Catholic-Hierarchy DC

30th day of June

Living Bishop Events

1980 and Later

First Martyrs of the Church of Rome (Opt. Memorial)

See Also: 1979 and Earlier | Diocese Events

YearAgeBishopEventTitleCurrent Title
198143.7Daniel Francis WalshAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of San Francisco, California, USABishop Emeritus of Santa Rosa (in California), USA
43.7Daniel Francis WalshAppointedTitular Bishop of TigiasBishop Emeritus of Santa Rosa (in California), USA
198428.3Antonín BaslerOrdained PriestPriest of Olomouc, CzechiaAuxiliary Bishop
31.7Paulinus Chukwuemeka EzeokaforOrdained PriestPriest of Awka, NigeriaBishop
26.9Joe Steve VásquezOrdained PriestPriest of San Angelo, Texas, USAArchbishop of Galveston-Houston, Texas, USA
198531.8Guy André Marie de Kerimel de KervenoOrdained DeaconDeacon of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), FranceArchbishop of Toulouse (-Saint Bertrand de Comminges-Rieux), France
26.6François Michel Pierre KalistOrdained DeaconDeacon of Bourges, FranceArchbishop of Clermont, France
26.0Vlado KošićOrdained PriestPriest of Zagreb, CroatiaBishop of Sisak, Croatia
31.4José Augusto Traquina MariaOrdained PriestPriest of Lisboa {Lisbon}, PortugalBishop of Santarém, Portugal
27.4Kindane YebioOrdained PriestPriest of Asmara (Ethiopian), EritreaBishop of Keren (Eritrean), Eritrea
198830.2[Bernard Fellay], S.S.P.X.Ordained BishopBishop
31.4[Alfonso de Galarreta], S.S.P.X.Ordained BishopBishop
29.0Hervé GaschignardOrdained DeaconDeacon of Nantes, FranceBishop Emeritus of Aire et Dax, France
55.9Szilárd KeresztesAppointedBishop of Hajdúdorog (Hungarian), HungaryBishop Emeritus
55.9Szilárd KeresztesAppointedApostolic Administrator of Miskolc (Hungarian), HungaryBishop Emeritus of Hajdúdorog (Hungarian), Hungary
199124.9Jean Joseph Arsène BonduOrdained DeaconDeacon of Luçon, FranceAuxiliary Bishop of Rennes (-Dol-Saint-Malo), France
28.8Nicolas Jean René BrouwetOrdained DeaconDeacon of Nanterre, FranceBishop of Nîmes (-Uzès e Alès), France
51.3Alejandro Goić KarmelićAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Talca, ChileBishop Emeritus of Rancagua, Chile
31.3Pierre-Yves MichelOrdained PriestPriest of Lyon (-Vienne), FranceBishop of Nancy (-Toul), France
25.7Didier Fernand Gabriel NoblotOrdained DeaconDeacon of Troyes, FranceBishop of Saint-Flour, France
199628.3Emmanuel Marie Anne Alain GobilliardOrdained DeaconDeacon of Le Puy-en-Velay, FranceBishop of Digne (-Riez-Sisteron), France
199750.4Thomas Christopher CollinsSucceededBishop of Saint Paul in Alberta, CanadaCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
199859.6Louis Nerval Kébreau, S.D.B.AppointedBishop of Hinche, HaïtiArchbishop Emeritus of Cap-Haïtien, Haïti
54.3Terrence Thomas Prendergast, S.J.AppointedArchbishop of Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaArchbishop Emeritus of Ottawa-Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
47.6John Charles WesterAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of San Francisco, California, USAArchbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
47.6John Charles WesterAppointedTitular Bishop of LamiggigaArchbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
199934.0Joseph Bùi Công TrácOrdained PriestPriest of Thành-Phô Hồ Chí Minh (Hôchiminh Ville), Viet NamAuxiliary Bishop
33.6Joseph Đỗ Quang KhangOrdained PriestPriest of Thành-Phô Hồ Chí Minh (Hôchiminh Ville), Viet NamBishop of Bắc Ninh, Viet Nam
34.8Pierre Kiều Công TùngOrdained PriestPriest of Thành-Phô Hồ Chí Minh (Hôchiminh Ville), Viet NamBishop of Phát Diệm, Viet Nam
