Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Born | Juan de Argüelles, O.S.A. † | | Bishop of Arequipa, Peru |
74.0 | Died | Baldassarre Bonifazio † | Bishop of Capodistria (Capo d’Istria)(Koper), Slovenia |
27.7 | Selected | Pierre de Bonzi † | Bishop of Béziers, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
| Born | Antonio Maria Brancaccio, C.R. † | | Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy |
| Born | Jean de Catelan † | | Bishop of Valence, France |
| Died | Sallustio Cherubini † | Bishop of Città Ducale, Italy |
38.0 | Died | Scipione Costaguti † | Titular Archbishop of Cartagine |
49.0 | Died | Giuseppe de Rossi, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
51.0 | Resigned | Jean d’Estrade † | Bishop of Condom, France | Bishop Emeritus |
45.0 | Died | Giovanni Francesco Ferrari † | Bishop of Isola, Italy |
| Died | Girolamo Figini-Oddi † | Bishop of Teramo, Italy |
| Born | Simeón Guinda Apéztegui, O.S.A. † | | Bishop of Urgell, Spain |
| Died | Fernando Heras Manrique † | Bishop-Elect of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain |
| Born | Josafat Hutorovyč † | | Bishop of Smoleńsk (Ukrainian), Russian Federation |
| Died | Andrea Lanfranchi, C.R. † | Bishop of Ugento, Italy |
| Born | Juan José Llamas Rivas, O. Carm. † | | Bishop of Panamá |
| Appointed | Hyacinthe Macripodari, O.P. † | Bishop of Csanád, Hungary |
| Died | Tomás Manso, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Nicaragua |
| Born | Rodrigo Marín y Rubio † | | Bishop of Jaén, Spain |
71.0 | Resigned | Pietro Marioni † | Bishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Ennemond Allemand de Montmartin † | | Bishop of Grenoble, France |
| Born | Giovanni Nicastro † | | Vicar Apostolic of Benevento, Italy |
20.0 | Ordained Priest | Jan Kazimierz Opaliński, O. Cist. † | Priest of Poznań, Poland | Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
| Born | Thaddeus Francis O’Rourke, O.F.M. Ref. † | | Bishop of Killala, Ireland |
67.0 | Died | Giovanni Pusky † | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
| Died | Jan Rakowski † | Auxiliary Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
| Born | João Ribeiro, S.J. † | | Archbishop of Cranganore (Angamala), India |
51.0 | Ordained Bishop | Diego Riquelme y Quirós † | Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain | Bishop of Plasencia, Spain |
| Born | Marko Zorčić, O.S.B.M. † | | Vicar Apostolic of Valachia (Križevci), Croatia |
41.9 | Ordained Priest | Wilderich von Walderdorff † | Priest of Mainz, Germany | Bishop of Wien, Austria |
4 Jan | | Born | Giacinto Gaetano Chiurlia (Chyurlia), O.P. † | | Bishop of Giovinazzo, Italy |
5 Jan | | Born | Domenico Antonio Menafra † | | Bishop of Acerno, Italy |
54.0 | Appointed | Carlo Roberti (de’ Vittori) † | Apostolic Nuncio to Savoy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli |
12 Jan | | Ordained Bishop | Bernardo de Izaguirre de los Reyes † | Bishop of Panamá | Archbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
45.0 | Ordained Bishop | Pierre Pingré † | Bishop of Toulon, France |
53.0 | Ordained Bishop | Claude Ruffier † | Bishop of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, France |
13 Jan | 53.8 | Appointed | Filiberto Alberto Bailly, B. † | Bishop of Aosta, Italy |
| Appointed | Laurent de Chery † | Coadjutor Bishop of Nevers, France |
| Appointed | Laurent de Chery † | Titular Bishop of Tripolis in Phoenicia | Coadjutor Bishop of Nevers, France |
68.0 | Appointed | Agazio di Somma † | Bishop of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy | Bishop of Catanzaro, Italy |
40.0 | Appointed | Marco Galli (Gallo, Gallio) † | Cardinal, Bishop of Rimini, Italy |
51.0 | Appointed | Honuphrius Geronda (Gerona) † | Archbishop of Sassari, Italy |
45.0 | Confirmed | Eustache Le Clerc de Lesseville † | Bishop of Coutances, France |
40.0 | Appointed | Dominique de Ligni † | Titular Bishop of Philadelphia in Arabia | Bishop of Meaux, France |
40.0 | Confirmed | Dominique de Ligni † | Coadjutor Bishop of Meaux, France | Bishop |
46.0 | Appointed | Marzio Marini † | Bishop of Sagone (Sagona), France |
