrisier, O.F.M. Cap. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinBishop of Port Victoria o Seychelles
23.2Ordained PriestGeorges-Jean-Damascène Lachavanne, O.F.M. Cap. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinBishop of Port Victoria o Seychelles
9 Mar46.4Ordained BishopLino Deodato Rodrigues de CarvalhoBishop of São Paulo, Brazil
10 MarBornEdouard van Goethem, M.S.C. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Coquilhatville, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
11 MarBornEugen Remigius Schwarz, O.F.M. Cap. †Prefect of Bettiah, India
33.2AppointedCharles-Jean SeghersBishop of Vancouver Island, USA
14 MarBornJohannes Dominicus Josephus AengenentBishop of Haarlem, Netherlands
BornGiovanni IaconoBishop Emeritus of Caltanissetta, Italy
15 MarBornAlberto CostaBishop of Lecce, Italy
17 Mar48.9SelectedLörinc (Vavrinec) SchlauchBishop of Satu Mare {Szatmár}, RomaniaCardinal, Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania
19 Mar48.7Ordained BishopBernard O’ReillyBishop of Liverpool, England, Great Britain
39.1Ordained BishopRoger William Bede Vaughan, O.S.B. †Titular Archbishop of NazianzusArchbishop of Sydney, Australia
21 Mar55.2AppointedIndalecio BarretoAuxiliary Bishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada, ColombiaBishop of Nueva Pamplona, Colombia
55.2AppointedIndalecio BarretoTitular Bishop of DoraBishop of Nueva Pamplona, Colombia
63.0AppointedFrançois-Alexandre Roullet de la BouillerieTitular Archbishop of PergeCoadjutor Archbishop of Bordeaux, France
63.0ConfirmedFrançois-Alexandre Roullet de la BouillerieCoadjutor Archbishop of Bordeaux, France
38.0AppointedVincenzo BraccoPatriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine
46.8AppointedLouis-Taurin Cahagne, O.F.M. Cap. †Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Galla, EthiopiaVicar Apostolic
46.8AppointedLouis-Taurin Cahagne, O.F.M. Cap. †Titular Bishop of AdramyttiumVicar Apostolic of Galla, Ethiopia
49.4AppointedAniceto Ferrante, C.O. †Bishop of Gallipoli, ItalyBishop Emeritus
51.2AppointedJoaquín Guillermo GonzálezBishop of Antioquía, ColombiaBishop Emeritus
49.2ConfirmedFrançois-Albert LeuillieuxBishop of Carcassonne, FranceArchbishop of Chambéry, France
68.4AppointedFrancisco de Asis Orueta y Castrillón, C.O. †Archbishop of Lima, Peru
56.2AppointedMariano PositanoBishop of Castellaneta, Italy
44.6ConfirmedJoseph-Frédéric SaivetBishop of Mende, FranceBishop of Perpignan-Elne, France
52.7ConfirmedAlexandre-Léopold SebauxBishop of Angoulême, France
41.7AppointedFrancesco TavaniAuxiliary Bishop of Sabina (-Farfa), Italy
41.7AppointedFrancesco TavaniTitular Bishop of MyndusAuxiliary Bishop of Sabina (-Farfa), Italy
35.1ConfirmedCharles-François TurinazBishop of Tarentaise, FranceBishop of Nancy (-Toul), France
50.9AppointedSalvatore Luigi Zola, C.R.L. †Bishop of Ugento, ItalyBishop of Lecce, Italy
23 Mar49.5Ordained BishopAniceto Ferrante, C.O. †Bishop of Gallipoli, ItalyBishop Emeritus
14.2EnteredLuis Javier Muñoz y Capurón, S.J. †Member of Society of JesusArchbishop of Guatemala
56.3Ordained BishopMariano PositanoBishop of Castellaneta, Italy
41.7Ordained BishopFrancesco TavaniTitular Bishop of MyndusAuxiliary Bishop of Sabina (-Farfa), Italy
24 MarBornGiuseppe MarcozziBishop of Calvi e Teano, Italy
27.3ProfessedJérôme-Josse Van Aertselaer, C.I.C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryVicar Apostolic of Tchagar, China
