Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
Sep | 64.1 | Resigned | Garabed (Carlo) Kiciurian (Ketchourian) † | Bishop of Erzerum (Garin) (Armenian) | Bishop Emeritus |
1 Sep | 58.0 | Appointed | Louis Humbrecht † | Bishop of Poitiers, France | Archbishop of Besançon, France |
52.5 | Appointed | Louis-Joseph Maurin † | Bishop of Grenoble, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France |
2 Sep | | Born | Emilio Cinense y Abera † | | Archbishop of San Fernando, Philippines |
3 Sep | 42.5 | Ordained Bishop | Patrick Morrisroe † | Bishop of Achonry, Ireland |
37.0 | Ordained Bishop | Michael James O’Doherty † | Bishop of Zamboanga, Philippines | Archbishop of Manila, Philippines |
4 Sep | | Born | Peter Birch † | | Bishop of Ossory, Ireland |
58.7 | Appointed | Joseph Maria Koudelka † | Auxiliary Bishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA | Bishop of Superior, Wisconsin, USA |
6 Sep | 46.9 | Appointed | Juan Plaza y García † | Apostolic Administrator of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain | Bishop of Santander, Spain |
7 Sep | 56.9 | Appointed | John Marius Laval † | Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
56.9 | Appointed | John Marius Laval † | Titular Bishop of Hierocaesarea | Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
18.4 | Entered | Joseph Julian Oste, C.I.C.M. † | Member of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | Bishop of Jinzhou [Jehol], China |
8 Sep | 68.9 | Died | Jan Maurycy Pawel Puzyna z Kosielsko † | Cardinal, Bishop of Kraków, Poland |
9 Sep | 39.0 | Appointed | Giovanni Garigliano † | Titular Bishop of Eucarpia | Bishop of Biella, Italy |
| Born | Baptist Mudartha † | | Bishop Emeritus of Allahabad, India |
76.1 | Died | Césaire Jean Schang (Shang), O.F.M. Obs. † | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Shantung {Scian-Ton Orientale}, China |
42.8 | Succeeded | Adéodat-Jean-Roch Wittner, O.F.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Shantung {Scian-Ton Orientale}, China | Vicar Apostolic of Chefoo, China |
10 Sep | | Born | Ioan Chertes † | | Titular Archbishop of Cantanus |
51.6 | Died | Antonios Delenda † | Archbishop of Athēnai {Athens}, Greece |
38.3 | Ordained Bishop | Celestin Ibáñez y Aparicio, O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Bagis | Bishop Emeritus of Yan’an [Yenan], China |
11 Sep | | Born | George Albert Hammes † | | Bishop Emeritus of Superior, Wisconsin, USA |
48.9 | Appointed | Luigi Paulini † | Bishop of Nusco, Italy | Bishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy |
| Born | Vito Roberti † | | Bishop Emeritus of Caserta, Italy |
13 Sep | | Born | Bernardo Navarro Allende, O. de M. † | | Master General Emeritus of Order of Our Lady of Mercy |
15 Sep | 16.6 | Professed | Giovanni Gaddo, I.C. † | Member of Institute of Charity | Superior General Emeritus |
17 Sep | 60.3 | Died | Armand Olier, S.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Central Oceania, Tonga |
18 Sep | 38.8 | Appointed | Luigj Bumci † | Bishop of Lezhë {Lesh, Alessio}, Albania | Bishop Emeritus |
32.1 | Appointed | Luigi Calza (Calzi), S.X. † | Vicar Apostolic of Western Honan {Ho-Nan Occidentale}, China | Vicar Apostolic of Chengchow [Zhengzhou], China |
32.1 | Appointed | Luigi Calza (Calzi), S.X. † | Titular Bishop of Termessus | Vicar Apostolic of Chengchow [Zhengzhou], China |
69.4 | Died | Jules-Alphonse Cousin, M.E.P. † | Bishop of Nagasaki, Japan |
41.6 | Appointed | Juvencio Juan Hospital de la Puebla, O. Cart. † | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Hunan {Hu-Nan Settentrionale}, China | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus |
41.6 | Appointed | Juvencio Juan Hospital de la Puebla, O. Cart. † | Titular Bishop of Caunus | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Northern Hunan {Hu-Nan Settentrionale}, China |