66.0 | Confirmed | Enrique Peralta y Cárdenas † | Bishop of Palencia, Spain | Archbishop of Burgos, Spain |
38.0 | Appointed | Bartolomeo Polla † | Archbishop of Naxos, Greece |
40.0 | Confirmed | Johann Konrad von Roggenbach † | Bishop of Basel, Switzerland |
14 Jan | 33.1 | Died | Henri de Savoie-Nemours † | Former Archbishop-Elect of Reims, France |
18 Jan | | Born | Giovanni Battista Missiroli † | | Bishop of Bertinoro, Italy |
21 Jan | 68.1 | Died | Camillo Melzi † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Capua, Italy |
26 Jan | 68.0 | Ordained Bishop | Agazio di Somma † | Bishop of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy | Bishop of Catanzaro, Italy |
40.0 | Ordained Bishop | Marco Galli (Gallo, Gallio) † | Cardinal, Bishop of Rimini, Italy |
46.0 | Ordained Bishop | Marzio Marini † | Bishop of Sagone (Sagona), France |
27 Jan | 52.5 | Appointed | Gabriel de Esparza Pérez † | Bishop of Badajoz, Spain | Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain |
35.0 | Appointed | Carlo Labia, C.R. † | Archbishop of Corfù, Greece | Bishop of Adria, Italy |
53.4 | Appointed | Wacław Leszczyński † | Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland |
| Appointed | Antonio de Matteis Corano † | Bishop of Sarno, Italy |
61.4 | Appointed | Giambattista Spada † | Cardinal-Priest of San Marcello | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Crisogono |
79.0 | Confirmed | Alfonso de Sanvítores de la Portilla, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Zamora, Spain |
72.0 | Appointed | Gaspar de Villarroel, O.E.S.A. † | Archbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
Feb | 67.0 | Died | Papirio Silvestri † | Bishop of Macerata e Tolentino, Italy |
2 Feb | 56.0 | Ordained Bishop | Tomasz Leżeński, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Chełm, Poland | Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine |
| Selected | Attilio Pietrasanta, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Vigevano, Italy |
59.0 | Died | François Servien † | Bishop of Bayeux, France |
6 Feb | 62.8 | Installed | Martín López de Hontiveros † | Archbishop of Valencia, Spain |
7 Feb | 51.0 | Resigned | Bonaventura D’Avalos, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
28.1 | Appointed | Sigmund Franz von Österreich † | Bishop of Trento, Italy | |
9 Feb | 35.1 | Ordained Bishop | Carlo Labia, C.R. † | Archbishop of Corfù, Greece | Bishop of Adria, Italy |
11 Feb | | Born | José Ulzurrun de Asanza y Civera † | | Bishop of León, Spain |
16 Feb | 32.1 | Ordained Priest | Niccolò Radulovich † | Priest | Cardinal, Archbishop of Chieti, Italy |
17 Feb | 53.9 | Appointed | Juan de Almoguera, O.SS.T. † | Bishop of Arequipa, Peru | Archbishop of Lima, Peru |
53.7 | Confirmed | Charles-François d’Anglure de Bourlémont † | Bishop of Castres, France | Archbishop of Toulouse, France |
20 Feb | | Born | Niccolò Spínola † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Nereo ed Achilleo |
22 Feb | | Appointed | Daniel Delfino † | Coadjutor Patriarch of Aquileia, Italy |
| Appointed | Daniel Delfino † | Titular Bishop of Philadelphia in Arabia | Coadjutor Patriarch of Aquileia, Italy |
26 Feb | 52.1 | Died | Fabrizio Savelli † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Salerno, Italy |
Mar | | Born | Carlo Pignatelli, C.R. † | | Bishop of Gaeta, Italy |
2 Mar | 26.0 | Ordained Bishop | Louis Foucquet † | Bishop of Agde, France |
22.1 | Ordained Deacon | Andrea Arcadio Stanila † | Deacon | Titular Bishop of Colonia in Armenia |
9 Mar | 54.0 | Ordained Bishop | Filiberto Alberto Bailly, B. † | Bishop of Aosta, Italy |
40.1 | Ordained Bishop | Dominique de Ligni † | Titular Bishop of Philadelphia in Arabia | Bishop of Meaux, France |
66.8 | Died | Deodato (Zanucca) Scaglia, O.P. † | Bishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy |
10 Mar | 51.1 | Appointed | Luis Morales, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Ariano, Italy | Bishop of Tropea, Italy |
61.1 | Confirmed | Pedro Olginat de Medicis, O. Carm. † | Bishop of Orihuela, Spain | Bishop-Elect |
