Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | 67.1 | Died | Giambattista Curlo † | Bishop Emeritus of Nebbio, France |
| Born | Patrick Curtis † | | Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland |
25.5 | Ordained Priest | Claude-Marc-Antoine d’Apchon de Corgenon † | Priest | Archbishop of Auch, France |
37.0 | Died | Ludovico Das Chagas (des Saint Plaies), O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe |
| Born | Daniel Delany † | | Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland |
23.0 | Ordained Priest | Luis Tomás Esteban de Piña y Mazo, O.S.B. † | Priest of Order of Saint Benedict | Bishop of Yucatán (Mérida), México |
72.6 | Died | Archangelus Feni, O.P. † | Former Archbishop-Elect of Nachitschewan (Naxivan, Nakhtchevan, Nakhchivan), Armenia |
| Appointed | Jean † | Bishop of Gazireh (Gezira) (Chaldean), Turkey |
| Ordained Bishop | Jean † | Bishop of Gazireh (Gezira) (Chaldean), Turkey |
| Died | Joseph † | Bishop of Gazireh (Gezira) (Chaldean), Turkey |
| Born | James Lanigan † | | Bishop of Ossory, Ireland |
85.1 | Died | Gregorio Lauri † | Bishop Emeritus of Ascoli Piceno, Italy |
| Born | Charles Lynagh (Lynan) † | | Bishop of Achonry, Ireland |
51.0 | Ordained Bishop | Domenico Mainetta † | Bishop of Santorini {Thira}, Greece | Bishop Emeritus |
68.0 | Appointed | Polikarp Mihuniewicz (Myhunevych), O.S.B.M. † | Archbishop of Smoleńsk (Ukrainian), Russian Federation | Archbishop-Elect |
22.3 | Ordained Priest | Antoni Adam Młodowski-Struś, O.S.B.M. † | Priest of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great) | Bishop of Volodymyr (Włodzimierz) et Brėst (Ukrainian) |
| Born | Charles O’Donnell † | | Bishop of Derry, Ireland |
| Died | Girolamo Lanza di Peraino, O.F.M. Ref. † | Vicar Apostolic of Smirne, Turkey |
27.0 | Ordained Priest | Claude-François de Reymond, M.E.P. † | Priest of La Société des Missions Etrangères | Vicar Apostolic of Se-Ciuen (Setchoan, Szechwan, Sichuan), China |
72.4 | Died | Agostino Saluzzo † | Bishop of Accia and Mariana, France |
Jan | 62.0 | Died | Thomas O’Beirne † | Bishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland |
1 Jan | | Born | Manoel de Almeida de Carvalho † | | Bishop of Belém do Pará, Brazil |
3 Jan | | Born | Pietro Arborio di Gattinara † | | Bishop of Asti, Italy |
4 Jan | | Born | [Ignace de Cazeneuve] † | | Bishop Emeritus of [Hautes-Alpes (Constitutional), France] |
14 Jan | 56.7 | Died | Antonio Maria Pescatori, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy |
15 Jan | | Born | Maria José a Santo Tomas, O.P. † | | Prelate of Mozambico |
16 Jan | 79.8 | Died | Carlo Maria Marini † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Via Lata |
18 Jan | | Born | Michele Di Pietro † | | Cardinal, Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary |
22 Jan | 64.2 | Died | Plácido Bailés (Baylés) y Padilla, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Plasencia, Spain |
42.0 | Ordained Bishop | Charles de Grimaldi d’Antibes † | Bishop of Rodez, France |
54.0 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio da Encarnação, O.S.A. † | Bishop of São Tomé of Meliapore, India |
| Born | Jean-Baptiste Marie Scipion Ruffo (Roux) de Bonneval † | | Bishop Emeritus of Senez, France |
24 Jan | | Born | Pablo Sitjar Ruata † | | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain |
25 Jan | 64.3 | Died | Juan Antonio de Vizarrón y Eguiarreta † | Archbishop of México, Federal District |
27 Jan | 59.1 | Resigned | Anton Joseph von Lamberg † | Auxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
50.0 | Selected | Pedro Anselmo Sánchez de Tagle † | Bishop of Durango, México | Bishop of Michoacán, México |
29 Jan | 36.2 | Ordained Bishop | Ludovico Emanuele del Carretto † | Archbishop of Oristano, Italy |
2 Feb | 22.9 | Ordained Priest | Ignatius Krzyżanowski † | Priest | Auxiliary Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland |
6 Feb | 46.0 | Appointed | Laurence Richardson, O.P. † | Bishop of Kilmore, Ireland |
10 Feb | 36.6 | Selected | Serafino Brancone (Branconi), O.S.B. † | Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
11 Feb | 75.9 | Resigned | Arcangelo Maria Luc Thomas Ciccarelli, O.P. † | Bishop of Ugento, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
23 Feb | 64.5 | Resigned | Annibale Albani † | Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
24 Feb | | Born | Maciej Paweł Możdżeniewski † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Mohilev, Belarus |
