Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Died | Abraham † | Archbishop of Urmyā {Rezayeh} (Chaldean), Iran |
25.0 | Ordained Priest | Ignace André Akhidjan † | Priest | Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Syrian), Lebanon |
72.0 | Died | Crisostomo Antichi, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Trebinje e Mrkan, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
| Born | Domenico Antonio Bernardini † | | Bishop of Mileto, Italy |
26.0 | Ordained Priest | Sebastián Catalán † | Priest | Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain |
37.0 | Appointed | Michelangelo Catalani, O.F.M. Conv. † | Minister General of Order of Friars Minor Conventual | Bishop of Isernia, Italy |
73.9 | Resigned | Antoine de Coues † | Bishop of Condom, France | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Pedro da Silva, O.S.A. † | | Bishop of Cochin, India |
25.0 | Ordained Priest | Miguel de Fuentes Blas y Altossano, O. Cist. † | Priest | Bishop of Lugo, Spain |
| Born | Silvestre García Escalona † | | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain |
| Born | Alfonso Basilio Ghetaldo, O.S.B. † | | Bishop of Stagno (Ston), Croatia |
| Died | Jan Kosakiewicz † | Auxiliary Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania |
| Born | Mihály Kovacsóczy † | | Priest |
| Born | Charles Le Goux de la Berchère † | | Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
| Born | Andreas Matusseck † | | Bishop of Knin (Tinin), Croatia |
| Born | Bartolomé de Mesones, O.F.M. † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Burgos, Spain |
| Born | Carlo Francesco Muti † | | Bishop of Città della Pieve, Italy |
| Died | Pedro Neila (Neyla) † | Bishop of Segovia, Spain |
| Born | Patrick O’Donnelly † | | Bishop Emeritus of Dromore, Ireland |
| Born | Jacques Potier de Novion † | | Bishop of Évreux, France |
52.4 | Ordained Priest | Beat Albrecht von Ramstein † | Priest | Bishop of Basel, Switzerland |
| Born | Tommaso Saladini † | | Bishop of Parma, Italy |
47.0 | Died | Bruno Sciamanna † | Bishop of Caserta, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Battista Sfondrati † | Bishop of Pavia, Italy |
72.0 | Died | János Telegdy † | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
| Appointed | Maestro Valderas, O. de M. † | Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | Archbishop Emeritus |
| Born | Domingo de Valencia † | | Bishop-Elect of Nueva Caceres, Philippines |
19.2 | Ordained Priest | Francisco Varo, O.P. † | Priest of Order of Friars Preachers |
59.0 | Died | Giovanni Tommaso Venetiani † | Bishop of Troia, Italy |
| Born | Mathieu Ysoré d’Hervault † | | Archbishop of Tours, France |
6 Jan | | Born | Jean Soanen, C.O.I. † | | Bishop of Senez, France |
7 Jan | 53.0 | Appointed | Ignazio Ciantes, O.P. † | Bishop of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi e Bisaccia, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
17 Jan | 76.0 | Died | Zerbino Lugo † | Bishop of Feltre, Italy |
| Born | Francisco de São Jerõnimo de Andrade, C.R.S.J.E. † | | Bishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
21 Jan | 47.0 | Appointed | Alphonse d’Elbène † | Bishop of Orléans, France |
24.9 | Resigned | Camillo Francesco Maria Pamphilj † | Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Domnica | Cardinal, |
22 Jan | 35.6 | Appointed | Bl. Benedetto Odescalchi † | Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
27 Jan | 46.0 | Died | Ippolito Campioni, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Chiusi, Italy |
Feb | 46.0 | Ordained Priest | Ottavio Poderico † | Priest | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
3 Feb | 53.0 | Ordained Bishop | Ignazio Ciantes, O.P. † | Bishop of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi e Bisaccia, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Vasyl Varlam Szeptycki (Sheptyskyi) † | | Bishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
8 Feb | 67.1 | Died | Domingo Abad Huerta † | Bishop of Teruel, Spain |