32.1 | Appointed | Niccolò Radulovich † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Chieti, Italy |
| Appointed | Bernard de Sariac † | Bishop of Aire, France |
11 Mar | 33.6 | Appointed | Eugenius Albertus d’Allamont † | Bishop of Roermond, Netherlands | Bishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium |
12 Mar | | Died | Antonio del Pezzo † | Archbishop of Sorrento, Italy |
40.1 | Succeeded | Dominique de Ligni † | Bishop of Meaux, France |
65.6 | Resigned | Dominique Séguier † | Bishop of Meaux, France | Bishop Emeritus |
15 Mar | | Born | Raimondo Asperti, O.P. † | | Bishop of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia |
16 Mar | 51.2 | Ordained Bishop | Luis Morales, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Ariano, Italy | Bishop of Tropea, Italy |
32.2 | Ordained Bishop | Niccolò Radulovich † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Chieti, Italy |
17 Mar | 47.6 | Succeeded | François Foucquet † | Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
72.2 | Died | Claude de Rebé † | Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
18 Mar | | Born | Giosafatte (Giosafat) Battistelli † | | Bishop of Foligno, Italy |
23 Mar | 68.2 | Died | Miguel Ferrer † | Bishop of Tuy, Spain |
45.2 | Ordained Bishop | Eustache Le Clerc de Lesseville † | Bishop of Coutances, France |
40.2 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Konrad von Roggenbach † | Bishop of Basel, Switzerland |
24 Mar | 24.0 | Ordained Priest | Alberto Mugiasca, O.P. † | Priest of Order of Friars Preachers | Bishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy |
27 Mar | | Born | Francisco Antonio de Borja-Centelles y Ponce de Léon † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Burgos, Spain |
29 Mar | 27.5 | Ordained Priest | Antonio Pérez de la Lastra † | Priest | Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy |
30 Mar | 23.1 | Ordained Priest | Gottfried Kapaun von Swoykow † | Priest of Praha {Prague}, Czechia | Bishop of Hradec Králové, Czechia |
31 Mar | | Confirmed | Antonio Piña (Peña) y Hermosa † | Bishop of Málaga, Spain | Bishop of Jaén, Spain |
51.8 | Confirmed | François de Salignac de La Mothe-Fénelon † | Bishop of Sarlat, France |
3 Apr | | Born | François-Maurice Gontieri (de Gonteriis) † | | Archbishop of Avignon, France |
4 Apr | 52.2 | Died | Giovanni Girolamo Lomellini † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Onofrio |
6 Apr | 76.2 | Died | Luigi Capponi † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Ravenna, Italy |
11 Apr | 47.2 | Selected | Arnauld-François de Maytie † | Bishop of Oloron (Oloron-Sainte-Marie), France |
12 Apr | 31.5 | Ordained Priest | Giacomo Bruti † | Priest | Bishop of Novigrad (Cittanova), Croatia |
21 Apr | 63.8 | Appointed | Ulderico Carpegna † | Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Vincoli | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
55.0 | Appointed | Girolamo Colonna † | Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucina | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Bologna, Italy |
67.0 | Appointed | José de la Peña García de Ceniceros † | Bishop of Orense, Spain | Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain |
55.3 | Appointed | Sebastiano Dossena, B. † | Bishop of Alife, Italy |
36.3 | Appointed | Jean de Meaupéou † | Bishop of Chalons-sur-Saône, France |
47.9 | Appointed | Bl. Benedetto Odescalchi † | Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Onofrio | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
65.2 | Appointed | Giovanni Battista Maria Pallotta † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Trastevere | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati |
59.3 | Appointed | Ottaviano Prati † | Bishop of Bertinoro, Italy |
56.2 | Appointed | Federico Sforza † | Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Anastasia | Cardinal, Bishop of Tivoli, Italy |
26 Apr | 61.3 | Died | Pedro Olginat de Medicis, O. Carm. † | Bishop-Elect of Orihuela, Spain |
27 Apr | | Ordained Bishop | Laurent de Chery † | Titular Bishop of Tripolis in Phoenicia | Coadjutor Bishop of Nevers, France |