39.2Louis Nguyên Anh TuanOrdained PriestPriest of Thành-Phô Hồ Chí Minh (Hôchiminh Ville), Viet NamBishop of Hà Tĩnh, Viet Nam
200066.4Felipe Aguirre FrancoAppointedCoadjutor Archbishop of Acapulco, Guerrero, MéxicoArchbishop Emeritus
50.8Manuel Neto Quintas, S.C.I.AppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Faro {Algarve}, PortugalBishop
50.8Manuel Neto Quintas, S.C.I.AppointedTitular Bishop of ElicrocaBishop of Faro {Algarve}, Portugal
47.9Orazio SoricelliOrdained BishopArchbishop of Amalfi-Cava de’ Tirreni, Italy
200228.6François Hervé Marie DurandOrdained PriestPriest of Mende, FranceBishop of Valence (-Die-Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux), France
200357.4José Lai Hung-sengSucceededBishop of Macau, ChinaBishop Emeritus
46.6Datus Hilarion LegaAppointedBishop of Manokwari-Sorong, Indonesia
200452.9Juan Vicente Cordoba Villota, S.J.AppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Bucaramanga, ColombiaBishop of Fontibón, Colombia
52.9Juan Vicente Cordoba Villota, S.J.AppointedTitular Bishop of AusuccuraBishop of Fontibón, Colombia
54.6Héctor Cubillos PeñaAppointedBishop of Zipaquirá, Colombia
47.2Pascal Michel Ghislain DelannoyAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Lille, FranceArchbishop of Strasbourg, France
47.2Pascal Michel Ghislain DelannoyAppointedTitular Bishop of UsinazaArchbishop of Strasbourg, France
49.8Norbert José Henri TuriniAppointedBishop of Cahors, FranceArchbishop of Montpellier (-Lodève-Béziers-Agde-Saint-Pons-de-Thomières), France
200546.9Krzysztof Białasik, S.V.D.AppointedBishop of Oruro, Bolivia
42.6Ricardo Ernesto Centellas GuzmánAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Potosí, BoliviaArchbishop of Sucre, Bolivia
42.6Ricardo Ernesto Centellas GuzmánAppointedTitular Bishop of Turres AmmeniaeArchbishop of Sucre, Bolivia
31.8Antônio Ranis Rosendo Dos Santos, C.Ss.R.Perpetual VowsMember of Congregation of the Most Holy RedeemerBishop-Elect of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
200651.1Arturo AielloOrdained BishopBishop of Teano-Calvi, ItalyBishop of Avellino, Italy
52.5Amalraj ArulappanAppointedBishop of Ootacamund, India
24.7Stepan SusOrdained PriestPriest of Lviv (Ukrainian), UkraineCurial Bishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
200757.3Domenico CornacchiaAppointedBishop of Lucera-Troia, ItalyBishop of Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovinazzo-Terlizzi, Italy
72.8Michele Di RubertoOrdained BishopTitular Archbishop of BiccariSecretary Emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
48.4Gilbert Armea GarceraInstalledBishop of Daet, PhilippinesArchbishop of Lipa, Philippines
45.3Michael MulhallAppointedBishop of Pembroke, Ontario, CanadaArchbishop of Kingston, Ontario, Canada
68.1Peter RemigiusAppointedBishop of Kottar, IndiaBishop Emeritus
50.8Julius Sullan TonelAppointedPrelate of Ipil, PhilippinesArchbishop of Zamboanga, Philippines
60.3Giuseppe ZentiInstalledBishop of Verona, ItalyBishop Emeritus
200845.4Péter Fülöp KocsisOrdained BishopBishop of Hajdúdorog (Hungarian), HungaryArchbishop of Hajdúdorog (Hungarian), Hungary
57.0Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez, S.V.D.Laicized
200961.8Augustinus Tumaole Bane, O.M.I.AppointedBishop of Leribe, LesothoBishop Emeritus
55.3Gerard Tlali Lerotholi, O.M.I.AppointedArchbishop of Maseru, Lesotho
201072.6Ignacio Carrasco de PaulaAppointedPresident of the Pontifical Academy for LifePresident Emeritus