15 Feb | 41.1 | Ordained Bishop | Claude Auvry † | Bishop of Coutances, France | Bishop Emeritus |
18 Feb | | Born | Giovanni Matteo Marchetti † | | Bishop of Arezzo, Italy |
63.6 | Confirmed | Juan Merino López, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Valladolid, Spain |
28.1 | Appointed | François de Péricard † | Bishop of Angoulême, France |
63.1 | Appointed | Juan Queipo de Llano Flores † | Bishop of Jaén, Spain |
21.3 | Ordained Priest | Johann Kaspar Schnorf † | Priest of Basel, Switzerland | Auxiliary Bishop |
2 Mar | | Born | Domenico Belisario de Bellis † | | Bishop of Molfetta, Italy |
3 Mar | | Born | Joseph Simeon Cavagnini † | | Bishop of Trogir (Traù), Croatia |
11 Mar | 47.1 | Appointed | John de Burgh † | Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland |
| Appointed | Hugh Burke, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Kilmacduagh, Ireland |
| Appointed | Olivier Darcy, O.P. † | Bishop of Dromore, Ireland |
| Appointed | Boetius Egan, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Ross, Ireland |
| Appointed | Andrew Lynch † | Bishop of Kilfenora, Ireland |
| Appointed | Walter Lynch † | Bishop of Clonfert, Ireland |
| Appointed | Arthur Magennis, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Down and Connor, Ireland |
52.1 | Appointed | Anthony MacGeoghegan, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Clonmacnoise, Ireland | Bishop Emeritus of Meath, Ireland |
46.1 | Appointed | Bl. Terence Albert O’Brien, O.P. † | Coadjutor Bishop of Emly, Ireland |
46.1 | Appointed | Bl. Terence Albert O’Brien, O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Calama | Coadjutor Bishop of Emly, Ireland |
44.1 | Appointed | Patrick Plunkett, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland | Bishop of Meath, Ireland |
13 Mar | | Born | Francesco della Marra † | | Bishop of Mottola (Motula), Italy |
16 Mar | 29.4 | Ordained Priest | Michelangelo Brancavalerio † | Priest | Bishop of Alatri, Italy |
28.7 | Ordained Deacon | Peter Talbot † | Deacon | Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland |
17 Mar | 33.5 | Ordained Bishop | Simeone Difnico † | Bishop of Nona (Nin), Croatia | Bishop of Feltre, Italy |
21 Mar | 72.2 | Died | Paolo Ciera, O.S.A. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Ostia (-Velletri), Italy |
24 Mar | 57.2 | Ordained Bishop | Juan de Orta y Moreno † | Bishop of Orihuela, Spain |
25 Mar | | Born | Vincenzo Cavalli (Gaballi) † | | Bishop of Bertinoro, Italy |
26 Mar | | Born | Magino Ventallol, O.P. † | | Vicar Apostolic of Fukien (Kuiceu), China |
28 Mar | | Born | Agnello Rossi, O. Carm. † | | Bishop of Potenza, Italy |
31 Mar | 61.2 | Ordained Bishop | Juan Pérez Delgado † | Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain | Archbishop of Burgos, Spain |
Apr | 79.2 | Died | Francisco de la Serna y Rimaga Salazar, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of La Paz, Bolivia |
| Died | Bernadino Larizza † | Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia |
8 Apr | 59.2 | Appointed | Robert Barry † | Bishop of Cork and Cloyne, Ireland |
36.2 | Confirmed | Jacques Montrouge † | Bishop of Saint-Flour, France |
57.6 | Appointed | Charles de Noailles † | Bishop of Rodez, France |
| Appointed | Gregorius Sepozrinski † | Auxiliary Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania |
| Appointed | Gregorius Sepozrinski † | Titular Bishop of Spiga(z) (or Pegae) | Auxiliary Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania |
9 Apr | | Born | João de Sousa † | | Archbishop of Lisboa, Portugal |
10 Apr | | Selected | Charles de Rosmadec † | Bishop of Vannes, France | Archbishop of Tours, France |
14 Apr | | Born | Martinus Steyaert † | | Vicar Apostolic of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands |
17 Apr | 70.2 | Died | Aegidius Ursinus de Vivere † | Titular Patriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine |
