Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1936


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1935) | Next Year (1937)

2 Jan71.8Matthew CullenBishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland
12 Jan82.3Hilarion (Johannes Baptist) Valentin, O.F.M. Cap. †Prefect Emeritus of Bettiah, India
13 Jan61.4Thomas O’DonnellArchbishop of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
16 Jan52.7Romolo GenuardiAuxiliary Bishop of Palermo, Italy
21 Jan87.6Juan Antón de la FuenteBishop Emeritus of Teruel (-Albarracín), Spain
6 Feb83.0Vincent (Vinko) PulišićArchbishop Emeritus of Zadar (Zara), Croatia
7 Feb65.8Luigi SinceroCardinal, Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches
18 Feb71.2Francisco Orozco y JiménezArchbishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
23 Feb58.2Matteo PellegrinoBishop of Bobbio (-Abbey of San Colombano), Italy
1 Mar76.9Manuel Luís Coelho da SilvaBishop of Coimbra, Portugal
7 Mar77.7Reginal-Alois van Schoote, O.P. †Prefect Emeritus of Eastern Uélé {Uélé Orientale}, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
9 Mar87.7Charles Cox, O.M.I. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Transvaal, South Africa
12 Mar62.9Vasyl Mastiukh (Maścjuch)Apostolic Administrator of Lemkowszczyzna (Ukrainian), Poland
23 Mar71.4Valentin Herrgott, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Phnom-Penh, Cambodia
28 Mar61.8Vahan KitchourianArchbishop of Istanbul (Armenian), Turkey
14 Apr77.9Luigi Maria MarelliBishop of Bergamo, Italy
14 Apr69.1James Anthony Walsh, M.M. †Superior General of Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America
21 Apr76.1John Joseph McCortBishop of Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA
23 Apr84.1Eugène-Marie-Joseph Allys, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Huê, Viet Nam
27 Apr51.4Firmin-Jules Guichard, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Brazzaville, Congo
6 May60.7Giuseppe MigliorBishop of Ogliastra, Italy
6 May71.2Anton Pieter Franz van Velsen, S.J. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Batavia, Indonesia
11 May80.5Sigismund Felix von Ow-FelldorfBishop of Passau, Germany
12 May79.7Dominique CastellanArchbishop of Chambéry, France
12 May76.2Joseph Robert CowgillBishop of Leeds, England, Great Britain
17 May68.0Johannes Henricus Gerardus JansenArchbishop Emeritus of Utrecht, Netherlands
19 May59.9Pascual José Díaz y Barreto, S.J. †Archbishop of México, Federal District
20 May73.2Alexis-Henri-Marie Lépicier, O.S.M. †Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
4 Jun62.9Alexandre-Paul-Marie Chabanon, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Huê, Viet Nam
17 Jun70.9Pedro Muñagorri y Obineta, O.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Bùi Chu, Viet Nam
26 Jun72.5Bl. Andrea Giacinto Bonaventura Longhin, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Treviso, Italy
6 Jul55.3Pacifico Tiziano Micheloni, O.F.M. Cap. †Vicar Apostolic of Arabia, Yemen
10 Jul63.6Ludovico Cattaneo, Obl. Rho †Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy
10 Jul65.2William TurnerBishop of Buffalo, New York, USA
15 Jul67.2Charles-Henri-Joseph BinetCardinal, Archbishop of Besançon, France
16 Jul63.0Pietro Mozzanica, Ob. S.C. †Auxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
20 Jul68.6Eugène-Louis-Marie Le Fer de la MotteBishop of Nantes, France
21 Jul61.1Joachim Rodrigues Lima, S.J. †Archbishop of Bombay, India
27 Jul70.3Eustaquio Nieto y MartínBishop of Sigüenza, Spain
5 Aug58.6Bl. Salvio Huix Miralpéix, C.O. †Bishop of Lérida, Spain
7 Aug61.2Bl. Cruz Laplana y LagunaBishop of Cuenca, Spain
8 Aug50.1José Maria Parreira LaraBishop of Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
9 Aug58.8Bl. Florentino Asensio BarrosoApostolic Administrator of Barbastro, Spain
9 Aug68.5Miguel de los Santos Serra y SucarratsBishop of Segorbe, Spain
12 Aug67.2Bl. Manuel Basulto y JiménezBishop of Jaén, Spain
12 Aug55.9Manuel Borras y FerréAuxiliary Bishop of Tarragona, Spain
14 Aug76.4Luigi PellizzoBishop Emeritus of Padova {Padua}, Italy
15 Aug81.0Giulio TommasiArchbishop of Conza-Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi-Bisaccia, Italy
22 Aug53.8Bl. Narciso de Esténaga y EchevarríaPrelate of Ciudad Real, Spain
30 Aug67.0Bl. Manuel Medina y OlmosBishop of Guadix, Spain
30 Aug56.2Bl. Diego Ventaja MilánBishop of Almería, Spain
31 Aug80.6Johann Baptist HierlAuxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany
2 Oct69.5William HaydenArchbishop of Hobart, Australia
7 Oct65.1Joseph ThormanBishop of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain
10 Oct64.1Giovanni GariglianoBishop of Biella, Italy
17 Oct63.7Joseph AmbühlBishop of Basel e Lugano, Switzerland
30 Oct73.6Johannes ScheifesAuxiliary Bishop of Münster, Germany
13 Nov82.6Giovanni (di Dio) MauriAuxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
15 Nov81.2Salvatore MeoAuxiliary Bishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy
16 Nov77.7Louis-Joseph MaurinCardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France
26 Nov86.8Costanzo CastraleAuxiliary Bishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy
1 Dec68.0Adéodat-Jean-Roch Wittner, O.F.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Chefoo, China
3 Dec60.2Manuel Irurita y AlmándozBishop of Barcelona, Spain
8 Dec69.8Domenico MezzadriBishop of Chioggia, Italy
15 Dec59.0Thomas O’DohertyBishop of Galway and Kilmacduagh, Ireland
16 Dec67.1Giuseppe PalicaVicegerent of Roma {Rome}, Italy
17 Dec83.9Giovanni FossàBishop of Fiesole, Italy
18 Dec64.8Luigi Bondini, O.F.M. Conv. †Titular Archbishop of Perge
28 Dec83.0Antonio MacrionitiBishop Emeritus of Syros (e Milos), Greece


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