| Born | Vicente Felicísimo Maya Guzmán † | | Bishop Emeritus of Machala, Ecuador |
38.5 | Appointed | Noè Giuseppe Tacconi, P.I.M.E. † | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Honan {Ho-Nan Meridionale}, China | Vicar Apostolic of Kaifeng [Kaifeng] (Kaifengfu), China |
38.5 | Appointed | Noè Giuseppe Tacconi, P.I.M.E. † | Titular Bishop of Aradus | Vicar Apostolic of Kaifeng [Kaifeng] (Kaifengfu), China |
19 Sep | | Born | Paul Dumouchel, O.M.I. † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Keewatin-Le Pas, Manitoba, Canada |
21 Sep | | Born | Bryan Gallagher † | | Bishop Emeritus of Port Pirie, Australia |
43.6 | Appointed | Giorgio Koletsi † | Bishop of Sapë, Albania |
22 Sep | 50.8 | Appointed | Giuseppe Dallepiane † | Bishop of Iglesias, Italy |
23 Sep | 69.6 | Died | Teodoro Antonio Polito † | Archbishop of Corfù, Greece |
69.6 | Died | Eugène-François Touzet † | Bishop of Aire et Dax, France |
24 Sep | | Born | Gellért Belon † | | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Pécs, Hungary |
25.9 | Ordained Priest | Luigi Cammarata † | Priest | Prelate of Santa Lucia del Mela, Italy |
39.0 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Garigliano † | Titular Bishop of Eucarpia | Bishop of Biella, Italy |
55.8 | Installed | Franz Xaver Nagl † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria |
25 Sep | | Born | Franciszek Cedzich, S.V.D. † | | Prelate of Alto Paraná, Paraguay |
| Born | George Eli Dion, O.M.I. † | | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Jolo, Philippines |
| Born | Joseph Brendan Houlihan, S.P.S. † | | Bishop Emeritus of Eldoret, Kenya |
52.6 | Appointed | Stanislas-Marie-Liévin de Vos, S.J. † | Prefect of Koango o Kwango, Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Prefect Emeritus |
26 Sep | 45.6 | Appointed | Joseph Oswald Timothée Waller, S.M.A. † | Prefect of Eastern Nigeria {Nigeria Orientale} | Prefect Emeritus |
27 Sep | 19.7 | Professed | Mattias Eder, O.S.F.S. † | Member of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales | Prefect Emeritus of Great Namaqualand, Namibia |
29 Sep | 63.9 | Appointed | Joseph-Emile Abbet, C.R.A. † | Apostolic Administrator of Lausanne et Genève, Switzerland | Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland |
85.3 | Died | Joseph Déruaz † | Bishop of Lausanne et Genève, Switzerland |
30 Sep | | Born | Edward Jan Muszyński † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Kielce, Poland |
| Born | Angel Pérez Cisneros † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Mérida, Venezuela |
Oct | 71.4 | Resigned | Hussig Gulian † | Archbishop of Mardin (Armenian), Turkey |
1 Oct | 44.7 | Appointed | Antoine Bahabanian † | Bishop of Cesarea di Cappadocia (Armenian), Turkey |
44.8 | Appointed | Grégoire Bahabaninian † | Bishop of Ancira (Angora) (Armenian), Turkey |
| Born | Isidore Borecky † | | Bishop Emeritus of Toronto (Ukrainian), Canada |
37.5 | Appointed | Jean Couzian, I.C.P.B. † | Bishop of Iskanderiya {Alexandria} (Armenian), Egypt |
| Born | Geraldo Ferreira Reis † | | Bishop Emeritus of Leopoldina, Minas Gerais, Brazil |
55.9 | Appointed | Pascal Keklikian † | Bishop of Adana (Armenian), Turkey |
42.4 | Appointed | Bl. Ignatius (Shoukrallah) Maloyan, I.C.P.B. † | Archbishop of Mardin (Armenian), Turkey |
63.1 | Appointed | Joseph Melchisedechian [Melkisedekian] † | Bishop of Erzerum (Garin) (Armenian) |
55.5 | Ordained Bishop | Jacques-Louis Monestès † | Bishop of Dijon, France |
36.7 | Appointed | Jean Naslian † | Bishop of Trabzon (Trebisonda) (Armenian), Turkey | Bishop Emeritus |
63.3 | Appointed | Joseph Rokossian † | Auxiliary Bishop of Cilicia (Armenian), Lebanon | Archbishop of Istanbul (Armenian), Turkey |