25 Mar59.0Ordained BishopIstvan Pribék de VilleTitular Bishop of LorymaAuxiliary Bishop of Veszprém, Hungary
26 MarBornOleksiy BazyukApostolic Administrator Emeritus of Bosnia-Hercegovina (Ukrainian)
27 MarBornLjudevit Lajčo BudanovićApostolic Administrator of Bačka (Bács) Jugoslavenska, Serbia
29 Mar52.0SelectedFrançois-Benjamin-Joseph BlangerBishop of Guadeloupe et Basse-Terre, AntillesBishop of Limoges, France
57.0SelectedThéodore-Augustin Forcade, M.E.P. †Archbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France
25.3Ordained PriestLeo (Johannes) von Mergel, O.S.B. †Priest of Eichstätt, GermanyBishop
22.6Ordained PriestGiovanni Vincenzo Tasso, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the MissionBishop of Aosta, Italy
30 MarBornVasyl Mastiukh (Maścjuch)Apostolic Administrator of Lemkowszczyzna (Ukrainian), Poland
50.9Ordained BishopSalvatore Luigi Zola, C.R.L. †Bishop of Ugento, ItalyBishop of Lecce, Italy
Apr53.8AppointedVenanzio MobiliPresident of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy
1 Apr66.5DiedJacques-Antoine-Claude-Marie BoudinetBishop of Amiens, France
46.0AppointedÉdouard-Charles FabreCoadjutor Bishop of Montréal, Québec, CanadaArchbishop of Montréal, Québec, Canada
46.0AppointedÉdouard-Charles FabreTitular Bishop of GratianopolisArchbishop of Montréal, Québec, Canada
3 Apr82.6DiedAnton FrenzelAuxiliary Bishop of Warmia (Ermland), Poland
4 Apr48.4AppointedPierre-Ferdinand Vitte, S.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Nouvelle-Calédonie (New Caledonia), Pacific (Oceania)Vicar Apostolic Emeritus
48.4AppointedPierre-Ferdinand Vitte, S.M. †Titular Bishop of AnastasiopolisVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Nouvelle-Calédonie (New Caledonia), Pacific (Oceania)
6 AprBornJean-Camille CostesBishop of Angers, France
22.2Ordained PriestAdalbert EndertPriest of Fulda, GermanyBishop
7 Apr71.1DiedGiuseppe CardoniBishop Emeritus of Recanati e Loreto, Italy
10 Apr45.3DiedEphrem-Edouard-Lucien-Théoponte Garrelon, O.C.D. †Vicar Apostolic of Mangalore, India
BornJohn Meehan, C.S.Sp. †Superior Emeritus of Gambia
12 Apr22.5Ordained PriestAlfonso Maria AndreoliPriestBishop of Recanati e Loreto, Italy
24.5Ordained PriestIgnace Denis Ephrem Rahmani (Rahamani)PriestPatriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon
26.1Ordained PriestNicolo ZimarinoPriestBishop of Gravina e Irsina (Montepeloso), Italy
14 Apr69.5DiedMiguel García CuestaCardinal, Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
BornEmile-Jean-François ThiénardBishop of Constantine (-Hippone), Algeria
17 AprBornEmmanuel CosteArchbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France
65.5DiedGiuseppe TargioniBishop of Volterra, Italy
22 Apr73.0DiedGiuseppe Maria BovieriBishop of Montefiascone, Italy
25 AprBornManoel Antônio de Paiva (Payva)Bishop of Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil
22.4Ordained PriestAgostino RichelmyPriest of Torino {Turin}, ItalyCardinal, Archbishop
26 AprBornAndré-Etienne-Athanase Hermel, SS.CC. †Vicar Apostolic of Tahiti {Isole Tahiti}, French Polynesia, Pacific (Oceania)
27 Apr78.1DiedNiccola GoliaBishop of Cariati, Italy
35.8Ordained BishopWilliam Hickley Gross, C.Ss.R. †Bishop of Savannah, Georgia, USAArchbishop of Oregon City, Oregon, USA
30 Apr90.1DiedAlexis BillietCardinal, Archbishop of Chambéry, France
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