3 May | | Born | Giuseppe Grisconi † | | Bishop of Vieste, Italy |
4 May | 55.3 | Ordained Bishop | Sebastiano Dossena, B. † | Bishop of Alife, Italy |
11 May | 18.5 | Professed | Placido Scoppa (Stoppa), C.R. † | Member of Congregation of Clerics Regular | Bishop of Venosa, Italy |
16 May | 65.7 | Died | Dominique Séguier † | Bishop Emeritus of Meaux, France |
18 May | 64.3 | Died | François de Robles † | Bishop of Ypres (Ieper), Belgium |
24 May | 51.3 | Confirmed | Jean Jodoc Quartéry, C.R.A. † | Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland |
25 May | 52.0 | Ordained Bishop | François de Salignac de La Mothe-Fénelon † | Bishop of Sarlat, France |
26 May | 64.4 | Confirmed | Georges Rizqallah Beseb’ely † | Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Maronite), Lebanon |
37.9 | Confirmed | Guillaume Le Boux † | Bishop of Acqs (Dax), France | Bishop of Périgueux (Vesuna), France |
27 May | 16.4 | Solemn Vows | José Sicardo Martinez, O.S.A. † | Member of Order of St. Augustine | Archbishop of Sassari, Italy |
Jun | | Died | Francesco Caetani † | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy |
1 Jun | | Ordained Bishop | Bernard de Sariac † | Bishop of Aire, France |
4 Jun | 72.4 | Died | Francesco Biglia † | Bishop of Pavia, Italy |
5 Jun | 68.4 | Died | Diego López de la Vega † | Bishop of Coria, Spain |
7 Jun | 24.0 | Ordained Priest | Alessandro Avio † | Priest | Bishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy |
28.6 | Ordained Priest | João Duarte do Sacramento, C.O. † | Priest of Confederation of Oratorians of St. Philip Neri | Bishop-Elect of Olinda, Brazil |
30.4 | Ordained Priest | Antonio Savo de’ Panicoli † | Priest | Bishop of Termoli, Italy |
9 Jun | | Confirmed | Giovanni Montoya de Cardona (Montoja) † | Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy |
54.4 | Appointed | Salvatore Mulas Pirella † | Bishop of Alghero, Italy |
64.4 | Appointed | Bernardo de Hontiveros, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain |
75.4 | Appointed | Alfonso Pérez de Humanares, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Almería, Spain | Bishop of Cádiz, Spain |
44.4 | Appointed | Antonio Ricciulli † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
55.4 | Appointed | Giacinto Solaro di Moretta † | Bishop of Nice, France | Bishop Emeritus of Mondovi, Italy |
58.4 | Appointed | Juan Vande-Escarth y Briceño, O.S.H. † | Bishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain | Bishop of León, Spain |
40.4 | Confirmed | Michelangelo Vaginari, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Giovinazzo, Italy |
42.4 | Appointed | Giovanni Carlo Valentini † | Bishop of Città Ducale, Italy |
15 Jun | | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Montoya de Cardona (Montoja) † | Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy |
44.4 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Ricciulli † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
55.4 | Ordained Bishop | Giacinto Solaro di Moretta † | Bishop of Nice, France | Bishop Emeritus of Mondovi, Italy |
40.4 | Ordained Bishop | Michelangelo Vaginari, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Giovinazzo, Italy |
42.4 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Carlo Valentini † | Bishop of Città Ducale, Italy |
19 Jun | 37.0 | Selected | Antonio Sanz Lozano † | Bishop of Cartagena, Colombia | Archbishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada, Colombia |
21 Jun | 28.1 | Appointed | Flavio Chigi (Sr.) † | Librarian of the Vatican Library | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
23 Jun | 70.4 | Died | Giovanni Delfino † | Bishop Emeritus of Belluno, Italy |
| Appointed | Marcantonio Oddi † | Bishop of Perugia, Italy |
| Resigned | Marcantonio Oddi † | Vicegerent of Roma {Rome}, Italy | Bishop of Perugia, Italy |
24 Jun | 45.4 | Died | Pál Hoffmann † | Bishop of Pécs, Hungary |
28 Jun | | Born | Joseph-Emmanuel de la Trémoille † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
29 Jun | 80.4 | Died | Alfonso Mendes, S.J. † | Patriarch of Ethiopia |