63.3 | Appointed | Joseph Rokossian † | Titular Archbishop of Achrida (Armenia) | Archbishop of Istanbul (Armenian), Turkey |
56.4 | Appointed | Jacques Topuzian † | Bishop of Musc (Mush) (Armenian), Armenia |
60.3 | Ordained Bishop | Francisco Xavier Ricardo Vilá y Mateu, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Adraa | Vicar Apostolic of Guam, Pacific (Oceania) |
2 Oct | 35.5 | Entered | Bl. Josaphat Joseph Kocylovskyj (Kotsylovsky), O.S.B.M. † | Priest of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great) | Bishop of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), Poland |
85.8 | Died | Camillo Sorgente † | Archbishop of Cosenza, Italy |
| Born | Jacques Teerenstra, C.S.Sp. † | | Bishop of Doumé, Cameroon |
3 Oct | | Born | Philippe Lussier, C.Ss.R. † | | Bishop Emeritus of Saint Paul in Alberta, Canada |
75.2 | Died | Mauro Bernardo Pietro Nardi, O.F.M. Cap. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Oppido Mamertina, Italy |
| Born | Wilhelm Wöste † | | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Münster, Germany |
4 Oct | | Born | Miguel Peinado Peinado † | | Bishop Emeritus of Jaén, Spain |
5 Oct | | Born | Daniel-Joseph-Louis-Marie Pézeril † | | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Paris, France |
8 Oct | 22.1 | Professed | Theodor (Hermann) Breher, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Bishop of Yanji [Yenki], China |
| Born | Mario Cagna † | | Apostolic Nuncio |
| Born | Miguel Angel García y Aráuz † | | Bishop Emeritus of Jalapa, Guatemala |
60.6 | Ordained Bishop | Antun Gjivoje † | Bishop of Split-Makarska (Spalato-Macarska), Croatia |
| Born | Joseph Howard Hodges † | | Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia, USA |
25.8 | Ordained Priest | Henri-Marie-Joseph Pinson † | Priest of Bourges, France | Bishop of Saint-Flour, France |
10 Oct | 80.3 | Died | Tomás Costa y Fornaguera † | Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain |
11 Oct | 17.8 | Professed | Nicasio Balisa y Melero, O.A.R. † | Member of Order of Augustinian Recollects | Vicar Apostolic of Casanare, Colombia |
12 Oct | | Born | Ricardo Rösch † | | Bishop of Concordia, Argentina |
61.6 | Appointed | Felice del Sordo † | Bishop of Alife, Italy |
15 Oct | 24.5 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Rossi † | Priest | Titular Bishop of Palmyra |
16 Oct | 46.5 | Died | Antonio María Massanet y Verd † | Bishop of Segorbe, Spain |
66.8 | Died | Augustine Van de Vyver † | Bishop of Richmond, Virginia, USA |
17 Oct | | Born | James John Hogan † | | Bishop Emeritus of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA |
18 Oct | 44.8 | Installed | Bruno (George Charles) Doerfler, O.S.B. † | Abbot of Saint Peter-Muenster, Saskatchewan, Canada |
53.5 | Appointed | Ricardo Sepúlveda Hermosilla † | Titular Bishop of Sophene | Ecclesiastical Governor (Vicar General) Emeritus of Temuco, Chile |
| Born | Julijonas Steponavičius † | | Archbishop of Vilnius, Lithuania |
26.1 | Ordained Priest | [Joseph Yao Guang-yu (Yao Kwang Yu)], C.M. † | Priest of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop of Beijing [Peking], China |
20 Oct | | Born | Artemio Gabriel Casas † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Jaro, Philippines |
21 Oct | 69.8 | Died | Francisco Javier Junguito, S.J. † | Bishop of Panamá |
22.0 | Entered | Leo Hale Taylor, S.M.A. † | Member of Society of African Missions | Archbishop Emeritus of Lagos, Nigeria |
22 Oct | 44.7 | Ordained Bishop | Antoine Bahabanian † | Bishop of Cesarea di Cappadocia (Armenian), Turkey |
44.8 | Ordained Bishop | Grégoire Bahabaninian † | Bishop of Ancira (Angora) (Armenian), Turkey |
34.5 | Installed | Francisco de Campos Barreto † | Bishop of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | Bishop of Campinas, Brazil |