25 Feb | | Born | Giovanni Filippo Gallarati Scotti † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucina |
56.9 | Appointed | Silvio Valenti Gonzaga † | Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber | Cardinal, Secretary of State |
3 Mar | 57.1 | Died | José Cayetano Pacheco y Cárdenas † | Bishop-Elect of Buenos Aires, Argentina |
11 Mar | | Born | Francisco Javier Almonacid † | | Bishop of Palencia, Spain |
14 Mar | 63.5 | Died | Domenico Nicola Condulmer † | Bishop of Belluno, Italy |
15 Mar | | Born | Giacinto della Torre, O.E.S.A. † | | Archbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy |
18 Mar | 27.0 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Coppula † | Priest | Bishop of Lipari, Italy |
25.1 | Ordained Priest | Michael Angelo Monticelli † | Priest | Bishop of Isola, Italy |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Francesco Ferdinando Sanseverino, C.P.O. † | Priest of Congregation of Pious Workers | Archbishop of Palermo, Italy |
20 Mar | 51.1 | Died | Troiano Acquaviva d’Aragona † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Monreale, Italy |
21 Mar | 74.4 | Died | Giuseppe Accoramboni † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati |
84.3 | Died | Vincenzo Petra † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina |
25 Mar | 67.2 | Appointed | Gioacchino Besozzi, O. Cist. † | Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme |
27 Mar | 57.0 | Appointed | Silvio Valenti Gonzaga † | Prefect of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith | Cardinal, Secretary of State |
30 Mar | | Born | Carlo Andrea Pelagallo † | | Cardinal, Bishop of Osimo e Cingoli, Italy |
1 Apr | 63.2 | Died | Pedro Morcillo Rubio de Auñón † | Bishop of Cuzco, Peru |
4 Apr | 23.0 | Ordained Priest | Manuel do Cenáculo Villas Boas, T.O.R. † | Priest of Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance | Archbishop of Évora, Portugal |
8 Apr | 90.0 | Retired | José Espejo y Cisneros † | Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain | Bishop Emeritus |
81.8 | Died | Andrea Roberti † | Bishop of Policastro, Italy |
10 Apr | 54.4 | Appointed | Alessandro Albani † | Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Via Lata | Cardinal, Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archive |
27.1 | Elevated to Cardinal | Giovanni Francesco Albani † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
79.1 | Appointed | Vincenzo Bichi † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati |
51.2 | Appointed | Joseph Billard, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Olympus (Olimpus) |
36.8 | Confirmed | Serafino Brancone (Branconi), O.S.B. † | Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
42.6 | Appointed | Pietro Cristiani † | Bishop of Piacenza, Italy |
77.0 | Appointed | Raniero d’Elci † | Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
61.2 | Elevated to Cardinal | Daniele Delfino † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Udine, Italy |
66.0 | Appointed | Joaquín Fernández de Portocarrero Mendoza † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Cecilia | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina |
66.1 | Appointed | Antonio Saverio Gentili † | Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Council |
40.5 | Confirmed | Louis-Sextius de Jarente de La Bruyère † | Bishop of Digne, France | Bishop of Orléans, France |
34.6 | Elevated to Cardinal | Carlo Vittorio Amedeo delle Lanze † | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Council |
45.7 | Elevated to Cardinal | Frédéric-Jérôme de La Rochefoucauld † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Bourges, France |
44.9 | Confirmed | Wojciech Stanisław Leski, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
61.2 | Elevated to Cardinal | José Manoel da Câmara † | Cardinal, Patriarch of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal |
44.3 | Confirmed | Tommaso Mazza † | Bishop of Ugento, Italy | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy |
75.4 | Elevated to Cardinal | Álvaro Eugenio de Mendoza Caamaño y Sotomayor † | Cardinal, Patriarch of West Indies, Spain |
75.9 | Elevated to Cardinal | Giovanni Battista Mesmer † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Onofrio |
70.1 | Elevated to Cardinal | Mario Millini (Mellini) † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Marcello |
72.0 | Appointed | Filippo Maria de Monti † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santo Stefano al Monte Celio |
