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The Year of Our Lord 1956


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unknown83.3Francis Liu Jinwen (Liu Chin-wen, Liou King wen)Bishop Emeritus of Fenyang [Fenyang], China
unknownGraziano Martínez, C.M. †Prefect of Arauca, Colombia
3 Jan81.6Aluigi CossioBishop Emeritus of Recanati, Italy
4 Jan76.2Ernesto de LaurentiisBishop of Ischia, Italy
10 Jan81.3Augustine KandathilArchbishop of Ernakulam (Syro-Malabar), India
18 Jan64.0Mattias Eder, O.S.F.S. †Prefect Emeritus of Great Namaqualand, Namibia
20 Jan88.3Giovanni FiorentiniArchbishop of Catanzaro, Italy
1 Feb83.1Antônio José dos Santos, C.M. †Bishop of Assis, Sao Paulo, Brazil
9 Feb74.6Luis María Martínez y RodríguezArchbishop of México, Federal District
15 Feb74.5Richard Joseph FitzgeraldBishop of Gibraltar
15 Feb71.4Antonio MantieroBishop of Treviso, Italy
23 Feb73.2Edward John Galvin, S.S.C.M.E. †Bishop of Hanyang [Hanyang], China
27 Feb71.3Alfred-Jean Guyomard, O.M.I. †Bishop Emeritus of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
28 Feb91.6Antoni Wladyslaw SzlagowskiAuxiliary Bishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland
2 Mar95.5Antonio di TommasoBishop Emeritus of Oria, Italy
4 Mar75.1Vigilio Federico Dalla Zuanna, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop Emeritus of Carpi, Italy
4 Mar87.1Edmund John Aloysius Gleeson, C.Ss.R. †Bishop of Maitland, Australia
10 Mar78.4Jean-Joseph-Aimé MoussaronArchbishop of Albi (-Castres-Lavaur), France
22 Mar70.9Francisco de Aquino Correa, S.D.B. †Archbishop of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
2 Apr70.1Jean-Joseph-Georges Deymier, C.M. †Archbishop of Hangzhou [Hangchow], China
21 Apr66.1Edward Joseph KellyBishop of Boise City, Idaho, USA
25 Apr68.3Gyula CzapikArchbishop of Eger, Hungary
25 Apr75.0Georges-Clément-Joseph-Edouard JacquinBishop of Moulins, France
12 May87.4Paolino Giovanni Tribbioli, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Imola, Italy
16 May65.0Jesús Mérida PérezBishop of Astorga, Spain
17 May75.7Giovanni CostantiniBishop Emeritus of Luni o La Spezia, Sarzana e Brugnato, Italy
17 May71.3Henri Friteau, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Loango, Congo
18 May53.6Mauro De Caro, O.S.B. †Abbot of Santissima Trinità di Cava de’ Tirreni, Italy
18 May72.0Andrea TacconeBishop Emeritus of Ruvo e Bitonto, Italy
20 May83.5Michał GodlewskiAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Lutsk, Ukraine
23 May78.4Andrew James Louis BrennanBishop Emeritus of Richmond, Virginia, USA
26 May67.3Ephrem GoguéArchbishop of Kerkūk (Chaldean), Iraq
14 Jun83.6José Horacio Campillo InfanteArchbishop of Santiago de Chile
27 Jun65.3Jacob Abraham Theophilos KalapurakalBishop Emeritus of Tiruvalla (Syro-Malankara), India
28 Jul88.4Bernard Cornelius O’RileyVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Cape of Good Hope, Western District {Capo di Buona Speranza, Distretto Occidentale}, South Africa
31 Jul81.5John Francis NollBishop of Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
31 Jul79.2Ferdinand Stanislaus PawlikowskiBishop Emeritus of Seckau, Austria
1 Aug79.5José de Haas, O.F.M. †Bishop of Araçuaí (Arassuaí), Minas Gerais, Brazil
4 Aug75.6Édouard Gabriel MesguenBishop of Poitiers, France
5 Aug78.8Wilhelm StockumsAuxiliary Bishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
12 Aug67.2Joseph-Paul Futy, M.S. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Antsirabé, Madagascar
13 Aug69.7José Selva e Amaral, S.D.B. †Prelate of Registro do Araguaia, Brazil
14 Aug69.9Joseph Godehard MachensBishop of Hildesheim, Germany
19 Aug57.4Bernard William GriffinCardinal, Archbishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain
21 Aug65.2Wilhelm WeskammBishop of Berlin, Germany
30 Aug89.3Paul-Marie-Joseph Julliotte, SS.CC. †Prefect Emeritus of Hainan [Hainan], China
31 Aug85.8James J. RocheBishop of Cloyne, Ireland
1 Sep72.0Basil Vladimir Ladyka, O.S.B.M. †Apostolic Exarch of Manitoba (Ukrainian), Canada
11 Sep75.0Edwin Vincent O’HaraBishop of Kansas City-Saint Joseph, Missouri, USA
13 Sep81.0Edward MyersCoadjutor Archbishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain
27 Sep81.0Guglielmo Piani, S.D.B. †Apostolic Delegate to México
30 Sep93.0Daniel Hermida OrtegaBishop of Cuenca, Ecuador
1 Oct54.0Raymond Augustine KearneyAuxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, USA
7 Oct82.8Giovanni Maria Sanna, O.F.M. Conv. †Bishop Emeritus of Gravina e Irsina (Montepeloso), Italy
8 Oct78.1Filippo Maria CiprianiBishop of Città di Castello, Italy
10 Oct84.0Franz TschannPro-Vicar Apostolic of Innsbruck, Austria
11 Oct79.6John Gregory MurrayArchbishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
21 Oct91.7Eugenio (Juan Bautista) da Carcagente (Soler Rodríguez), O.F.M. Cap. †Prefect Emeritus of San Andrés y Providencia, Colombia
21 Oct79.5Joseph Laurent Philippe, S.C.I. †Bishop of Luxembourg
22 Oct67.8Walenty DymekArchbishop of Poznań, Poland
28 Oct84.0Louis-Joseph GaillardArchbishop of Tours, France
30 Oct75.9Nicolò FrazioliBishop of Bosa, Italy
30 Oct76.2Jean NissanBishop of Zaku (Chaldean), Iraq
31 Oct81.6Cesare BoccoleriArchbishop of Modena (e Nonantola), Italy
3 Nov77.6Edward Francis RyanBishop of Burlington, Vermont, USA
5 Nov86.6Jules-Géraud SaliègeCardinal, Archbishop of Toulouse (-Narbonne-Saint Bertrand de Comminges-Rieux), France
12 Nov87.5Mořic PíchaBishop of Hradec Králové, Czechia
15 Nov87.5Rafael Canale ObertiAuxiliary Bishop of Santa Fe, Argentina
26 Nov72.2Thomas Edmund MolloyBishop of Brooklyn, New York, USA
7 Dec85.6Rafael Toro Upegui, S.J. †Prefect Emeritus of Río Magdalena, Colombia
11 Dec69.1Bartholomew Joseph EustaceBishop of Camden, New Jersey, USA
18 Dec90.1Giuseppe de NardisBishop Emeritus of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy
24 Dec61.8George Marin, S.J. †Prefect Emeritus of Süchow, China


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