18 Apr | | Born | Antonio Polcenigo † | | Bishop of Feltre, Italy |
1 May | 24.0 | Ordained Priest | St. François-Xavier de Laval de Montmorency † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Québec, Canada |
6 May | 73.3 | Appointed | César Argelli (de Paltronibus) † | Archbishop of Avignon, France |
47.0 | Appointed | Francesco Boccapaduli † | Bishop of Città di Castello, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
56.3 | Confirmed | Diego Chueca † | Bishop of Teruel, Spain |
43.3 | Appointed | Bartolomeo Cresconi † | Bishop of Caserta, Italy |
| Appointed | Giovanni Mihele de Curtis, O. Carm. † | Bishop of Syros (e Milos), Greece | Bishop Emeritus |
55.3 | Appointed | György Széchényi † | Bishop of Pécs, Hungary | Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
12 May | 73.3 | Ordained Bishop | César Argelli (de Paltronibus) † | Archbishop of Avignon, France |
82.3 | Died | Johann Platzgummer † | Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy |
14 May | 51.3 | Selected | Simone Carafa Roccella, C.R. † | Archbishop of Messina, Italy |
16 May | 66.3 | Died | Jacques d’Angennes † | Bishop of Bayeux, France |
19 May | 39.3 | Ordained Bishop | Jacobus de la Torre † | Titular Bishop of Ephesus | Vicar Apostolic of Batavia (Holland Mission), Netherlands |
26 May | | Born | Giovanni Francesco Maria Poggi, O.S.M. † | | Bishop of San Miniato, Italy |
27 May | 39.4 | Appointed | Giovanni Ambrogio Bicuti † | Bishop of Acqui, Italy |
47.4 | Ordained Bishop | Alphonse d’Elbène † | Bishop of Orléans, France |
58.4 | Confirmed | Miguel Escartín Arbeza, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Barbastro, Spain | Bishop of Tarazona, Spain |
51.4 | Appointed | Tommaso Imperato † | Bishop of Vico Equense, Italy |
40.4 | Appointed | Raphael Levacovich, O.F.M. Obs. † | Archbishop of Achrida (Ochrida), Bulgaria |
61.4 | Appointed | Alessandro Masi † | Bishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy |
46.4 | Appointed | Ottavio Poderico † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
29.7 | Appointed | Hyacinthe Serroni, O.P. † | Bishop of Orange, France | Archbishop of Albi, France |
| Appointed | Simeone de Summis, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Sapë, Albania |
| Appointed | Jean-Vincent de Tulles † | Bishop of Lavaur, France |
Jun | | Born | Paul Godet des Marais † | | Bishop of Chartres, France |
2 Jun | 17.6 | Professed | Andrea Deodati, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Archbishop of Rossano, Italy |
39.4 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Ambrogio Bicuti † | Bishop of Acqui, Italy |
51.4 | Ordained Bishop | Tommaso Imperato † | Bishop of Vico Equense, Italy |
40.4 | Ordained Bishop | Raphael Levacovich, O.F.M. Obs. † | Archbishop of Achrida (Ochrida), Bulgaria |
38.7 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Battista Morra † | Priest | Bishop of Isola, Italy |
46.4 | Ordained Bishop | Ottavio Poderico † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
29.7 | Ordained Bishop | Hyacinthe Serroni, O.P. † | Bishop of Orange, France | Archbishop of Albi, France |
| Ordained Bishop | Simeone de Summis, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Sapë, Albania |
8 Jun | | Born | Onofrio Montesoro † | | Bishop Emeritus of Castellaneta, Italy |
10 Jun | 61.4 | Ordained Bishop | Alessandro Masi † | Bishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy |
15 Jun | 23.1 | Ordained Priest | Johann Daniel von Gudenus † | Priest of Mainz, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop |
29.4 | Ordained Priest | Manuel de la Torre † | Priest | Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy |
28.2 | Ordained Priest | Pietro Valentini † | Priest | Bishop of Sovana (Soana), Italy |
27 Jun | 16.0 | Professed | Juan Bautista Sorribas, O. Carm. † | Member of Order of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel | Bishop of Ampurias e Civita, Italy |
30 Jun | | Ordained Priest | Calanio della Ciaja † | Priest | Bishop of Nardò, Italy |