61.2Blase Joseph CupichAppointedBishop of Spokane, Washington, USACardinal, Archbishop of Chicago, Illinois, USA
59.7Enrico dal Covolo, S.D.B.AppointedRector of the Pontifical Lateran UniversityAssessor Emeritus of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences
58.8Salvatore Rino FisichellaAppointedPresident of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New EvangelizationPro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization
68.4Arthur Leo KennedyAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USAAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
68.4Arthur Leo KennedyAppointedTitular Bishop of TimidanaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
57.9Celestino MiglioreAppointedApostolic Nuncio to PolandApostolic Nuncio to France
66.0Marc Armand Ouellet, P.S.S.ResignedArchbishop of Québec, CanadaCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Bishops
66.0Marc Armand Ouellet, P.S.S.AppointedPrefect of the Congregation for BishopsCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Bishops
66.0Marc Armand Ouellet, P.S.S.AppointedPresident of the Pontifical Commission for Latin AmericaCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Bishops
76.4Giovanni Battista ReRetiredPrefect of the Congregation for BishopsCardinal, Dean of the College of Cardinals
76.4Giovanni Battista ReRetiredPresident of the Pontifical Commission for Latin AmericaCardinal, Dean of the College of Cardinals
75.3Peter Anthony RosazzaRetiredAuxiliary Bishop of Hartford, Connecticut, USAAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
76.3William Stephen SkylstadRetiredBishop of Spokane, Washington, USABishop Emeritus
58.7Peter John UgliettoAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
58.7Peter John UgliettoAppointedTitular Bishop of ThubursicumAuxiliary Bishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
201165.4Tadeusz KondrusiewiczAppointedApostolic Administrator of Pinsk, BelarusArchbishop Emeritus of Minsk-Mohilev, Belarus
53.4John Francis SherringtonAppointedAuxiliary Bishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain
53.4John Francis SherringtonAppointedTitular Bishop of HiltaAuxiliary Bishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain
60.1Robert Francis VasaSucceededBishop of Santa Rosa (in California), USA
73.7Daniel Francis WalshResignedBishop of Santa Rosa (in California), USABishop Emeritus
201263.9Francesco MilitoInstalledBishop of Oppido Mamertina-Palmi, ItalyBishop Emeritus
53.7Joseph Nguyễn Tấn TướcSucceededBishop of Phú Cường, Viet Nam
60.7Matthieu Nguyễn Văn KhôiSucceededBishop of Quy Nhơn (Qui Nhơn), Viet Nam
65.2José Roberto Ospina LeongómezInstalledBishop of Buga, ColombiaBishop Emeritus
57.2Marian RojekAppointedBishop of Zamość-Lubaczów, Poland
46.7Emmanuel Michel François ToisOrdained PriestPriest of Paris, FranceAuxiliary Bishop
75.3Pierre Trần Ðình TứRetiredBishop of Phú Cường, Viet NamBishop Emeritus
67.5Benedetto TuziaInstalledBishop of Orvieto-Todi, ItalyBishop Emeritus
55.8Rainer Maria WoelkiInstalledCardinal-Priest of San Giovanni Maria VianneyCardinal, Archbishop of Köln {Cologne}, Germany
201349.9Audilio Aguilar AguilarInstalledBishop of Santiago de Veraguas, Panama
52.7Benno ElbsOrdained BishopBishop of Feldkirch, Austria
201575.0Pierre FarineRetiredAuxiliary Bishop of Lausanne, Genève et Fribourg (Freiburg), SwitzerlandAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
201666.7Gabriel ’Leke AbegunrinCeasedApostolic Administrator of Osogbo, NigeriaArchbishop of Ibadan, Nigeria