37.6 | Ordained Bishop | Jean Couzian, I.C.P.B. † | Bishop of Iskanderiya {Alexandria} (Armenian), Egypt |
35.5 | Ordained Bishop | Augusto Álvaro da Silva † | Bishop of Floresta, Brazil | Cardinal, Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil |
55.9 | Ordained Bishop | Pascal Keklikian † | Bishop of Adana (Armenian), Turkey |
64.8 | Ordained Bishop | Giorgio de Lucchi † | Titular Bishop of Hemesa |
42.5 | Ordained Bishop | Bl. Ignatius (Shoukrallah) Maloyan, I.C.P.B. † | Archbishop of Mardin (Armenian), Turkey |
63.2 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph Melchisedechian [Melkisedekian] † | Bishop of Erzerum (Garin) (Armenian) |
36.7 | Ordained Bishop | Jean Naslian † | Bishop of Trabzon (Trebisonda) (Armenian), Turkey | Bishop Emeritus |
63.4 | Ordained Bishop | Joseph Rokossian † | Titular Archbishop of Achrida (Armenia) | Archbishop of Istanbul (Armenian), Turkey |
56.5 | Ordained Bishop | Jacques Topuzian † | Bishop of Musc (Mush) (Armenian), Armenia |
23 Oct | 66.7 | Appointed | Pacifico Monza, O.F.M. † | Minister General of Order of Friars Minor | Titular Bishop of Troas |
24 Oct | | Born | Luigi Boccadoro † | | Bishop Emeritus of Viterbo, Acquapendente, Bagnoregio, Montefiascone, Tuscania e San Martino al Monte Cimino, Italy |
61.4 | Resigned | Paulino Díaz Rodriguez, O.E.S.A. † | Prefect of San León del Amazonas, Peru | Prefect Emeritus |
| Born | Paul Grégoire † | | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Montréal, Québec, Canada |
52.6 | Ordained Bishop | Louis-Joseph Maurin † | Bishop of Grenoble, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France |
50.6 | Appointed | Pedro Prat Escalas, O.E.S.A. † | Prefect of San León del Amazonas, Peru | Prefect Emeritus |
25 Oct | | Born | David de Sousa, O.F.M. † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Évora, Portugal |
| Born | [Benedict Bonaventura Zhangxin], O.F.M. † | | Bishop Emeritus of Taiyuan [Taiyüan], China |
26 Oct | 59.8 | Ordained Bishop | Felix von Hartmann † | Bishop of Münster, Germany | Cardinal, Archbishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany |
75.8 | Died | Pedro Verdaguer y Prat † | Vicar Apostolic of Brownsville, Texas, USA |
27 Oct | 57.5 | Appointed | Dionysius Antonius Schüler, O.F.M. † | Titular Archbishop of Nazianzus |
28 Oct | 23.4 | Ordained Priest | Emilio de Brigard Ortiz † | Priest of Bogotá, Colombia | Auxiliary Bishop |
39.9 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe Castelli † | Bishop of Susa, Italy | Bishop of Novara, Italy |
58.1 | Ordained Bishop | Louis Humbrecht † | Bishop of Poitiers, France | Archbishop of Besançon, France |
73.4 | Appointed | Edward Ilsley † | Archbishop of Birmingham, England, Great Britain | Archbishop Emeritus |
| Born | Paulus Lo Bei Zhan (Luo Beizhan, Lo Pe Zhan) † | | Bishop of Chongqing [Chungking], China |
23.6 | Ordained Priest | Antonio Rocca † | Priest of Buenos Aires, Argentina | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
54.5 | Appointed | Thomas Whiteside † | Archbishop of Liverpool, England, Great Britain |
29 Oct | 39.0 | Ordained Bishop | Miguel de Lima Valverde † | Bishop of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | Archbishop of Olinda e Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil |
| Born | Pierre Samain † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium |
37.6 | Ordained Bishop | Manoel da Silva Gomes † | Titular Bishop of Mopsuestia | Archbishop Emeritus of Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil |
30 Oct | | Born | Maxim (Maksym) Hermaniuk, C.Ss.R. † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Winnipeg (Ukrainian), Manitoba, Canada |
31 Oct | 22.1 | Professed | John M. Collins, S.M.A. † | Member of Society of African Missions | Apostolic Internuncio to Liberia |