29.3 | Elevated to Cardinal | François-Armand-Auguste de Rohan-Soubise-Ventadour † | Cardinal, Bishop of Strasbourg, France |
57.5 | Appointed | Carlo Maria Sacripante † | Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria ad Martyres | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati |
50.2 | Confirmed | Pedro Anselmo Sánchez de Tagle † | Bishop of Durango, México | Bishop of Michoacán, México |
71.3 | Elevated to Cardinal | Raniero Felice Simonetti † | Cardinal, Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy |
49.2 | Elevated to Cardinal | Ferdinand Julius von Troyer † | Cardinal, Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia |
12 Apr | | Born | Francisco de Cuerda † | | Bishop Emeritus of Puerto Rico (Porto Rico) |
71.8 | Died | Conus Luchini dal Verme † | Bishop of Ostuni, Italy |
14 Apr | | Born | José Carrión y Marfil † | | Bishop Emeritus of Trujillo, Peru |
15 Apr | 83.0 | Died | Armand-Pierre de la Croix de Castries † | Archbishop of Albi, France |
| Born | Ludovico Ludovici (Ludovico), O.F.M. Obs. † | | Bishop of Policastro, Italy |
| Born | José Vicente Silva Avilés y Olave Salaverría † | | Bishop-Elect of Ayacucho o Huamanga (Guamanga), Peru |
16 Apr | 36.8 | Ordained Bishop | Serafino Brancone (Branconi), O.S.B. † | Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
42.6 | Ordained Bishop | Pietro Cristiani † | Bishop of Piacenza, Italy |
44.3 | Ordained Bishop | Tommaso Mazza † | Bishop of Ugento, Italy | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy |
20 Apr | 50.3 | Selected | Thomas MacDermot Roe † | Bishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland |
23 Apr | 45.7 | Succeeded | Frédéric-Jérôme de La Rochefoucauld † | Abbot of Cluny, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Bourges, France |
75.4 | Died | Henri-Osvald de La Tour d’Auvergne de Bouillon † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Vienne, France |
26 Apr | 65.4 | Died | Giovanni Crisostomo Calvi, O.P. † | Bishop of Montefeltro, Italy |
1 May | 34.5 | Selected | Dominique de La Rochefoucauld † | Archbishop of Albi, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France |
46.3 | Ordained Bishop | Laurence Richardson, O.P. † | Bishop of Kilmore, Ireland |
3 May | 73.3 | Died | Denis-Alexandre Le Blanc, C.R.S.A. † | Bishop of Sarlat, France |
24.4 | Ordained Priest | Carlo Giuseppe Morozzo † | Priest | Bishop of Fossano, Italy |
6 May | 68.9 | Died | Juan García Abadiano † | Bishop of Caracas, Santiago de Venezuela |
7 May | 22.8 | Ordained Priest | Andrea Antonio Silverio Minucci † | Priest | Archbishop of Fermo, Italy |
42.3 | Ordained Bishop | Juan Pablo de Olmedo † | Bishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia |
8 May | 50.3 | Confirmed | Thomas MacDermot Roe † | Bishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland |
10 May | | Born | José Antonio Garnica † | | Bishop of Osma, Spain |
64.5 | Died | Ettore Quarti (del Quarto) † | Bishop of Caserta, Italy |
12 May | 36.6 | Appointed | Giovanni Battista Bavestrelli † | Vicar Apostolic of Smirne, Turkey | Vicar Apostolic of Constantinople, Turkey |
65.0 | Resigned | Jorge Curado Torreblanca † | Bishop of Urgell, Spain | Bishop Emeritus |
15 May | 27.2 | Appointed | Giovanni Francesco Albani † | Cardinal-Deacon of San Cesareo in Palatio | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
57.3 | Appointed | Mario Bolognetti † | Cardinal-Deacon of San Nicola in Carcere | Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria ad Martyres |
53.7 | Appointed | Nicola Brescia † | Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy |
64.3 | Appointed | Sebastián José Emparán y Loyola, O.S.H. † | Bishop of Urgell, Spain |
75.9 | Appointed | Virgilio Giannotti † | Bishop of Città della Pieve, Italy |
45.8 | Appointed | Frédéric-Jérôme de La Rochefoucauld † | Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Agnese fuori le mura | Cardinal, Archbishop of Bourges, France |
76.0 | Installed | Giovanni Battista Mesmer † | Cardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro Coronati | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Onofrio |
70.2 | Installed | Mario Millini (Mellini) † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prisca | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Marcello |
66.7 | Appointed | Giovanni Battista Minucci, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Policastro, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
54.1 | Appointed | Carlo della Torre Rezzonico † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