53.1John Akinkunmi OyejolaOrdained BishopBishop of Osogbo, Nigeria
201762.1Arturo AielloInstalledBishop of Avellino, Italy
66.6Leopoldo González GonzálezAppointedArchbishop of Acapulco, Guerrero, México
50.8Rubén Darío Jaramillo MontoyaAppointedBishop of Buenaventura, Colombia
75.4Arthur Leo KennedyRetiredAuxiliary Bishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USAAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
58.4Santiago OliveraInstalledBishop of Argentina, Military
67.2Jorge VázquezSucceededBishop of Morón, Argentina
201875.1John Anthony DooherRetiredAuxiliary Bishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USAAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
44.6Milan Lach, S.J.InstalledBishop of Parma (Ruthenian), Ohio, USAAuxiliary Bishop of Bratislava (Slovak), Slovakia
201951.9Giovanni Cefai, M.S.S.P.InstalledPrelate of Santiago Apóstol de Huancané, Peru
53.4Fintan GavinOrdained BishopBishop of Cork and Ross, Ireland
65.0Giovanni NerbiniOrdained BishopBishop of Prato, Italy
57.0António Augusto de Oliveira AzevedoInstalledBishop of Vila Real, Portugal
71.0Pierre WarinInstalledBishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium
48.0Christian WürtzOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of Germania in DaciaAuxiliary Bishop of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
202059.7Elias Richard G. Lorenzo, O.S.B.Ordained BishopTitular Bishop of TabudaAuxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
58.1Michael Arsenio SaporitoOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of LupercianaAuxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
72.2Gregory James StuderusOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of Tarasa in ByzacenaAuxiliary Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, USA
66.1Jorge Martín Torres CarbonellAppointedBishop of Gregorio de Laferrere, Argentina
202152.1Edgardo Fabián Antúnez-Percíncula Kaenel, S.J.AppointedBishop of San José de Mayo, Uruguay
48.8Cleocir BonettiAppointedBishop of Caçador, Santa Catarina, Brazil
77.7Andrej GlavanRetiredBishop of Novo Mesto, SloveniaBishop Emeritus
55.1Andrej SajeAppointedBishop of Novo Mesto, Slovenia
202251.7Alain Clément AmiéziAppointedBishop of Odienné, Côte d’Ivoire
59.9Jorge Alberto Cavazos ArizpeInstalledArchbishop of San Luis Potosí, México
49.3Peter C. HarmanResignedRector of the Pontifical North American CollegeRector Emeritus
66.6Thomas Antonios Valiyavilayil, O.I.C.InstalledBishop of Saint John Chrysostom of Gurgaon (Syro-Malankara), India
Varghese Vinayanand Vekkal, O.I.C.CeasedApostolic Administrator of Saint John Chrysostom of Gurgaon (Syro-Malankara), IndiaPriest of Order of Imitation of Christ
202369.4Timothy John Costelloe, S.D.B.AppointedApostolic Administrator of Bunbury, AustraliaArchbishop of Perth, Australia
75.8Gerard Joseph HolohanRetiredBishop of Bunbury, AustraliaBishop Emeritus
70.0Vito RalloRetiredApostolic Nuncio to MoroccoApostolic Nuncio
75.3Neil Edward Tiedemann, C.P.RetiredAuxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn, New York, USAAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
202451.8Lucio NicolettoInstalledPrelate of São Félix, Mato Grosso, Brazil
58.2Gianpiero PalmieriInstalledBishop of San Benedetto del Tronto-Ripatransone-Montalto, ItalyBishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy
54.9Antony ValumkalOrdained BishopTitular Bishop of MagarmelAuxiliary Bishop of Verapoly, India


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