33.9 | Appointed | Francesco Antonio Scoppa † | Bishop of Ostuni, Italy |
71.4 | Installed | Raniero Felice Simonetti † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Susanna | Cardinal, Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy |
22.8 | Ordained Priest | Raffaele Tosti † | Priest | Bishop of Fondi (Fundi), Italy |
57.2 | Appointed | Silvio Valenti Gonzaga † | Cardinal-Priest of San Callisto | Cardinal, Secretary of State |
22 May | | Born | Gioacchino Maria Mancusi (Mancuso) † | | Archbishop of Conza, Italy |
23 May | 53.7 | Ordained Bishop | Nicola Brescia † | Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy |
76.0 | Ordained Bishop | Virgilio Giannotti † | Bishop of Città della Pieve, Italy |
66.8 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Battista Minucci, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Policastro, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
34.0 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Antonio Scoppa † | Bishop of Ostuni, Italy |
25 May | | Born | Joaquín Javier Uriz Lasaga † | | Bishop of Pamplona, Spain |
26 May | 66.7 | Died | St. Pedro Sanz y Jordá, O.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Fukien (Kuiceu), China |
51.4 | Succeeded | St. Francesco Serrano Frías, O.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Fukien (Kuiceu), China |
27 May | 67.4 | Died | Bernard MacMahon (McMahon) † | Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Ugone Papé di Valdina † | Priest | Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, Italy |
28 May | | Born | José Antonio de la Huerta Caso † | | Bishop of Nicaragua |
| Born | [Charles-Robert Lamy] † | | Bishop Emeritus of [Eure (Constitutional), France] |
29 May | 43.2 | Appointed | Sebastiano Bonaiuti † | Bishop of Montefeltro, Italy |
51.4 | Appointed | Alessandro Cervini † | Archbishop of Siena, Italy |
47.7 | Appointed | Giacomo Costa, C.R. † | Bishop of Belluno, Italy |
47.4 | Appointed | Antonio Falangola † | Bishop of Caserta, Italy |
34.6 | Confirmed | Dominique de La Rochefoucauld † | Archbishop of Albi, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France |
59.5 | Appointed | Luca Niccolò Recchi † | Bishop of Ripatransone, Italy |
30 May | 37.3 | Selected | Henri-Jacques de Montesquiou-Poylobon † | Bishop of Sarlat, France |
31 May | 48.4 | Selected | Miklós József Csáky † | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary | Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
50.9 | Selected | Pál Štefan Forgách † | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania | Bishop of Vác, Hungary |
4 Jun | 51.4 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph Billard, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Olympus (Olimpus) |
43.2 | Ordained Bishop | Sebastiano Bonaiuti † | Bishop of Montefeltro, Italy |
59.6 | Ordained Bishop | Luca Niccolò Recchi † | Bishop of Ripatransone, Italy |
8 Jun | 64.4 | Selected | Florian (Florijan) Hrebnicki (Hrebnyckyj) † | Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
11 Jun | 51.4 | Ordained Bishop | Alessandro Cervini † | Archbishop of Siena, Italy |
12 Jun | | Born | Angelo Antonio Anselmi † | | Bishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy |
57.3 | Died | Jakob Ernst von Liechtenstein-Kastelkorn † | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |
| Born | Jean-Francis de Mallian † | | Bishop-Elect of Saint-Flour, France |
22.3 | Professed | Giorgio Antonio Vareschi, O.C.D. † | Member of Order of Discalced Carmelites | Vicar Apostolic of Great Mogul (Mughals), India |
14 Jun | | Born | Joaquín Carrillo Mayoral † | | Bishop of Zamora, Spain |
| Born | Viktor Franz Anton von Glutz-Ruchti † | | Coadjutor Bishop of Basel, Switzerland |
| Born | [Jacques-Joseph Schelle] † | | Bishop Emeritus of [Nord (Constitutional), France] |
22 Jun | | Born | [Alexandre-Victor Rouanet] † | | Bishop Emeritus of [Hérault (Constitutional), France] |
24 Jun | | Born | [Jean-Baptiste Gratien (Graziani)], C.M. † | | Bishop of [Seine-Inférieure (Constitutional), France] |
64.8 | Died | Ludovico Savageri, C.R.S. † | Bishop Emeritus of Alatri, Italy |
25 Jun | 64.4 | Ordained Bishop | Sebastián José Emparán y Loyola, O.S.H. † | Bishop of Urgell, Spain |
29 Jun | 34.7 | Ordained Bishop | Dominique de La Rochefoucauld † | Archbishop of Albi, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France |
30 Jun | | Born | Henri-Charles du Lau d’Allemans † | | Bishop of Grenoble, France |